Come To Douluo, Don’t You Have a Relationship

Chapter 270: A touch of ambiguity in the Star Dou F

Seeing that everyone's breakfast was almost resolved, Zao Wou-ki looked at the shining sun in the sky and commanded: "Let's go."

The group of people left the town, and everyone speeded up. It was already very close to the Star Dou Forest. Everyone rushed to the road with all their strength, and it only took one hour to arrive.

The Star Dou Great Forest is located in the southern area of ​​the Tiandu Empire. No one knows how many years it has existed in the Douluo Continent. However, after entering the forest, the denseness of the sky and the sun has shocked people, and everyone is really moved.

Tang Muchen looked at the big tree in front of him, and couldn't help but secretly said, "It's nature's supreme masterpiece."

From a distance, he faintly felt bursts of fresh air blowing from the front, and the smell of plant fragrance was refreshing and uncomfortable. Taking a deep breath of fresh air, the 36,000 pores all over the body seemed to be stretched out, and that feeling was unspeakably refreshing.

The golden eyes looked far away at a large ocean, and the endless green looked so shocking, and that comfortable refreshing breath came from this.

Before coming to the forest, the air became more comfortable, as if the temperature had dropped a bit. The refreshing sensation with the moist earthy fragrance constantly permeates everyone's sense of smell.

Ning Rongrong responded to Tang Muchen's words from the side: "Yes, it's really beautiful."

"This is my first time here."

Xiao Wu in the front turned her head back to Ning Rongrong with a sweet smile: "The Star Dou Forest is the most beautiful place in the mainland."

She smiled.

Ning Rongrong covered his mouth and smiled: "Xiao Wu, you look very happy today. Did something good happen?"

"Because returning to the Star Dou Great Forest gave me a feeling of returning to my hometown."

"The fresh air, the direction of the soil, the refreshing wind, the blue sky and white clouds, the big trees in the sky."

While talking, she hopped forward and backward.

Tang San couldn't help shaking his head behind his back, and followed closely behind him.

Leading Dai Mubai took the lead and said to the comrades: "Then, just follow the previous method."

"I'm at the forefront, Tang San follows behind me, don't leave too far."

"Ma Hongjun and Xiao Wu are in charge of both sides, Oscar, you are in the middle, Ning Rongrong is at the end, and Zhu Zhuqing is on guard around them."

"As for the two, please do it yourself."

In fact, Dai Mubai wanted Tang Muchen to stand in front with him, because the two strong attack systems were more certain, but he knew that he couldn't be obedient, so he stepped back.

Although it is self-help, Tang Muchen will definitely guard his girlfriend's side, Dai Mubai also knows this.

Sure enough, the next moment, Tang Muchen said, "I'll be by Rongrong's side."

Dai Mubai nodded, "So trouble you."

After completing the negotiation, Tang Muchen looked very indifferent, looked ahead, and saw


Ning Rongrong greeted Gu Yuena with a moving smile on his face.

Today she seems to be in a very happy mood, and the faint blush on her face makes her look beautiful and compelling.


The long silver hair was dangled arbitrarily, there was not much expression in the purple eyes, and a faint smile appeared on the delicate face.

It is said that a cold girl with a gentle smile is extremely moving. At this moment, Gu Yuena's smile surprised everyone present.

She was obviously just a girl, but no one could compare her charm.

Zao Wou-ki, who walked on the sidelines and watched with cold eyes, looked at the teenagers in front of him. He was observing everyone's actions on this Star Dou Journey, and based on this, he would give some advice after returning to the academy.

When he saw the girl with long silver hair Allure smiled, his heart couldn't help but sigh with this beautiful beauty.

However, leaving more in his heart is the terrible strength she exerted last night.

His eyes were a bit solemn and bitter.

Compared with the two of them, the strength of the students in my academy is still far worse.

Moreover, the combined attack of these two people yesterday is not weaker than my strongest skill. I am a soul saint, and now only two children who have reached the level of the soul can perform an attack similar to their own.

There was a faint color in his eyes.

"The wave behind the Yangtze River pushes the wave forward. It's really old and old."


Gu Yuena and Ning Rongrong didn't know what soul they were awakening, they chatted more speculatively.

Ning Rongrong was mainly talking about it, and Gu Yuena would usually answer it.

The two people always feel that the more they talk, the more cheerful they become.

However, Tang Muchen always felt that Ning Rongrong and Gu Yuena would occasionally pay attention to themselves.

The look in his eyes was a little strange, as if he was looking at the beast again.

"Assi, I always feel that my image has been severely destroyed."

Tang Muchen was a little helpless.

Turning his eyes to appreciate the surrounding scenery.

This journey was spent in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere.

A slight voice of conversation attracted Tang Muchen's attention.

It turned out that dozens of rodents appeared in front of them, seeming to block their way.

Tang San grabbed Dai Mubai, who had been slashing forward with one hand, and shook his back to the crowd with one hand, indicating that there was no danger. With the experience passed on to him by the master, he could tell at a glance that this group of twenty or thirty rodent ferrets were nothing more than ten-year spirit beasts.

The rodents didn't show much, obviously they didn't have any interest in them.

Tang San pointed to the side, Dai Mubai understood, and continued to cut the thorns to the side to help everyone move forward.

As he walked forward, Dai Mubai asked Tang San in a low voice, "Why are we walking around? The rodent ferrets just now are not strong, just kill them."

Tang San smiled and said, "They are not a threat to us, so why kill them? If all spirit masters are like this, can there be spirit beasts in this forest many years later? What's more, my teacher said that in wild spirits In the beast forest, even if you encounter low-level spirit beasts, you can't take it lightly, because once you fight with them, the **** smell and sound are likely to attract powerful spirit beasts. We better be careful."

Dai Mubai surrendered and said, "Master is really an elder."

Tang San shook his head and said with a laugh: "These experiences are for his own good."

It's just an episode.

Tang Muchen quietly approached Gu Yuena who was chatting in front of her.

Then he stretched out his hand decisively, holding Ning Rongrong's slender waist with one hand and Gu Yuena's small hand with the other.

He whispered: "Have you heard?"


She obediently let him hold the little hand.

"All in all, these young men still have good ingredients."

"This should be enough to satisfy you."

Tang Muchen said with a smile.

Then she moved her big mouth mischievously, and gently stroked her lips.


Gu Yuena made a small cute voice, and it was the first time the two kissed openly.

On the other side, Ning Rongrong puffed up his small mouth, and quietly pinched Tang Muchen's soft flesh over there, signaled that he was very angry, and quickly let me notice.

Tang Muchen did the same and gently kissed her cherry lips again.

She was still a little nervous when she went to kiss Ning Rongrong.

As for how she could tell, it was naturally the big eyes that she quietly closed.

And the eyelashes that quivered slightly.

There were bursts of exclamation around.

Zao Wou-ki has a black line on his face: "It's so good to be young, do these things one by one."

Tang San looked at his bold movements in shock, and looked at Ning Rongrong from the left, and then at Gu Yuena, with an expression of admiration on his face.

Ma Hongjun writes a Chinese character cow in capital.

Oscar was not clean, or he would cry again at night.

Xiao Wu somewhat thought of something that Tang Muchen did yesterday.

"Ah this."

The hidden Zhu Zhuqing: "I want it."