Come To Douluo, Don’t You Have a Relationship

Chapter 783: An apology from 1 person

Qian Renxue felt that her worldview seemed to collapse.

Even if she knew what the corrupt life of the nobles was like in her heart, when she finally saw it, she still couldn't accept it...because there was her last relative, who was the aunt she longed for the most when she was a child...

Now, my aunt has rolled her eyes, obviously she has no power...

This smelly man...

"You said you wanted to associate with me, but did you treat me like that?"

After pursing her mouth, Qian Renxue's tone has become a little dissatisfied, her azure blue eyes have completely become cold, and the breath of the angel **** is undoubtedly revealed. It is obvious that she has thoroughly done Tang Muchen's actions. Annoyed.

But Tang Muchen's personality is absolutely strong, so how could he feel ashamed because of this matter, his tone is flat: "This point, you should be prepared early."

"If you want to fall in love with me, you have to accept this result... one couple for life is not suitable for me."

Qian Renxue pursed her mouth slightly, Qian Renxue did not refute, because Douluo Continent is the weak and strong, whether it is a male soul master or a male noble, it is too difficult to be a double for life...

It’s just that I shouldn’t be angry for this reason. Looking at Tang Muchen’s pillow, her irritation is entirely due to the posture of these two people... Tang Muchen is a bit too much, his aunt, Wuhun Empire The emperor is not so easily insulted.

The look of his uncle is really annoying.

I don’t know when it started, Qian Renxue will be annoyed with others because of Bibi Dong’s affairs... It should be said that the attachment in childhood, coupled with the resentment afterwards, and finally knowing the truth made her completely change her attitude towards herself. Auntie's opinion.

"Even so, I won't allow you to lie down on my aunt in this posture. Come down quickly."

The tone was indifferent, and the angel's divine power quickly drove her, she reached the inflatable bed with a flash, and looked at Tang Muchen coldly, her eyes full of deep dissatisfaction.

"No, your aunt is also my girlfriend... Girlfriend serving boyfriend, it is justified, let alone this, even if I do more excessive things, as long as she accepts, then I can do it. "

"So, I think I can do anything to your aunt, Xiao Xueer, are you too much in charge."

Qian Renxue's eyes were slightly calm. She also knew that this was a relationship between her own husband and wife and had little to do with herself, but she... knew that if she didn't speak like this, she might speak out.

Qian Renxue now is no longer the person who was a little confused and unable to face her heart directly. She was able to meet Tang Muchen in the final test of the Angel God, and it should be enough to reflect her own mind. One of the things.

She has been able to recognize her heart... Sure enough, she still likes this man...

Otherwise, I don’t care about the affairs of my aunt and him at all, and my aunt’s feelings will only be blessed by myself... If this is not the case, why do I feel a little bit sour when I feel this absurd sight, as if I want to participate In general... If it weren’t for this, the god-king-level female and two first-level gods were lying in his arms, obediently bowing their heads to court. Seeing him like this, I was eager to move and desire deeply. So that the other party can treat himself like this...

Yes, I didn’t know each other at first, and then I was amazed at the talent and strength of the other party, and then I came into contact for the first time, the first time a professor, the first time I was spanked, the first time I used the other person, the first time I watched. Looking at the other party’s heroic appearance in the All-Mainland Elite Soul Master Competition, it was the first time to listen to the voice of his crown prince bowing his head under the other party, and the first time he started cooperating with the other party in the plan of stealing the country, and that time, he told himself The so-called truth...

Everything is to make myself completely obsessed with his experience, because he can always bring himself one surprise after another...

The irritation and shyness at the time are no longer there. Only the sweetness that realizes her own heart is left in her heart. It is just that the proud angelic **** disdain to lower her head. What does she seem to be expecting?

Qian Renxue snorted, and was too lazy to pay attention to Tang Muchen's ridicule just now. She was a proud **** and would not admit her mistakes.

For a long while, she lowered her eyes and looked at Bibi Dong's snow-white body underneath. The red traces were printed on the snow-white body, and her heart was filled with unexplained emotions. If she was face to face, she still couldn't say it, but now She has completely rolled her eyes, so some emotions in her heart can also be vented a little bit.

"Actually, she should have lived more painful than me these years..."

"I've heard that my mother is her best friend and elder. She was an orphan and was brought up by my mother..."

"And my mother is dead, and I hate her because of her lies. If it weren't for you, she would have fallen into darkness long ago..."

"Actually, I still thank you very much, UU reading Tang Muchen, thank you for telling me the truth, and fortunately you told me in advance, I haven't made a big mistake."

"She is innocent and kind. In my opinion, she has always been when she was a child, the good aunt who loved me the most and loved me the most..."

"In fact, I have always been very scared, how on earth should I face you, Aunt Dong'er..."

"But, I'm really sorry, I said so many things that made you sad...I...I really don't know what to say, I'm sorry..."

"I don't know what to do to make you forgive me..."

"My niece, I should have failed."

Inexplicably, Qian Renxue felt a little embarrassed, Xuezu took a step back slightly, her eyes flickered, and she seemed to want to leave here...

But she suddenly heard Tang Muchen behind her and laughed all of a sudden: "Let me just say it, Sister Dong'er, Xiao Xue'er is already guilty, and she doesn't even dare to tell you these things in person..."