Conan’s Magical Girl

Chapter 60

"After you all went out to save people, Miss Shuangyuki helped Mr. Hayami to come in," Enomoto Azusa was easily distracted, she recalled, "At that time, Mr. Hayami looked very painful, clutching The clothes on the chest are full of cold sweat, like... angina?"

Xiao Lan frowned: "But Mr. Hayami is still so young..."

"This," Kayao and Hayami lived together, and had a say, "I occasionally see him like this. He said it was an old problem, and it only takes a few minutes to get better."

Amuro's purplish-grey eyes were worried: "When did it start? It doesn't look like a minor problem."

"Family please come here."

While Amuro was talking through clichés, Ka Yao was called away by the doctor.

He blinked indifferently, he had already sent out all the specious information, as long as Maurilan and Enomoto Azusa answered as usual.


The doctor's arrangement was quick, and Shuangyue was escorted into the operating room under the oppressive gaze of the two.

Frost Moon: "…"

"Conan, wait here, Hayami and I will pay."

Anyone who listens to it is taking him away.

Conan curiously tried to follow, but the next second, Matsuda Jinhei picked up his collar and pressed it on the bench.

"You will be good, right? Gong, Conan child?"

Conan: "..." That syllable is definitely intentional, right? ! Officer Matsuda definitely already knows his true identity, right? ! Mr. Hayami doesn't seem surprised at all? !

…Oh, Mr. Hayami is a police officer, and they were chatting a few days ago.

This is a rare moment when he sees Mr. Akai's expression out of control.

Matsuda Jinhei, who has been certified by Frost Moon and has a very honest daily behavior, won Conan's trust, and he watched the two disappear around the corner.

The problem now is probably the suspicious Amuro Toru on Xiaolan's side... Should Xiguang be there?

The little detective thought uncertainly.


"Does Mr. Hayami usually live with Nozomi?" Matsuda Jinpei asked naturally.

Hasui Rei didn't want to drag Matsuda into the confrontation with the organization, and he decided to hide his secret mission with zero without much thought.

The old fritters, who had been undercover for seven years, played Tai Chi with Matsuda Jinping, and the latter gradually became irritable.

He stared at Su Shuilian's face for a while, his anger gradually subsided, and he said slowly: "Is there anything I can help?"

The black-haired youth was stabbed by the sincerity that could be seen in the eyes of the other party. He looked away a little embarrassedly, and there was no movement in his tone: "It's fine as usual."

Matsuda Jinhei clenched his fists. He thinks that his machine manufacturing and dismantling skills are top-notch. How dangerous are Zhufu and Fugu?

"What about Frost Moon?" He suddenly said, "Is she related to what you are doing?"

Frost Moon hides many secrets.

But she always treated him with sincerity.

She hides everything so well that no matter how he investigates, there will be no definite result; but she doesn't hide it so perfectly, his intuition connects everything together, so The conclusion is that Frost Moon is inextricably related to what the contemporaries did.

After seeing Hayami Rei pause for a moment, Matsuda Jinhei got the result.

"I promise she'll be fine." In the end, Hayami could only say that.

In any case, he will do his best to protect Frost Moon.

Matsuda Jinping touched the cigarette in his pocket, but did not take it out in the hospital: "You too."

He is very addicted to smoking, the pressure of police work and the 24-hour standby may call the police at any time, so he is used to using cigarettes to refresh himself, and his body is always surrounded by the lingering smell of cigarettes.

Perhaps because one of the senses degenerated, Shuangyue's sense of smell is very sensitive, and he can always smell the smoke on his body, and he will try his best not to smoke in front of Shuangyue.

"Why do you like smoking, aren't you afraid of getting lung cancer?" Shuangyue once said this to herself.

Matsuda raised his eyes: "Do you smoke?"

"?" Susui pointed at himself suspiciously, and shook his head after receiving a positive answer from the other party, "Very few, I can carry a pack of cigarettes on my body for several months."

When the pressure in the organization is high, he will also smoke. Usually, at most, he just maintains the personality in the organization with a cigarette in his mouth.

Bourbon was the only one in the whisky group who didn't smoke at all, and avoided it in disgust when he and Rye were puffing.

Ka Yao does not smoke, not to mention the high school students Xinyi and Xiaolan, so who is the other person implied in Shuangyue's words?

A child who grew up under his eyes, why is he always carrying so many secrets? So is Kudo Shinichi that stinky brat.


Due to Frost Moon's protest, her hand was only cast in plaster instead of hanging.

A mere comminuted fracture, there is no need to be so nervous.

She silently swallowed this sentence back.

… Or should I give up the plan to distinguish the vests, after learning that Hayami Rei and Matsuda Jinping had been alone together, she did not expect Matsuda to ignore her relationship with the organization. .

At least this time it's because of saving people, next time there will be no suitable reason.

Speaking of which, there are several doubts about the car accident of Ka Yao's parents.

When returning to the door of the rescue room, Ka Yao also found Matsuda Jinping.

"Shinzhi has sleeping pills left in his blood. This is not an accident."

Shirasawa Shinji and Shirasawa Mie, the names of Kayo's parents.

