Comic System in Naruto’s World

Chapter 170: Special promotion to Shinobu

  Chapter 170 Promotion is Special to Shinobu

   "The report of this Zhongnin exam has been passed over from Shayin Village. You can take a look."

meeting room.

  A group of people gather for another meeting.

  The difference is that this meeting has not only three generations, Danzo and two elders, but also Uchiha Motokai.

  Three generations passed the report on.

  The four people divided into two volumes, and after reading them, they exchanged the two copies with others.

  Looking at it, they also had counts in their hearts.

   "We discussed before, I think we can follow the advice of leading the team to Shinobu Kazeki, and promote Kurama Akabane, Osamaru, and Sakumo Hagiki to be Zhongnin. They all performed very well in this exam."

   Mito Menyan said.

"According to the report feedback from Shagakura Village, the three of them performed very well, and it was no problem to promote them to Zhongren. However, Shinnosuke's performance was also very good, and he played the role of the captain in the battle. To maximize the strength of teammates, I recommend that Sarutobi Shinnosuke be added to the promotion list."

   Turning to sleep, Koharu’s opinion is roughly the same as that of Mito Menyan, except that there is an additional name of Sarutobi Shinnosuke.

  Three generations are noncommittal, looking at Danzo and Uchiha Motokai.

  Tuan Zang pondered for a moment and said: "I have no objection. In addition, I applied to transfer Mitarai Zixiao to the Anbu. His abilities are more comprehensive and his mind is very flexible, so he is more suitable for Anbu warfare."


  Three generations have no opinion.

   Danzo was busy next, and there was no time to take the students. With the promotion of two people in the team, this team survived in name only.

  Mitarai Ziyo is good, but they are weaker than Akabane.

  So going to the dark part is indeed the best arrangement.

   "Yuhi Zhenhong has a high talent in perception and illusion. I hope he can join the guard."

   Uchiha Motokai said.

  "I have no problem here. You can ask Yuhi Mahong for his opinion, but what I want to focus on here is whether the promotion of Kurama Akabane is a special kind of forbearance."

  Three generations said lightly.

  Particularly forbearance?

  Mito Menyan, Zhuan Xiaochun glanced at each other, hesitated for a while and said, "Will it be too soon?"

  Even if it is only a special ninja, it is still a higher ninja rank in the village.

   "Yuanhai, what do you think?"

  Three generations did not consult Danzo. After all, Danzo is Mr. Akabane, so I have to avoid suspicion in this regard.

  On the other hand, he would like to hear Uchiha Motokai’s opinion.

   "I am not familiar with Kurama Akabane, but judging from his usual style, this person needs to be forced."

   Uchiha Motokai said.

  Three generations ignored the first half of his bullshit. When they heard the second half, they smiled and said: "Two elders, what do you think?"

  "If you only talk about his performance in the Zhongnin exam, it is indeed not qualified to be promoted to Shangnin."

  "However, there was a proposal from the Ninja Preparation Department before that Akabane wants to be a training instructor. Only Zhongren is really not qualified. Because of his illusion skills, I think he can be promoted as a special case."

  The two consultants were in good agreement, they sang and changed their voices instantly.

  As for Danzo, he was not surprised at all.

  More than this report was sent back from Shayin Village, as well as the records of Akabane and Oshemaru hunting and killing people from other villages. Unfortunately, all these reports were detained by him.

  Three generations knew, but he was not merciful to outsiders.

  "Then make a decision, implement the news and materials as soon as possible, and send the news in the afternoon."


  As the first Zhongnin exam after the war, everyone took it seriously.

  In the afternoon, the news has been posted.

   Akabane just made up for sleep, and did the job fair copy in a few days at home. As a result, Kurama Chiaki hurried home and shouted from below: "Akaba, come down, let's go to the Hokage Building."

"what's the situation?"

  Akaba is now a bird of fright.

  As soon as he mentioned the Hokage Building, he felt that the third generation would find something to do for him.

   "The results of the Zhongnin exam are out. Three generations of adults have ordered you to attend the promotion ceremony."

   Kurama Qianming shouted.

  Is it that simple?

   Akabane was suspicious, went out and saw his father look ecstatic.

   Obviously something is wrong.

  "You have been promoted to be very forbearing, especially for forbearance!"

   Qianming Kurama is ecstatic.

  He himself is particularly Shinobi, and the child is only 13 years old and has been promoted to Special Shinobi.


   Akabane was shocked.

  It is too much to directly lift him from the lower ninja to the special upper ninja!

  He was stunned for a moment, and then asked, "Apart from me, who else is particularly Shinobu?"

  "Only you, Oshamaru and Sakumo are only Zhongnin."

   Kurama Qianming is very proud.

  His son is so good, of course he is qualified to be proud of being a father.

  The most important thing is that all Konoha will know from now on that Akabane is an undoubted genius in addition to manga!

  "When I go out in the future, I can say proudly--I am Akabane!"

   "Don't, this is not a good thing."

   Akabane's expression is dumb.

  The only twelve-year-old is especially Shinobu!

  Roast him on a fire, and if he doesn’t stop dying, can’t he be low-key?

  He couldn't help thinking.

  Which link went wrong?

   "Walk around, a little later, three generations of adults will have to wait a long time."

  Qianma Qianming could not help but pull up Akabane and leave.

  There is no way but to keep up.

