Come To Douluo, Don’t You Have a Relationship

Chapter 314: Look at Yan's head, he is green!


Hu Liena clutched her eyes and thoughts fluttered over there, seeming to be paralyzed there.

Ah, although it's cute, isn't it a bit bad for the girl to collapse straight?

Tang Muchen felt that way anyway, just when he was about to reach out his big hand to grab Hu Liena's small hand and grab her whole person.

Xie Yue on the side woke up suddenly, with a bruised nose and swollen face, but she struggling to open her eyes.

The purple eyes opened slightly, seeming to be a bit misty, but after a while, he seemed to see the outside world clearly, his gaze wandered around, and suddenly he felt something, so he saw where he had gone. -Sister's direction.

The sight in it even made his eyes wide open.

The reason was naturally that her lovely sister covered her eyes with her small hands, her small face was red visible to the naked eye, and Tang Muchen's claws were reaching her.

He felt weird. He couldn't help but scratched his eyes, rubbed it, and looked at it again. The situation was still the same.

So that is to say.

Her arrogant sister, she dismissed all the men, even her elder brother was a little closer than usual, but now she is actually in physical contact with other boys.

It's incredible, it's incredible.

He raised his hand tremblingly, and then--

Tang Muchen seemed to feel the movement of the people around him, and couldn't help twisting his head. He saw Xie Yue in the distance and stretched out his right hand, revealing the shape of a thumb.

Then he seemed to see Tang Muchen looking at him, and after Xie Yue showed a bright and blind smile, she showed how white her teeth were.

At the moment when Tang Muchen was confused by the second monk, he fell again.

He closed his eyes and walked peacefully.

Of course it's impossible, but the shock and the damage just now couldn't hold it for a while and fainted.

Of course, the last thumb was the praise he gave to Tang Muchen.

"Come on, boy."

That's what I mean.

Ahem, although this elder brother is a bit strange, it's not a big problem.

Tang Muchen ignored this elder brother, and then continued to stretch out his big hand towards Hu Liena.

The big warm hand held the cold little hand in the next moment.

This is also the first time that Tang Muchen and Hu Liena have held hands, it's just that it was done under this situation.


Hu Liena, who was already in entanglement, suddenly felt that a big hand was holding herself. Without much thought, she could only follow instinct, and let out a shocked sound from her little cherry mouth, and then she was pulled up by Tang Muchen forcefully. Up.

Tang Muchen's original intention was naturally to help Hu Liena supreme not to lie upright on the ground so unsightly, at least to straighten up.

Apart from that, there are no other fanciful ideas!

You have to pay attention, I, Tang Muchen, is definitely not that kind of person.

Then, relying on this consciousness, Tang Muchen decisively stretched out his hand to hold Hu Liena's small hand, and then used his big hand hard.

Although Hu Liena's body is plump, it belongs to the golden ratio. Because her height is not very high, her weight is also a more appropriate category.

However, Tang Muchen seemed to have not considered this situation, and suddenly used his big hands.

[Ahem, I really don’t have any sexual interest! ! ! 】

With big hands, Tang Muchen's body, which was already soft, was immediately brought up by Tang Muchen.

Of course, in fact, there are also Tang Muchen who feel that this situation is a bit exciting to him, so he doesn't pay much attention to his own power.

Hu Liena, who collapsed on the ground, had no idea of ​​resisting at all, but was pulled up by him obediently.

In this way, it is actually correct.

But officially because of this lack of effort, an embarrassing situation occurred.

Tang Muchen is now in an enlarged version, that is to say, his height is two meters and five meters, both legs and arms are larger than before, and then he pulled Hu Liena up like this again. .

Although the ending was successful, it was obvious that Hu Liena appeared in the wrong position.

Hu Liena, who was held by Tang Muchen with one hand and covered her big eyes with the other, stared at the current situation in a daze.


There were two huge wailings in the air.

"What's the situation?"

That's right, because Tang Muchen happened to be standing on Hu Liena who collapsed on the ground, so this action brought only one result.

That was Hu Liena who stood up straight, with a delicate little face just facing...

"Ah, what is it."

Hu Liena's wailing was louder than before.

Then she seemed to play her instinctive role.

The huge force immediately pushed Tang Muchen away.

It should be instinct, instinct.

In this state, Tang Muchen felt that it was a huge force that could not be resisted, so he was pushed away heavily.

Maybe something was caught by the foot, and he couldn't control the fall of his body.

But his right hand is still grasped with Hu Liena's small hand, that is to say, the ending can be imagined.

All of this happened between the electric light and flint, and everything was not reflected so quickly.

"Well, why is it so noisy."

He was beaten to death so that Yan suddenly regained his spirit. He held the big tree on the side with his big hands and opened his eyes. The fiery red hair was messy, and it seemed to be a little shaky.

He was very unconscious, but he stood up tremblingly while supporting the big tree on the side.

"How is the battle."

As he looked around, he suddenly showed doubts.

"Where are they now."

"Nana, Nana is..."

The voice was full of anxiety, but he braked at a crucial point.

The reason for this is naturally what he saw in his eyes.

The fiery red eyes opened wide, and the eyes that were usually full of unruly lost their light at this time, and the mouth remained the same as it was just opened.

"This, this is."

In Yan's eyes, everything in front of him was unbelievable ~ The enlarged version of Tang Muchen was lying on the ground, and then kept looking up.

The point is that there is still a person on his body.

Familiar short blond hair, charming face, her eyes seemed to have a surprised look at Yan.

Just pressing on the body is not the point that Yan pays the most attention. Yan's gaze closely looked at the big hand they were holding, and Hu Liena's other small hand, which was kept flat in order to support herself, was placed where it should not be placed. local.

"Why does it become like this."

Yan opened his mouth wide for a long time, and finally couldn't help roaring loudly.

Suddenly the birds scattered in the forest.

Xu Shi's voice was too loud, and a fallen leaf, glowing with verdant color, fell impartially on Yan's messy hair.

What a famous scene!

Look at Yan's head, he is green!