Come To Douluo, Don’t You Have a Relationship

Chapter 316: Hu Liena who wants unknown

"Girl's mouth, deceitful ghost."

This is from Tang Muchen's spit.

Of course, this complaint is faster than his actions. We won't complain about it.

Tang Muchen couldn't be hit by her either, moving his body quickly, he avoided Hu Liena's direct attack on the door.

"Wow, senior sister, you don't teach martial arts."

Tang Muchen said ridiculously, but also secretly told himself: "Don't believe the nonsense of beautiful women, this is what Zhang Wuji said."

"Fortunately, I'm smart. It's better to say that I know enough about Hu Liena."

Tang Muchen was faintly complacent, after all, as an old love monster, he knew everything about girls very well.

Sister Hu Liena, I have already seen everything about you, hahaha.

Tang Muchen gave a terrible smile like a devil in his heart.


Although a handsome straight punch did not hit Tang Muchen, Hu Liena did not continue to pursue it.

Hearing Tang Muchen's senior sister that you don't speak martial arts, she smiled faintly.

"What else are you talking about, you a man and me a weak woman talk about martial virtues."

Hu Liena pretended to be a weak woman.

"Hey, I haven't seen the girl who was about to beat me up just now is a weak woman."

Tang Muchen spit out helplessly.

"But honestly, am I beautiful?"

"Is it the sweetheart of many men?"

"Are you boys always wanting to eat me?"

Although Hu Liena's question was a question, they all used affirmative tone. For a while, Tang Muchen couldn't figure out what the girl wanted to express.

But it didn’t sound wrong to me, so Tang Muchen followed up with her tone, nodded, and said, “What you said makes sense.”

"Look at it. You admit it."

When Hu Liena heard Tang Muchen's admission, she simply showed a look of weeping.

"You all plan to eat me a girl."

"Then I am considered a weak woman, after all, I am the one to be slaughtered by you."

She blinked her eyes and looked very pitiful.

"Ah this, I think it makes sense."

Tang Muchen scratched his head and nodded in agreement.

The enlarged version of Tang Muchen scratching his head is a bit naive.

"That's it, so I'm a weak girl, even if I hit you, nothing will happen."

His eyes blinked, this time it was very different from Chu Chu's pitiful expression before, but it was an obvious meaning of electric discharge. To be honest, Tang Muchen couldn't stand it a little.

He looked like he was defeated by Hu Liena.

"Eh ah ah, I still can't tell you."

The girl in front of her was really good at talking, and her temperament was of a variety of types. She was crying for a while, charming and delicious for a while, and for a while she kept the electric eye frequently on, and Tang Muchen was a little overwhelmed.

It's so cute.

This ever-changing type of girl, to be honest, can change all kinds of temperament according to Tang Muchen's meaning.

The so-called perfect candidate should be a girl like Hu Liena.

Tang Muchen felt that if one day she could be seen wearing Daji's fox tail costume, it would be possible to reveal a charming master, you are back.

If he wears the black silk high heels called yes, it may be a serious and serious look but secretly molesting this student.

In short, it's just one sentence.

Damn, this fairy, Lao Na will walk the way for the sky today and be subdued by you, so that you will never harm this world again.

Let Lao Na accept everything about you, Lao Na can accept whatever you look like, but you won't be tempted by you.

A wry smile appeared on Tang Muchen's face, obviously he had nothing to do with this girl.

Hu Liena approached Tang Muchen slightly, but did not take any other actions.


She patted Tang Muchen's chest suddenly, and then vomited: "Why are you still coming back? I am very tired now wanting to lean on your chest. I have to stretch my arms to touch your chest."

Hu Liena looked really dissatisfied, it seemed that it was because of Tang Muchen's fault.


[Why has it changed so much? 】

Tang Muchen's heart naturally had other thoughts.

But the ever-changing fox in front of him gave him a good feeling, so he thought he could try to see what the fox would do next.

"It can't be resolved so quickly, after all, the battle is not over yet."

Tang Muchen said with a smile.

"With this power, I can easily win."

"This power is really terrifying, I think it is the top power of Martial Soul Fusion Technique."

Hu Liena gently touched Tang Muchen's strong muscles in front of him, revealing a look of confusion.

"Then, it's my skill after all."

To be honest, Tang Muchen's face was stinky enough.

However, his slightly squinted eyes kept looking at the girl in front of him. He clearly showed his dislike for the boy just now, so he didn't want to leave him anymore.

It's strange enough.

She had no good intentions in the general formula, but Tang Muchen did not have mind-reading skills, so he remained silent.

"Ah, speaking of it, this battle is coming to an end."

"Aren't you going to solve other people?"

Tilting her head, she asked suspiciously.

"It doesn't matter, my opponent has always been you anyway."

Tang Muchen winked and said, "If it wasn't for Senior Sister, you and I were blocked like this, I wouldn't participate in this game."

This is a lie, after all, it is to promote status, how could Tang Muchen not participate.

Although Hu Liena didn't know, she still showed regret: "Then I shouldn't bet against you before. This time you are in a high mood, and I always feel that I lifted a rock and hit myself in the foot."

She squinted and smiled, not seeing the way she was before.


Tang Muchen spoke in a hurry before he even came, and unexpectedly heard three signals that went straight to the sky.

"It seems to be over."

As soon as Hu Liena saw the three green flares, she knew that the game was almost here: "I think the last two people ended up in a You should be the last winners."

Hu Liena squinted her big eyes and quietly spread a smile: "Congratulations."

"Ah, yes, I can finally date my senior sister, I'm always happy."

Tang Muchen said with a smile.

"Then we can go."

A white light flashed on Tang Muchen's body, and Tang Muchen, who was originally a huge version, was divided into two lights and shadows.

The one who was in the same place was naturally Tang Muchen himself, and on the other side was Miss Silver Dragon King with her eyes closed.


Neither of them noticed, the little fox behind him suddenly exhaled.

Then the emerald green eyes stared at Tang Muchen's back, and suddenly smiled slightly, his eyes stained with unidentified emotions: "If you want to take advantage of me and run, you still have to pay some price."