Come To Douluo, Don’t You Have a Relationship

Chapter 630: You should become the pope to change t

(First more)

Tang Muchen deliberately slowed down, allowing the two to have more intimate contact in a limited time. Tang Yuehua’s reserved personality in the girlhood will never groan because of Tang Muchen’s somewhat indulgent behavior, and Tang Muchen did not. What an excessive move was made, but the fingers fluttering around the thin waist gently fiddled with the girl's soft and delicate skin.

Fortunately, Tang Yuehua had some good feelings about herself, otherwise, no matter what, she would never let herself make excessive actions.

Through this short period of time, Tang Muchen probably knew how much the girl can bear... able to look at a beautiful woman with a cool temperament and a beautiful figure, her face is full of red clouds, but her lips are tightly pressed and nothing comes out. sound.

What a kawaii.

After a full quarter of an hour, Tang Muchen appeared in the place where the breath of the two women remained. He frowned suddenly. He had a keen sense of smell and smelled a very serious **** smell, which made him slightly uncomfortable.

What happened?

Tang Muchen is not worried about the safety of the two daughters. He can easily defeat the future Pope at the Soul Saint level and defeat the Silver Dragon King Miss, who possesses the God King level divine knowledge and is now at the Contra level, even if it is a titled Douluo. Take down the two.

Without stopping, he quickly approached the **** place, suddenly saw some terrible sight, and suddenly stopped.

There was almost no aura in front of him, only a dead silence, whether it was a soul beast or a human, had fallen softly to the ground.

It's just that soul beasts are more miserable than humans, almost none of them keep their bodies intact. On the other hand, humans, their bodies are intact and fall to the ground without a breath.

Miss Silver Dragon King's eyes were dull, and her expression was so calm that she felt terrible. Tang Muchen, who was familiar with her, knew that the soul beast co-master was already really angry. At this moment, she is usually gentle in front of her. Shu's appearance has all disappeared, replaced by real iron-blooded wrists.

Bibi Dong on the other side also had a strange expression in his eyes. Looking at the awe-inspiring Miss Silver Dragon King in front of him, a comparative emotion naturally rose in his heart.

Only in terms of strength, oneself is completely inferior to the other party... For the proud, she is very angry.

Tang Muchen's eyes were slightly cold, and his entire popularity rose. It seemed that he was very dissatisfied with the situation in front of him. At the same time, he stretched out his hand to cover Tang Yuehua's small head in his arms, preventing her from seeing this hell-like scene.

It seems that because of familiarity with the man’s mind, Tang Yuehua didn’t show the appearance of struggling. Instead, she cleverly buried her small head on the other’s chest. She also smelled some disgusting odors around her, and knew Tang Muchen’s intentions, too. He didn't look up at the things that the boy didn't want to notice by himself.

The cold and noble Sister Yuehua obediently obeyed her own words, as if she were on a bed, as long as she patted her snowy buttocks, she knew what to do.

But to be honest, Sister Yuehua is so obedient, for Tang Muchen is still very satisfied, a fiery body is under her control, and the cold sister Yu cleverly buried her head in her chest, does it represent a little bit of herself? It’s okay to do too much.

He stepped towards the second daughter, his expression was not happy or angry.

Bibi Dong stepped back slightly, the man in front of him was not usually quiet and indifferent, but displayed extremely deep depression.

Seeing this scene, no matter it is, everyone should be angry.

Da da da.

Tang Muchen stood behind Miss Silver Dragon King, the other party who heard the footsteps raised his head slightly, her glaze-clear eyes were a little gloomy, as the owner of the soul beast, her position was different from her own, and she was sure about the killing. I can’t accept it, otherwise I wouldn’t have been in that forest for many years.

By her side, she has changed a lot in her personal life, but fundamentally, she really has nothing to say in terms of abiding by her identity and responsibility.

The clear and vast purple eyes in front of him were slightly overflowing with different colors. They watched Tang Muchen closely, her red lips were slightly pursed, the tall and cold Miss Yinlong Wang, her mouth was squeezed, revealing aggrieved appearance, she seemed to be afraid of Tang Muchen because of this incident. Inhale with yourself.

In this regard, Tang Muchen sighed secretly, what a fool.

Resolutely stretched out his big hand and stroked the opponent's small head, letting the silver filament pass through his fingers, his tone was flat, unconcealed and gentle: "I'm not angry."

"You don't have to care too much. I am a human being, but I am also your boyfriend. I can't see these people with distorted personality."

"Soul beasts and human beings are both lives. When hunting each other, their lives are in danger, so life and death are unpredictable. Just be indifferent."

"But what you do, whether it's my position as a human being or as your boyfriend, I won't oppose it."

For this kind of behavior, it is also wrong to say that it is supported. Tang Muchen does not like killing, but he also has a closely related identity. Naturally, he does not support but will not oppose it. Besides, the people of the Xingluo Empire didn't know him, and he wouldn't be the Virgin to take care of people and affairs in other places.

Since traveling to this place, all he has done has been to maintain his own small home.

People are selfish, and Tang Muchen is no exception. He doesn't require himself to be the best in righteousness, but in terms of personal emotions, he must be the most complete.

After hearing Tang Muchen's sincere words, Miss Yinlong Wang's purple eyes were slightly red, and her red lips were slightly pursed, but she didn't feel nervous and afraid just now. She was only slightly satisfied. For the boyfriend who could understand him, he just looked at the other side. On the face of the person, he felt that his heart was about to break, and he was completely controlled by the other party to play in his hands.

Slightly lowered her head She took the initiative to encircle the boy's arm, and gently leaned her head against the opponent's body.

"Sister Dong'er, do you think Na'er did it right?"

Sui Er, Tang Muchen spoke to Bibi Dong, who had a calm expression on his side. He was a little curious about the views of the future pope.

Bibi Dong was silent for a moment, watching Tang Muchen change his way to make the two girls in the same group obediently obedient, and he couldn't help but chuckle, feeling the crisis somehow.

Doesn't this man really intend to chase the three of us on this journey? I don't like people who are bothered!

"These people are more than dead."

Bibi Dong's opinion is the same as Tang Muchen's: "Since I have the meaning of torturing and killing soul beasts, I have to bear the price of being killed."

"This Douluo Continent is far from peaceful."

"So I still look forward to you changing the pattern of this Douluo Continent..."

Tang Muchen smiled and looked at the stunningly beautiful woman in front of him.