Comic System in Naruto’s World

Chapter 162: And bargain with points

  Chapter 162 Bianxixi Points Bargaining

  Although he is a teammate with Shumao, Akabane is still the first time to come back to the Hagi clan.

  Their family is small, with only a dozen households and one martial arts field.

  Before entering the martial arts arena, he heard the sound of swords colliding.

  Went inside.

  Suo Mao and Ye Wu duel in the middle, and there are a few children of the Hagi clan sitting around the dojo, all of whom are about seven or eight years old.

  Hakikaze heard the movement, turned his head and glanced, and saw that it was Akabane, and a look of surprise appeared on his face for an instant.

  This slacker crawled out of the nest!

   "Yo, double knives!"

   Akabane walked towards Haki Kaze, and the children on the road took the initiative to make way for him.

  Ding Ding Ding~

  Two short knives dance like the wind, although each knife is not powerful, but Ye Wu can't take the initiative to attack at all.

  The advantage of the double knife lies in the tyrannical offensiveness.

  Moonlight Night Dance is good at being agile, but she pales in comparison to Shuomao, who is equally agile.

  Fighting again, he was the first to lose the battle with exhaustion.

  At this time, Haaki Fengjian said indifferently: "I have something to say."

   "Uncle Feng Jian, I want to ask, how can I make myself faster?"

   Akabane rubbed his hands awkwardly.

   "Practice more, run more."

  Hagikaze said in a sullen expression.

   "Is there, um... an exclusive way?"

  Practicing? Everyone knows this.

   Akabane will be willing to work hard to practice, and will not think about coming here to find a shortcut.

  Hamu Feng saw his head turned sideways, his eyes looked like a fool.

  He beckoned to the kid next to him, and asked, "Yijun, you tell him how to practice."

   "Running around Konoha 20 times in the morning, climbing 100 times in the morning, swinging the knife 500 times in the afternoon, and running around Konoha 50 times in the evening."

The child beside    said abruptly.

  The more Akabane listened, the stiffer his face became.

  He lowered his head and glanced, the child is at most five or six years old, and it is estimated that he has only started attending a ninja school.

  This kind of child, as a result, the amount of training received is so cruel.

  Kazutoshi Hagi then whispered: "Because I have a poor physical foundation, this is the least amount of training."

"I see."

  Even if my mother sells batches in my heart, I still have to keep a smile on my face.

  This amount of training is terrifying!

  Notice the children's eyes, Akabane's smile is a little stiff.

  Hakiki Fengjian said indifferently: “There is no shortcut to physical exercises. If you have a genius, you will come out with your own efforts.”

   "Big brother, like Yewu brother, do you train with us?"

   Kazutoshi Hagi asked curiously.

   "No, I don't, don't get me wrong!"

   Akabane immediately shook his hand to deny.

  Training with these children, but in the end, the older one couldn’t hold it at the first place, so I was ashamed.


  Hamu Feng saw a sneer.

  Based on his knowledge of Akabane, it is harder to expect this guy to be diligent than climbing to the sky.

   "Uncle Fengjian, can I borrow some less important swordsmanship cheats from your clan?"

   Akabane said.

   "What do you change?"

  Hakiki Kaze did not refuse. Those are family swordsmanship. Although they are not precious, they cannot be lent to others in vain.

   "Silent assassination."

   Akabane whispered.


  Hamu Feng is a little surprised.

  This is the signature technique of Wuyin Village, which is rarely circulated in the outside world, but Akabane will?

   "I learned the fog concealment technique before, and created a foggy scene through the fog concealment technique. In the middle, I figured out the principle of their silent assassination technique."

   Akabane explained.

  Hakikakaze thought about it for a moment, nodded and said, "Yes."

  Silent assassination is not swordsmanship, but it is of great value, especially when facing the fog of Shinobu, the familiarity of silent assassination makes them more likely to survive.

  "Train yourself."

  Hakiki Fengjian got up and took Akabane to the library of the clan.

  Upstairs in the martial arts hall, he turned a corner and there was a small house. He knotted his hands, unlocked the above technique, and then opened the door with the key.

  After opening the door, Qimu Feng saw the lights turned on, and rows of bookshelves were in sight.

   Akabane took a deep breath.

  The heritage of a family is often not only money and strength, but also the accumulation of blood and knowledge.

  Only based on the books in this room, the flagwood clan is worthy of the family name.

   "The first and second rows of books, you can watch them as you like."

  "In addition, the books here are not just swordsmanship books, but also some reasonable methods for martial arts in the Warring States period to build and strengthen the body. You can also take a look."

  Hakiki Kazeru said lightly,

  In his opinion, these books are more important than swordsmanship to the pommel horse clan.

   "Thank you, Uncle Feng Jian, I think swordsmanship is just for analogy."

   Akabane said.

  How to exercise and strengthen your body?

  A system is enough!

  The training of the people downstairs has already scared him deeply. It’s his own character training or something...


  Hakiki Feng sees that he is too lazy to persuade.

  The character is here, and many things cannot be forced.

  Besides, Akabane is not the way of physical skills, and the body is not so weak. It doesn't matter if you don't practice the side door.

  Of course, the reason is not so simple.

