Conan: Open the Door, I’m a Policeman

v3 Chapter 16: [Theatrical Version] Dark Tracker [16] B

Feeling the harsh whistling in his ears, Conan closed his eyes, feeling that he had no hope of surviving.

He is now firmly bound and is in a free fall, and I am afraid Houdini will not be able to escape in the next life.

The feeling of the airflow hitting his cheeks became stronger and stronger, indicating that he was falling faster and faster.

The glass viewing platform, where he was dropped, is about 250 meters. Calculated according to the free fall, to balance the air resistance, he will fall to the ground and become a pool of minced meat in less than ten seconds.

No, the observation deck is 100 meters away from the ground, which means it only takes about seven seconds to die.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but the moment of death passed very slowly, and it seemed that even the speed of the fall became slower.

Conan opened his eyes with a wry smile, hoping that when he opened his eyes, he would find that it was just a nightmare, just like the night before.

It's a pity that you can only see the ground that is getting closer and closer, and... there is also a huge rescue air cushion!

Looking at the orange air cushion, Conan knew that he could not die, and why there was an air cushion here, of course, it was arranged by the **** who left him, and he was not worried that he would fall out of the cushion when the wind blew.

Resisting the joy in his heart and even gratitude to some bastard, Conan waited for the shock of falling into the mat.

Eh? What's getting slower and slower? Conan suddenly found himself falling slower and slower, as if being pulled behind his back.

Reluctantly turned his head to look behind him, and found that there was a piece of cloth tied behind him, and it looked very familiar. Isn't this... not his own retractable strap?

So the retractable straps are about to reach their limit? Conan suddenly remembered a question. If the stretch of the retractable strap is about to reach its limit, that is.

Conan watched helplessly as he stopped, and then flew up at a very fast speed with a scream.

"Is that kid doing bungee jumping on it?" The two police officers who were secretly deployed by the Metropolitan Police Department to install air cushions discussed while looking at the kid up and down above.

"Maybe, our mission won't be because of this kid?" another guard muttered.

"The world is unpredictable." The guard who spoke before said vaguely.

On the top floor, after routinely throwing Conan, Mizuma Yue dragged the comatose Ireland and the knocked out Mizutani Kosuke, and took them down the stairs to the middle of the lower floor. I hope this position can avoid the next danger of occurrence.

"Miss Xiaolan, Miss Xiaolan? Maorilan! Kudo Shinichi is here! Kudo Shinichi is married!" Mizumayue tried to wake Xiaolan, but she still couldn't wake up. It was not easy to mention Kudo Shinichi. I was a little worried if the fall was too serious, but after a brief inspection by Mizuma, there was no serious trauma.

"Shinichi... I hate it..." Xiaolan murmured.

This seems to be talking in a dream... The corners of Suzanne's mouth twitched, but the best news is that people are all right.

He picked up Xiaolan, and when Mizumayue planned to send her to the lower floor, the sound of a helicopter had already sounded outside, so she had to put her as little as possible inside, and put her in front of Mizumayue Behind the bar of the water bar where the cup was held, she also covered her coat with her coat. Although this thing was not bulletproof, it was good enough to block glass fragments and wood fragments.

"Ireland! Have you completed your mission?" Tsuki Mizuma snapped it out of Ireland's ear and put it in her ear. The sound came from the earphones, and carefully identified that it was an old acquaintance gin.

Tsukune Mizuma fiddled with the bow that she had seized from Conan for a while. After trying the sound several times, she found the pattern of the thing. When the Irish sound was called up, she had already had her gin there for a long time. "Why don't you speak, you won't be killed, right?" Jin Jiu's tone was already extremely impatient.

"Please! I was still hiding just now, and I have found that person now, Gin." Turning on the microphone on the earphone, Mizuma Yue said in an Irish voice in a vague language, from the words of Gin just now. I feel that the relationship between Ireland and gin is not good, so I can speak a little more aggressively, and it is not surprising to omit the words.

"Then quickly find the memory card! You pig head, the police have come a lot."

"The problem is that I can't find it! It's already ripped through his body." Mizuma Yue didn't know what happened to the memory card, but it didn't delay his words with gin.

"It should be in that bastard's amulet by Fuji Jiangyuan. Didn't you find the amulet?"

Mizumayue knew that Fuji Jiangyuan was the deceased in the third case, and the amulet happened to be the belongings taken by the murderer, which means that the reason why the organization intervened in this incident was this.

"I didn't even see the amulet. This man has nothing on him. Maybe he is hiding here. I'll set it on fire." Mizumayuki said. And it is also true that the belongings of the seven deceased are all on Mizutani Kosuke, who is preparing to carry the pot.

"No! You have to see that card destroy it with your own eyes... Who are you!" Jin Jiu suddenly realized that the other party was lying about his own words.

"I just noticed it, so stupid~" Mizumayue said in a child's voice, randomly tuning the voice changer.

Jin Jiu wouldn't believe that the opposite was really a child, he gritted his teeth and asked, "Who are you?"

"Don't tell you! Unless you tell me what's in the memory Never mind!" Gin said, turning off the intercom, and said to vodka: "Full fire, smash it for me! "

"Okay boss." Vodka directed the machine gun under the helicopter to aim at the Tokyo Tower, and without hesitation, he pressed down and fired.

"Da da da!" The machine gun emitted blue sparks and repeatedly shot the top floor of the tower, probably because Ireland told Gin that he should go to the top floor before, so Gin stared at the top and shot.

Mizumayue also shrank behind the water bar and put Xiaolan behind her, not because she had the idea of ​​blocking bullets for her, but to reduce the area relative to the helicopter's design surface as much as possible, that is, to reduce the area as much as possible. Chances of being shot for both. There is a backpack on the bar, which should have been brought by Mizutani Kosuke. Mizumayuki put it on top of her head, giving herself a sense of security that is better than nothing.

Because I had long thought of the appearance of a helicopter, I also told the police chief of White Horse about it in advance, but several helicopters in the police department are ordinary helicopters, and only armed helicopters are available in the Self-Defense Forces. However, the helicopters of the Self-Defense Forces cannot be mobilized without direct evidence as a reason, so the Metropolitan Police Department can only ask them to be prepared.

As for the nearest Self-Defense Force base, it takes 20 minutes for the helicopter to fly at full speed. I don’t know when they confirmed that there was an armed helicopter and took off, but it must have taken off now, which means that Mizumayue still has to be there. Stick to it for up to 20 minutes here, and if you are optimistic, it will be almost ten minutes.


The author's words are slightly important, and I hope everyone can take a look.