Come To Douluo, Don’t You Have a Relationship

Chapter 784: The winner will get 1 cut

"Let me just say it, Sister Dong'er, Xiao Xue'er is already guilty, and she doesn't even dare to tell you these things in person..."

"Her own character is still very kind, and she also respects those who look forward to you as an aunt."

"So you heard the truth, so the next time will be left to you two..."

Qian Renxue's blue eyes were incredulous. Listening to Tang Muchen's tone just now, did that mean that her aunt was always awake? Did you hear what you said to yourself just now? So what is her attitude towards me now?

Thinking of this, some worries arose in my heart inexplicably, and I had a heart-to-heart relationship with the other party without my knowledge...

Even if she is now the **** of high angels, facing the woman she has loved and hated over the years, she still inevitably shows the appearance of a girl, especially knowing that the other person has always cared about herself, so she is even more unable to Keep it as usual...


In a gentle and gentle tone, just like before, Qian Renxue's blue eyes flickered slightly, as if they were filled with some watery feelings. She looked closely at the skin Shengxue in front of her, and the women with red marks all over her body, her pretty face appeared slightly. Complex colors. .


"I heard what you just said..."

Bibi Dong’s pretty face was a bit more guilty, her pretty face drooping, and apologetically said: "Actually, I also want to say sorry to you."

"My original choice was out of helplessness, but there should be a better way..."

"You are so young, but I have adopted this method, it is too unfair to you."

"I was supposed to take over from your mother and accompany you to grow up well, but because of that lie, I am getting further and further away from you, so I can only watch you grow alone from a distance."

"No, it's not like that."

"If you told me the truth, maybe I couldn't stand it."

Qian Renxue's smile was slightly bitter, and anyone who faced the matter of his mother killing his father would not feel able to face it normally.

And my aunt chose that method to deceive herself for her own sake...Yes, she really had no way at the time. She had to admit her mother's crimes, because she didn't have to find other people. For any use, the status of Wuhun Hall is detached on the mainland. Assassination of the Pope cannot be hidden. Qian Renxue is a very clever girl who can't deceive her with that method, and the truth will completely sink the other party. Dark...

At that time, what kind of preparations did she make!

The hatred has long since disappeared, and the pain may also be relieved.

Even if the current aunt does not wear any clothes all over her body, her snow-white skin is exposed to the air, with red marks all over her, she still feels a little unbearable to bear her anxious mood, close to each other, she actually has a lot of things. I want to talk to the other party...

In twenty years, I am no longer the little girl I used to be. I am already a first-level **** who sits on an equal footing with the other side, standing above the sky and the earth...

But if Tang Muchen appeared, the two talents would have a chance to have a peaceful dialogue. Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue would both have a lot of feelings. They glanced at the side without leaving a trace, hanging up high, and closed their eyes. Tang Muchen of Tang Muchen showed a gentle arc at the same time.

Looking at each other, each saw the gentle smile on the corner of each other's mouth, the eyes were gentle, everything was silent.

Twenty years of resentment and enmity will come to an end today.

Tang Muchen directly promoted this situation, and he is quite satisfied with the current ending...

I believe that many people are very dissatisfied with the ending of the original book and the ending arrangements of these two stunning women. Tang Muchen naturally belongs to this category. After various operations, he completely rewritten the ending as a chess player. , He is still very satisfied with his performance.

Seeing this magnificent, majestic and majestic palace, and the jade body lying on its side lying horizontally and horizontally around him, there was also a lot of pride in his heart...

"If you let Xue'er's mother know that you have reconciled, you will definitely be very happy."

Tang Muchen congratulated.


"She is a very gentle person, and I can still remember the warmth she once gave me... to be honest, I don't hate her, I believe she has difficulties..."

Qian Renxue shook her head slightly, and then said softly: "It can also be said that I have some double labels. Obviously my parents, but my father never seemed to care about me. I...not because He was sad when he passed away. At that time, it was only because of his mother’s departure that he felt pain in his heart and plunged into darkness..."

Bibi Dong held Qian Renxue's little hand, and the aunt and niece seemed to have gone back to the past in just a few minutes, supporting each other...

So Xiaoxue, what you promised me to be my girlfriend is not counted.

I really look forward to you serving me with your aunt?

Sorry, this is the mental idea of ​​an lsp, and it is difficult for me to control it!

She seemed to have noticed Tang Muchen's eyes, Qian Renxue's blue eyes flashed slightly, as if she knew what the other party was thinking, she backhanded her aunt Bibi Dong's little hand, and approached Tang Muchen:

"Almost forgot, is there another agreement between us..."

"About whether I agree to associate with you..."

Azure eyes stared straight at the man in front of her, and she calmly said: "To be honest, I should like you very much, and I will not hide it from you. In the final test of the God of Angels, I see You are the only one who arrives..."

"I have recognized my heart, you should be indispensable to me..."

"But it is also difficult for me to accept serving you with my own aunt."

Bibi Dong on the side did not stop Qian Renxue from continuing to speak. UU reading did not take any action even after listening to her telling these words. She deeply understands the character of her niece, so she simply handed over the decision. The two of them, as long as they watched... Tang Muchen, when did he fail?

For the control of women's minds, he is the well-deserved No.1.

"For the current emotions, I find it very complicated. On the one hand, I am very moved by you, on the other hand I don't want to have more lesbians..."

"Just so good."

After letting go of Bibi Dong's hand, Qian Renxue's expression has returned to indifference, the angel's divine power has been spread around, terrible pressure has fallen on the palace, and the three pairs of wings suddenly stretched out, and her golden and supple long hair followed the fluctuations of the divine power. Ups and downs, the white-gold dress on her body slowly faded, she put on golden armor, stepped on the golden high-heeled boots, she pointed at Tang Muchen's chest from a distance, and a golden holy sword slowly appeared on her. In her hands, her tone was calm and proud:

"Then, come on, fight me..."

"The winner will get everything."