   Akabane went to the Hagaki clan. On the one hand, he asked if there is a shortcut for speed improvement, and on the other hand, he borrowed books on swordsmanship.

  Blood can reduce the points of blood, so can swordsmanship books reduce the points of swordsmanship?

  On the exchange list, there is not much swordsmanship.

  One is the decapitator sword technique that does not cut again.

  The other is the three-sword flow.

  The decapitator swordsmanship is very rough, with only a C-level rating, and with special weapons, there is no need to exchange it.

  Akabane wants to reduce the points of the three swords.

  Three swords flow requires 300 points, which is between B and A. After all, it only uses three swords skills, and does not include sword moves such as "Ghost Slash" and "Hundred Eight Trouble Wind".

  He looked on the bookshelf, and picked up a book on swordsmanship.

  The first explanation of swordsmanship.

   Turning over a few pages, I wrote about the origin of warriors at first, and then I talked about swordsmanship later.

  After reading it patiently, he immediately opened the integration panel.

  Three swords flow stood firm.

   "Wrong way?"

  He thought for a moment, then shook his head slightly, and continued to pick up another book.

  The collection of books in the two rows of bookshelves is so rich that it is unrealistic to read it, so Akabane chooses a few books to watch.

  Take a second look and drop by 5 points.

  A little uncomfortable!

  He sighed softly. He had only 5 points after reading several books. How rugged the road to prostitution was.

  "First look for books with three-sword style or double-sword style, maybe look at a book with soaring points."

   Akabane thought to himself, so he changed his strategy.

  Orthodox samurai are generally one-sword style, a few can master the technique of double-sword style.

  However, in a duel, you don’t use the double-sword flow. After all, the double-sword flow is more suitable for group battles, rather than fighting alone—especially short swords.

  So if you want to find Sandao Liu, you must go to the side door.

  These books are often not taken seriously.

   Akabane glanced at the bottom column of the bookshelf, and it didn't take long to see a book of three-sword style swordsmanship.

  It was created by the wandering warrior.

  Swordsmanship is very rough. Just after reading the analysis of swordsmanship and thinking about it, Akabane feels that there are many flaws.

  However, to his surprise, the points of the three swords flow dropped by more than fifty.


   Then, he began to search for these side doors.

The integral price of   Three Sword Stream plummeted, from three hundred to two hundred and five, and then from two hundred and five to two hundred.

  Until one hundred o'clock, it finally stopped moving.

   "It seems that there is no way to master it by just looking at it, as if I have the blood of the pommel horse clan, but I still need 30 points to activate."

  Akaba understands it, it is a bit regretful.

  It’s really hard to want to be a prostitute. What’s better than Minami Xixi is that it won’t give it up until it reaches “0”.

  Add 100 points, three swords are in your hand!

  The flow of three swords is very complicated. The three swords cannot interfere with each other and must complement each other. The system version not only instills all understanding into his head, but also strengthens some of the physical instincts used.

  Its level is about the same as the current Sauron.

  Of course, only skills.

  In fact, swordsmen compete not only in skills, but also in sword speed, strength, and moves. Unfortunately, Akabane does not have them.

  He has 80 points in physique, but the physique he exchanged has no specialties, and everything is mediocre.

  So with the same swordsmanship, Sauron can kill people with his use, and he may kill himself in a duel.

   "What use do you read these books?"

  Hamu Feng saw his face strange.

  I thought Akabane was here to learn swordsmanship, but now it’s not like this at all—

  It seems that he really came to "learn from".

   "My One Piece has a character who uses the three-sword style, so I came to read the book and learn."

   Akabane said with a smile.


  Hakikaze, after hearing this, I don’t know why I feel a bit pity.

  If this guy can put his energy into practice, I am afraid that his achievements will not only be the case now.

  The opponent does not practice swords and is not good at physical skills, so he has no idea to continue to discourage him.

  Let him go!

   "Thank you, Uncle Fengjian, I have finished reading it, and I will write the silent assassination back in a volume and send it over."

   Akabane bowed slightly.

   "Well, let's go."

  Hamu Fengjian signaled him to leave first, then locked the door, sealed the seal, and then came down from the upper floor.

   Akabane is very happy.

  Not only the 200 points gained today, but also confirmed his guess that the points on the list can indeed be reduced by realistic means.

  In this way, many expenses can be avoided.

  Such as the art of walking in the dark.

  He has obtained his method of use from three generations, so as long as the plot is drawn, he can exchange it with low points.

  The more advanced the technique, the greater the room for reduction through such techniques.

  As for low-level ninjutsu such as Sanshenju...

  The method and principle are too simple. Those points are tuition fees, and there is no room for reduction.

   "Seal techniques like the Seal of the Evil Seal, the Seal of the Five Elements, and the Seal of the Ghouls are recorded in the scrolls of the Maelstrom clan. As long as these contents are drawn, I can exchange them at a low price with the scrolls."

   Akabane is excited.

  He has been greedy for the complicated but very useful sealing techniques for a long time, but he didn't understand it at all before. After this experiment, it is easy to learn later.


   Even if the ghouls are all sealed, life is more important than anything!

  Well, I will learn the seal of the five elements when I go back.

  With the sealing technique, there is one more way to deal with the enemy.

  He never has too many of these skills. When he is uncertain, he will use it?

  (End of this chapter)