Code of Wasteland Survival

Chapter 791: Gray Screen Force

While Qi Lin and the main brain were still chatting together, the battle in the underground world had gradually entered a white-hot state.

After the Basaka troops and armored troops participated in the battle, the victorious scale finally began to lean towards the consortium alliance. After the c06 section was taken, c07 and c08 were also broken one after another. The alliance's troops were advancing along the 8752 channel like a broken bamboo, and Successfully regained several small and medium-sized shelters along the way.

There are hardly many living people in these reclaimed shelters-the original administrators, troops, and executors have all been killed, the corpses are randomly abandoned at the entrance of the tunnel, and the children and the elderly are all driven into. Arrived in the mine, suffocated alive and died. Except for those who were forcibly conscripted into the army, all the rest were killed, and only the young women were left.

Of course, the fate of these women is not much better than that of being killed. Almost all of them are reduced to the tools of the railway rebel soldiers to vent. In this case, it is those women with ugly appearance and fat body who receive less abuse. .

Hmm...Of course, it is not ruled out that some soldiers have special tastes, and they like the particularly plump type of women, but in any case, fat women are better than those scrawny women, and their physiques are stronger and livelier. The chance of coming down is also greater.

Something like the awl face, a4 waist, pencil legs and so on pursued in the old days... Now, it has become a symbol of "weakness".

When the Alliance troops rushed into the house where these women were being held, they were almost not overwhelmed by the peculiar smell in the air... The lethality of this smell was not inferior to military chemical weapons.

Various fishy odors, body fluids, food residues, **** odors, etc. are mixed together, and there is even the smell of rotting corpses... You should know that those resistance forces crawled out of tunnels and mines, not to mention hygiene The conditions are good, most of them are radiation sickness patients, skin ulceration and pus is still a trivial matter, what's more, even the fingers and toes are all rotten.

Looking at these women who had been insulted to insanity, the soldiers of the consortium alliance showed a trace of embarrassment on their faces, but soon, a secret order was quietly spread to all the troops-"Don't leave one."

The supplies in these refuges have been looted by the rebels. The consortium does not have enough food to feed these women, nor does it have enough staff to take care of them... Instead of wasting time and resources on this, it is better...

In the words of the big man above, these refuges belonged to the enemy's area before, and those who remained were naturally classified as prisoners.

And the way the Alliance treated the prisoners this time, there was only one word-kill.

The order to kill all the survivors was not conveyed straightforwardly, but the implications of including these people as "captives" were already clear. The soldiers quickly withdrew from these houses and locked the doors from the outside. He died, then pulled the grenade off the tab and threw it in from the window.

With a few muffled noises, these reclaimed shelters were "completely emptied".

Ammunition, food and other materials were soon transported to the front line, and these refuges were also used by the consortium as front-line warehouses, barracks, and headquarters. Relying on these refuges, they gradually eroded the railway rebels’ territory. .

And the "old acquaintance" Abel, who has dealt with Qi Lin several times, has also arrived at the forefront with a batch of his "new works."

"Gray Screen Troops", this is the name Abel gave to his troops. The Gray Screen Troop consists of 60 new reformers, including 45 enhanced reformers and 15 superpower reformers. .

These 60 new reformers have almost exhausted all the funds allocated to Abel by the parliament. This gray screen force was only initially formed not long ago. Abel can't wait to send an application to the parliament to participate in the battle.

The reason is very simple. He needs substantive feats, first to prove himself, and second, to wash away the shame on him.

The previous matchup at the Colosseum can be said to be a stain in Abel’s life that cannot be erased-three new reformers, including the super sample that can defeat the Gamma-class Basaka, unexpectedly All lost to that bastard, this is simply a shame! Although the parliament did not cut his project for this reason, Abel received a severe warning from the parliament in private.

Abel didn't know how he spent the darkest days.

The new type of reformer did not make Abel's status a rocket-like rise. He is still just the leader of an experimental group, but the group has expanded from 30 to 80 members. As for the permissions and experiments that Abel wants most. Although funding has also improved, it has not reached the level he had previously imagined.

For Abel, this is far from enough!

This battle with the railway rebels is a rare opportunity. Naturally, Abel cannot let it go. He has even thought out the script-he commanded the Gray Screen troops to go deep alone, kill countless enemies, and go straight to Huanglong. Taking down the base of the Railway Resistance Army in one fell swoop... and he, as the developer of a new type of reformer and the commander of the gray screen force, adding an official to the ranks, naturally it is also a certainty...

I have to say that as a scientist, Abel can definitely be regarded as a However, he is not the one who commanded the battle.

His combat policy, if shown to any officer above the rank of lieutenant, can point out a lot of loopholes, even many of them, fatal enough to wipe out the entire Gray Screen troops.

Going deep alone to this point is tantamount to sentenced to death for the Gray Screen troops-Abel did so naturally to do his own military merits, but he has forgotten one thing, no matter how the Gray Screen troops’ individual combat capabilities are. Powerful, this is always just a small force with less than a hundred people. Once it is surrounded by enemy forces, these sixty people will be eaten almost in an instant.

Although this is a straight passage, there are a large number of refuges on both sides of the passage. The Alliance army must also step by step when advancing-every time a section of road is attacked, the refuge connected to this section is required They were "emptied" and then sent troops to garrison, and Abel only had these sixty new reformers in his hands, not to mention garrisoning troops in these refuges, even emptying these refuges would be difficult.

Although these refuges are all small refuges, they can be converted into cities of the old age. They are at least tens of thousands of people. Sixty people are thrown in. It is almost like a mud cow entering the sea. If you want to search the entire refuge, it is estimated that It will take a day or two.

Abel is absolutely unwilling to waste time on this.

In his thoughts, the entire combat plan, in addition to offensive or offensive, would be done by advancing forward. As for the refuges on both sides, just hand it over to the "unbranded troops" behind to solve them.

To use a well-known old saying in the old days, that is-"As long as a passes, you win." I want to talk to more like-minded people about the "Wasteland Survival Code", WeChat pays attention to "Excellent Literature", read novels, talk about life, and find friends~