"I noticed that too," Shuangyue subconsciously shrank behind Susui Rei when Matsuda looked over, "The location of the natural oil leak shouldn't be so behind, if you investigate the trunk, it may found."

Amuro didn't notice this, and his eyes fell on Hayami Rei, providing a third clue: "The driver's seat belt was not very tight at that time."

The curly police officer lowered his eyebrows and nodded to indicate that he knew: "I'll contact the police officer Mumu, and the scene of the accident should remain the same."


This is a murder.

The murderer is the neighbor and colleague of the Bai Ze couple, because their son failed the college entrance examination, and he failed again in the repeat reading. The Bai Ze and his wife always boasted in front of them how good their son was, but in the end the son could not bear it He committed suicide by jumping off the building, and his father also died in a car accident because of his absent-mindedness. The murderer thought that the death of his son and his wife was the responsibility of Bai Ze and his wife, so he planned this case.

Ka Yao looked at Shuangyue after getting the news that Bai Ze and his wife would regain consciousness and be unable to move: "..." Miss Ghost, is this also in your plan?

Shuangyue was silent: "..." She really didn't predict that, Bai Ze and his wife were not in her plan.

A vegetative person is not conscious by definition, but Bai Ze and his wife are not in a vegetative state, but a coma similar to a cerebral infarction due to trauma. They retain their own consciousness and some reflexes but cannot carry out autonomous activities.

Such a patient usually suffers from depression soon after, suffering both mental and physical torment, but generally family members will not choose to give up treatment, they always hold a glimmer of hope, hoping that the patient can recover.

"So you want to make Xiguang suffer the pain of losing his parents, and even let him pay for the treatment of two people while he is still in school?" For three years, Matsuda Jinping met Mrs. He had seen too many tragedies due to misunderstandings, but when such tragedies happened to those around him, he couldn't help but feel the anger in his heart.

The prisoner knew the situation of Bai Ze’s family. Ka Yao almost cut off contact with his parents. Only Bai Ze and his wife often talked about their excellent son, and also belittled the dead Heesil. Without Hesh their sons would have accomplished more.

The murderer, who is also a mother, was stunned for a moment, and the tears overflowed wantonly on his face.

She whimpered and covered her face: "I want them to go down with my child and husband, but I never thought about Bai Ze Xiguang's feelings... I'm really a scum..."

If her child hadn't died, she would be a college student now, taking classes, hanging out with friends, and maybe having a girlfriend.

"No," Kayao shook his head slowly, "What you didn't consider is the safety of others. A runaway car can easily injure others on the 5-chome commercial street, not to mention the explosion of the fuel tank. "

It is also a kind of luck to knock the Bai Ze couple directly into a semi-permanent coma.

In the eyes of others, Ka Yao is burdened with the pain of his parents' serious illness, but he still cares about the safety of innocent people.

"...The sentence for serious injury caused by attempted murder is three to ten years, and the sentence for serious injury to two people will be even heavier." Ka Yao looked down at the murderer who was crying while covering his face, his mood suddenly a little complicated , would his parents be so distressed by their own death? Or are they just using themselves as a tool to show off? He remembered Xi Shi's smile on the hospital bed, and pursed his lips, "If there is understanding from the victim's family, the sentence can be appropriately reduced."

Miss murderer raised her head blankly, her eyes were red: "I don't deserve it."

What did she do? ruined another family. If the Bai Ze and his wife died, it would be fine. They were seriously injured in bed, and they would drag down a child with a bright future.

And she's the culprit behind it all.

What would her son and husband think when they knew what they had done?

Ka Yao leaned down and hugged the murderer gently, whispering in her ear: "I envy your son, at least his parents love him very much."

The murderer did not accept Ka Yao's forgiveness, her eyes were red and dry, handcuffed, and silently got into the police car.

"Mr. Police, I want to give my property to Bai Ze Xiguang," she said in a hoarse voice, "My husband's parents and I have both passed away, and now I am alone at home, I should be able to Freely dispose of property?"

The police car whizzed past with flashing lights, Ka Yao looked at the shadow of the police car, with a confused expression.

A pair of slender arms embraced him, and a familiar figure leaned up behind him.

"I'm here, Kayo."

The blue-haired youth turned his head slightly, his sky blue eyes softened.

"Miss Ghost."


The author has something to say:

2. The other person Shuangyue said that she likes smoking and that she cares about is of course gin! (Chapter 12 mentioned smoking gin every day)

3. The names of passers-by are not important, nor are the names of Ka Yao's parents, I just randomly selected them.

4. These chapters were originally intended to give some clues to Lingling, but it was written that it was very suitable to enrich Kayao's character, so he replaced the bad relationship. The girl band incident was changed to a sudden car accident.

So Shiliang's role is gone _(:3"∠)_.

5. Frost Moon is a flat chest! It's A! But he's a bit older than Shi Liang, so it wouldn't be weird to hold Kayo.

—The following has nothing to do with the text—

6. Roommate 1: The type of object and favorite can be different.

I nodded.

Roommate 1: So what do you like?

Me: Paperman.

Roommate 1: Is **** (npy) not enough paper? (he is skinny)


Me (smile): Not this kind of paper.

(7.1 stay)