Conan: Peppermint Beluga

Chapter 48: Kudo Shin 1: I was careless!

The police from the Metropolitan Police Department began to check whether the roller coaster was malfunctioning.

It is unexpected that the victim died and the head was chopped off. No wonder the people on this roller coaster were more or less stained with blood. of vodka.

Matsuda noticed that Kudo Shinichi whispered something in Memu Shisan's ear. He lowered the brim of his hat. Unlike these tourists watching the fun, he turned his back and tried to reduce his presence as much as possible.

"Those who are on the same roller coaster with the victim, please stay here, the others can go first!"

Hearing this, Gin couldn't help looking at Matsuda, his eyes signaled to let him go first, Matsuda nodded, and he looked at Kudo Shinichi who was thinking with his head down.

It's not convenient to meet you in this capacity this time, Kudo.

Before he left, Matsuda put a bug on Vodka's body. He was still very interested in Kudo Shinichi's reasoning.

The police quickly pulled up the yellow cordon, and Matsuda went to the vending machine to buy a can of Coke, found a bench and sat down, listening to the reasoning show and drinking Coke, quite comfortable.

"Hey, hurry up and solve the case, we don't have time to play detective games with you here!"

The sound of gin came from the headset, and Matsuda sighed helplessly. Really, such a fierceness would make Kudo look after him.

Listening to the sound from the scene, it seemed that a **** knife was found in the handbag of the victim's girlfriend.

Knife? How can a knife that can fit in a handbag be able to cut off a person's head?

Kudo can definitely find out. According to the elimination method, there are not many murderers left. Matsuda slightly raised his mouth, and he already roughly understood the means of committing the crime.

"Also, just in case, everyone who rides the roller coaster must confirm their identities, is there any problem?"

It was Officer Mumu's voice, wait a minute, the direction of the voice was speaking to vodka?

Matsuda subconsciously touched the gun that Gin Jiu handed him, but luckily he gave it to me in advance, or else you would have died in the line of duty, police officer.

"Please wait a moment, Officer Mumu, the murderer is not her."


"You were the one who killed the victim, Mr. Kishida on the roller coaster!"

Oh, the reasoning show is about to start.

Matsuda listened to Kudo Shinichi's reasoning show with great interest, and sure enough, as he thought, the murderer was the girl with tears on her face, and the murder method used was the speed of the roller coaster.

However, Matsuda couldn't help frowning when he heard her motive for killing the victim, Mr. Kishida.

What kind of terrible woman is this? It's just a breakup. Is there such a big hatred? Heads are separated.

Sure enough, no one can provoke a woman.


The sky has dimmed, and the amusement park is also lit up with neon lights.

In this environment, it is a good time to trade.

Seeing the gin and vodka coming out of the roller coaster project, Matsuda got up and walked forward, and when he handed a bottle of vodka a drink, he took back the bug and said indifferently: "I have already asked Chianti and Cohen to go back, Are you going to the trading scene now?"

Jin Jiu glanced at him, obviously taking this small move into his eyes, and said solemnly, "You don't need to go, I have a task for you."

"Okay, send me your mobile phone for the mission location."

Watching the two leave, Matsuda did not leave in a hurry, but walked to the side of the stall selling snacks and bought himself a sausage fried chicken skewer with ketchup and mustard sauce on it, which tasted very good.

After eating three skewers in a row, Matsuda turned on his mobile phone to check the task, and found that he was going to Chiba Prefecture to secretly photograph drug/drug transactions. It seemed that the organization was planning to extort money.

Just before Matsuda rode a motorcycle from the parking lot, he found a unicorn-haired girl with her head lowered, waiting for the traffic light alone under the street light.

"gross profit?"

Matsuda was a little puzzled. Didn't she come to the amusement park with Kudo Shinichi? Why is she alone now, where did Kudo go?

"Songtian-kun?" When Mao Lilan raised his head, there were still tears in the corners of his eyes, and his eyes were slightly red and looked pitiful.

"Then... are you all right?"

"I'm fine, it's just... Shinichi seemed to see something suddenly and ran away. I'm a little worried about him."

Really kind girl, Matsuda said indifferently: "Kudou is a high school student, don't worry, you are walking alone at night, can I call a taxi for you?"

Only then did Mao Lilan realize that the road she was walking on was sparsely populated, and she nodded quickly. She didn't want the situation to happen again halfway through. Today's luck is bad enough... It's all to blame for Xinyi. It still happened, and it was so bloody.

It's definitely going to be a nightmare at night!

After Matsuda helped recruit a taxi, he helped him to pay the fare in advance, which he explained to him through Belmode. He already knew where Ma Lilan lived, and it was easy to calculate the fare roughly.

Watching her leave, Matsuda was about to start the motorcycle when the amusement park where Shinichi Kudo was located suddenly sounded... Oops, could he have run into gin and vodka and wondered if he followed them to the trading scene?

Matsuda hurriedly turned around and hurried to the amusement park, parked the motorcycle, and hurried towards the originally booked transaction site.

the other side.

At this time, Shinichi Kudo realized that he had lost the vodka with him. Just as he was about to go back the same way to leave, he suddenly heard a conversation. He hurriedly tiptoed to the wall and stuck out half of his head to observe in secret.

"I kept you waiting, Mr. President."

"I, I came alone as agreed."

Found him!

Kudo Shinichi frowned and observed the situation. The man in black, who looked very good, was talking to a short bald man with sunglasses, who had a metal box in his ~I don't know what's inside.

I always thought it wouldn't be a good thing. Otherwise, why would you go to such a place where no one comes?

"Well, I know you came alone."

"Quick, give me that thing quickly!"

"Don't worry, get the money first."

Kudo Shinichi slowly took out his mobile phone from his pocket, ready to film this scene.

The man with the bald head and sunglasses opened the box, which was full of yen bills, roughly estimated to be at least 100 million!

"Take it! Are you okay with it now?"

"It's done."

"Hurry up and give me the negatives!"

"Take it, these are the evidence negatives and photos of your company's smuggling of firearms, please don't do anything bad."

"I want you to talk more! Compared with what your organization has done, what we have done is nothing at all!"

Shin Kudo adjusted a digital camera to silent mode, quickly pressed the shutter button a few times, and then adjusted it to video mode. It seems that today was the right time. Sure enough, this man in black is not a good thing.

Vodka had already turned around and was about to take the money and leave. Hearing the man's words, he turned around with a cold face and said solemnly, "Hey, how much do you know about us?"

"No, I didn't..."

"We just charged you 100 million yen and spared your life. If we understand it, we will shut down the company and go to other places. We just want to build a new laboratory on that land. ."

Just as Kudo Shinichi was watching the transaction seriously, footsteps suddenly came from behind.

It was only at this moment that Kudo realized that there were two men in black, and only one person appeared at the trading scene!

He was careless!