   Passing by the comic shop, he saw the transportation team of Shanye Quanhong arrived.

  It seems that the clone hasn’t prepared a poster for these...

   Akabane looked up.

  The awkward banner is just the work of Kurama Yunlang, but compared to the past, at least some bells and whistles are used, which is not bad.

  There is no time to deal with these now, they can only let them do it themselves.

   all the way to the Hokage Building.

   Kurama Qianming stopped, a piece of paper was pasted in front of the gate on the first floor not far away, and a group of people surrounded him.

  It’s all here to watch the excitement, but the main one hasn’t arrived.

  Akahan looked around for a week, and then saw Oshemaru who was brought over by an Anbe ninja.

  He also had an unhappy expression on his face.

  Oshemaru looked up, and suddenly said with a little surprise: "I didn't expect you to arrive earlier than me. Do you know what the teacher can do?"

   "Zhong Ren is promoted."

  Kinoha Zhongren’s promotion is actually very simple, that is, Hokage gives them a change of clothing and headgear, and then sends out a book similar to the "Chinese Ninja Code" for them to recite and remember.

  It's over, that's all.

  Oshemaru, who heard the reason, narrowed his eyes, and the Anbe Ninja immediately grabbed him.

  "Oshemaru, Zhongren's promotion is very important, you must be there!"

   "Let the teacher make up later, or I can bear it now, my experiment is very important."

  Oshewan's voice is a little hoarse.

  Anbe held him tightly, not letting him get out.

  It can be seen that Da She Wan has recently become obsessed with cultivating immortals and cannot extricate herself from it. It is estimated that even the laboratory rarely comes out, so the originally fair skin is even more pale.

  Not long after, Shuomao also arrived.

  The three were relatively speechless.

"go in."

  Flagwood wind swept away coldly, no one dared to make noise anymore.

   Kurama Qianming looked admired.

  Hakiki family leader's aura is still strong, and the three boys dare not resist at all.

  Three people entered the Hokage Building, Shumao couldn't help asking: "Oshe Maru, how many days have you not slept?"

  The dark circles under the eyes are as thick as makeup.

  Oshe Maru tilted his head, and after a long time of thinking, he said, "It seems to be three days... and it seems to be four or five days. I can't remember."

   has been in the laboratory, how can we know how long it has been outside?

  "What are you doing so hard? Pay attention to the combination of work and rest."

   Akabane is concerned on the one hand, and on the other hand, Oshe Maru fights so hard, making him more lazy.

  "Because it is very interesting, I can research unknown things every day, and discover areas I don’t understand every day..."

  Oshe Maru is very happy.

  But his spirit is really poor, Shuo Mao can clearly feel that he is approaching the limit, no wonder the dark side pulls over.

  If you don’t bring this out, I’m afraid you will faint in the laboratory.

   "Go upstairs, finish early and go to rest early."

  Akabane glanced at Oshemaru, and then walked to the front first and went upstairs.

  Naruto Office, they are not the first to come back. There is no need for someone to lead the way. Three consecutively entered, and inside they saw three new sets of ninja costumes.

  The three generations were sorting out the data, but when they saw the three of them coming in, they were stunned.

  The mental state of Da She Wan...

   "Three generations of adults, let's start quickly, end early and rest early."

   Akabane reminded.

   "I'm fine, I'm still very energetic."

  Oshe Wan doesn't feel that she should rest, she looks like she's drinking too much.

  Three generations sighed helplessly.

  He tried to find out more about the current situation of this disciple, but when he got busy, he always forgot to pay more attention to it. He didn't even know the other party hadn't rested for so long.

  "Let’s start then, first of all, Akabane and Sagakura’s report sent back, you can take a look."

  Three generations angrily threw the materials over.

   Akabane picked it up and glanced at it, suddenly a little embarrassed——

  It was written about Tang Ren, and more than that, a lot of Sha Ren's bodies were found on the road. Through repeated identification, it was roughly judged that he died of his illusion.

  This is Sagakura Village’s survey on Akabane.

  Three generations took a cigarette and said, "What do you think?"

   "My lord, Shayin Village is deliberately taking revenge, please tell me."

   Akabane pushes back the data calmly.

  This information has no reference value. The whole article is just speculation and reasoning, but there is no other meaning when Shayin Village sends it over. It is simply disgusting them.

   "Well, for the time being, Dashemaru, this is your information."

  Three generations threw another copy.

  There is no mention of Oshe Maru, or even Konoha. It just said that someone sneaked into the examination room and looted the ninjutsu of the remaining Ninjutsu in the examination room.

  However, since it was sent to Konoha, it was obvious that Sagakura suspected that it was Konoha's side.

  Others don’t know, but Danzo and Sandai can see through.

  This is Oshe Maru.

  "Teacher Mingjian."

  Oshemaru simply doesn’t bother to explain it. If Akabane is used, it’s just a "+1".

   Shuomao stood still, as if he was not curious about it at all.

   "In view of your performance, I discussed with the elders and decided to promote Kurama Akabane as a special upper ninja, and Osamaru and Sakumo Hagi as a middle ninja."

  The three generations finished speaking, and handed them the clothes on the table one by one.

   Akabane understands.

  The two pieces of information just now are just knocking and knocking. The real purpose is to get them to accept their fate and take over the ninja suit——

  The higher the position, the greater the responsibility.

  (End of this chapter)