Come To Douluo, Don’t You Have a Relationship

Chapter 556: :0 Renxue currently

(Second more)

Tang Muchen looked at the dizzy little cherry mouths, and secretly felt that when the cold beautiful girl was kissing, it was really unexpected.

She drank several mouthfuls of her own blood...Really, once the relationship is confirmed, it will be so intense, I don't know if I can't stand it.

He hugged the girl's delicate carcass, feeling the princess's well-developed figure, and a feeling of fulfillment in his heart.

"This time, you really can't escape."

Tang Muchen grabbed the other's cat like this, and said with a chuckle, and while talking, he reached up to the other's soft earlobes and gently licked and kissed a few times, until the other party was a little out of breath and couldn't stand it anymore. His eyes were as clear as glass. Tang Muchen was willing to give up only when he was begging for mercy.

Therefore, men's xp is always so strange, especially Tang Muchen, who is proficient in 18-style Sanshou, and promises to be able to tidy up these disobedient women.

And for the first time to taste the beautiful prince Shui Bing'er of a man, she would naturally be out of breath in the action of the other party... The girls still lacked the ability to judge in the face of scumbag like Tang Muchen.

"I didn't plan to run away either."

Her voice was a little soft and waxy, enough to make any man with a heart of iron and stone show tenderness. With a cold face, the huge contrast between the two made Tang Muchen directly call cute, and couldn't help being fond of each other. A few kisses on the cheek.

Shui Bing'er probably knew that Tang Muchen wanted to hear some love words from herself, laying a good foundation for the relationship between the two who were still in the initial stage.

After thinking about it for a while, she took the initiative to slide her small hand between the other's big hands, feeling the warmth that her fingertips brought to her.

She gently grasped the other's big hand, and held it tightly with her two catkins.

A pair of bright blue eyes looked at each other tightly, and said softly: "Well, I will always hold your hand."

"Shui Binger is completely yours."

"I only wish that the monarch will not abandon or separate, and the little girl is willing to stay with the king for life."

The beautiful smile of the girl felt hot and deep in front of the boy's eyes. He suddenly grabbed the other's catkins, and he nodded softly.


"Why haven't the two of them come back?"

Qian Renxue sat on the long square scarf, quietly looking at the woods in the distance, a successful smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, which was fleeting.

Of course, her question was thrown towards Miss Yinlong Wang.

Gu Yuena’s lilac eyes revealed doubts, and she shook her head slightly to indicate that she didn’t know it. She also knew that the other party’s gender was a girl, so she still had a little thought to care about it... If she was a boy, she would be completely Will ignore the other party.

"That's it."

Qian Renxue's golden eyes stared at Miss Yinlongwang's exquisite and exquisite face. It is the close contact that knows the charm of the other party most...In her eyes, this cold woman's appearance is already comparable to her own. , But the indifference and ruthlessness of temperament is different from himself.

If you say that you want to master all the indifference, looking at everything in the world and thinking that it is just a **** in her hand, then she is treating the world indifferently, and all people are indifferent in her heart, except... the man.

These two people are one of the very respectful and fearful existences in my heart here.

Not because of their strength, but because of their identity and the city.

"Then I will go over and take a look."

Even if it is clear that the other party knows his identity, Qian Renxue still maintains his previous gentle attitude.

Before Miss Silver Dragon King could speak, she had already stepped away, and when she was about to enter the bush, she quietly heard the icy voice of the girl behind her.

"Your thoughts should have been seen through by my boyfriend a long time ago."

She didn't ask, just a simple reminder. Then continue

"Who knows."

She was noncommittal, and continued to move forward, just wanting the other party to see this.

Miss Silver Dragon King's deep eyes stared at the other person's back, she didn't return to her senses for a long time, she just frowned slightly, and breathed out some sighs.

It seems to be sighing, and it seems to be annoying.

The girl's mind is still so hard to guess.


"Don't be like this."

In the deep woods, there was a shy voice like a girl, and the frosty Shui Bing'er, making such a voice was simply heartbreaking. Tang Muchen couldn't help but press his lower abdomen close to the other's buttocks.

"Binger, you are more obedient. If you don't put on your clothes, you will catch a cold."

Tang Muchen spoke solemnly, and while talking, his big hands began to swim, and skillfully took off the wet clothes on the opponent's body.

"You are just thinking of taking advantage of me. How can I get sick as a soul master."

Shui Binger's voice was sweet and hoarse, obviously because she was in a good mood at the moment when she had a boyfriend. Even though she was rejecting Tang Muchen's actions, her little face still had a happy expression.

"Why the soul master won't get sick, Bing'er, be more obedient, otherwise..."

He stopped deliberately, a pair of dark eyes that were not good intentions.

Shui Bing'er felt the heat in his hips, and his face hummed slightly: "Didn't you intend to do this? You bad man, it always feels wrong for me to give myself to you like this."

"Hey, women are just wordy, I told you, we are all gentlemen who do not speak."

Tang Muchen said viciously, tearing his Shui Bing'er only felt cold all over, and couldn't help but widen her azure blue eyes...In this way, her devilish body would be seen by the other party. She was clean, but she was still a little unacceptable just doing this on the first day.

The azure blue eyes floated with a mist, and the clear eyes became cold. She stared at the guy in front, showing a young girl's angry expression.

"How can you……"

Before she finished her words, Shui Bing'er saw that the expression on her boyfriend's face changed slightly, and she opened her hand and grabbed her small face: "Hush, don't talk, someone is coming."

The azure blue eyes were wide, and she thought that the **** man was going to shoot herself, and the girl's cautious thoughts throbbed a little.

Tang Muchen saw all the other's expressions in his eyes, and felt a little sorry in his heart. For the first time in three years, Shui Bing'er, who had always seen people with a cold expression, showed such a delicious look, even he couldn't help it. ...However, the development of the two of them was indeed a bit too fast. Tang Muchen covered each other's nose and mouth, closed his abdomen, wrapped his small hands around each other's waist, raised the skirt on the ground with his toes, and jumped into the grass.