Conan’s World Stand-in

v1 Chapter 26: Apache intelligence

Guan Dounan didn't wait too long, news came the next day from Kamidai Kei - tonight, someone will take him to sneak into the rice flower library and find the library that his ability identified as "lost reason". that cabinet.

"Because there are really few people on our side who can really be called 'capable', and most of them have more important tasks, there is only one police officer who is not capable to act with you. His name is Gao Chengyan Er, After school you go directly to the platinum coffee shop near your school, he has seen your photo and will go straight to you."

Today is Monday and high school students should go to school. Therefore, Kamidai Kei said this to Guan Dounan on the phone to Tedan High School.

"Well, I see. An old employee of a non-capable person and a new employee of a capable person are a very reasonable match." Guan Dounan nodded, and said to the name and the main riding holster in the Kamen Rider series. Colleagues with similar actors are a little bit expectant.

"Yes, we think so too. In fact, for a person with a precious intelligence ability like you, I didn't want you to go directly to the scene. It might be very dangerous. Unfortunately, the section leader said that this task is not very important anyway. Difficult, it is better to treat you as a training and test." Kamdai Kei laughed on the phone, "Also, your fighting ability should not be too good, so I chose Ahji to assist you, he is a master of fighting. , the kind that usually a dozen people can't get close to. By the way, do you have any additional requirements? After all, this is your first time to perform a mission on-site, and I will try my best to consider it."

"If I want to talk about additional requirements..." Guan Dounan thought for a while, it was just an "ordinary" case to go to the library to investigate, I'm afraid I can't directly ask the Nth class to approve the next firearms quota for Guan Dounan to solve the problem that he has been missing. Comes in handy, it takes more effort to hide it than a pistol with it.

Speaking of which, I don't know how Apache is doing now...

"Can I ask, how is the Italian police officer who met those gold thieves with me that day? I have a good impression of him."

"Oh, him. He told us that his ability is a 'double body', that is, to turn his spiritual energy body, what you call a 'substitute' into his own appearance. The section leader has confirmed it. , but I think he may have concealed it..." Kamdai Kei said on the other end of the phone, "He is very good now, we can't contact their competent person management department from Italy, I don't know if it is not directly or it is too hidden, so For now, I'm still treating him like a normal foreign police officer who came to assist in the investigation. If you want to see him, I can report it to the top... Oh, what? You wait a moment..."

There seemed to be something going on at Kandai Kei's side. He covered the receiver when he said something to Guan Dounan, and said a few words to the people over there. After a while, he spoke to Guan Dounan again.

"We have another clue on our side. Intelligence shows that a witness saw a man in black, who looked and behaved dangerously last Thursday, and a very thin looking man. Middle-aged people with little ability to resist met in a dark alley. Witnesses at the time were worried about the safety of the middle-aged man, so they quietly called the police, but the police did not find anything suspicious when they arrived at the scene."

"It's just that there happened to be a surveillance camera not far from the alley. After re-checking the surveillance camera at that time, I found that there was a person haunting that alley - it was the library of Rice Flower Library. Chief, Mizutani Ichiro."

"The curator...but the time doesn't seem right?" Guan Dounan immediately recalled the thin middle-aged man who looked like a monkey with a skinny smile but no smile. He should be the one who "looks very thin and has no ability to resist". guy. And the man in black is the fourth child of the four group of stealing gold coins? But the timing doesn't seem right. The fourth child has lost his mind and his mind on Wednesday, so how can he appear again on Thursday?

"No, there's no problem with the time, it was last Thursday, and the headmaster told me this." Koujiro Kei denied, "Although there is currently no solid evidence to prove this, you should pay more attention to that headmaster. Yes - he may also be a capable person."

"Well, I understand." Guan Dounan nodded, and sure enough, he still had to fall on the monkey-faced guy. His ability should be related to books. But there didn't seem to be anything unusual about the book he gave himself at the time... wait, it seems to be Thursday, what does that mean?

If you can get Apache to help, you can use his "Melancholy Blues" to rewind directly to Thursday and see what happened.

"In addition, the person who investigated this information is actually the Italian police officer Apache you asked about, and the section chief gave him special permission to join this operation... You and he should both speak English, right? Ah Er's English should be Almost, you may have to help him translate."

"...It's a bit too coincidental."

"What?" Kandai Kei did not hear Guan Dounan's question clearly and asked.

" I just think, I just mentioned Officer Apache, and you suddenly received relevant information, and he wants to come over and investigate with me. I think it seems a little too much. Coincidentally... I'm sorry, my ability is related to intelligence after all, so I'm a little suspicious about this kind of thing."

"...Theoretically, the phone I'm calling you from here is unlikely to be eavesdropped on by means of technology. This information was also sent directly from the head next door, and it's unlikely that there was anything deliberately arranged. "Kamidai Kei was silent for a moment and said so.

"There are no other people around me...probably no other capable people, so maybe it is caused by the mutual attraction between capable people, so I should be suspicious." Guan Dou Nanchao looked to the side, he answered the phone The location is in the single-person office of Didan High School, which belongs to the grade director. The original owner here just happens to have a meeting.

It may be that the "section head" had already prepared the piece of information, and when he heard Kashiro Kei and himself were talking about Apache, he sent it over... Is this also a test?

Guan Dounan took out the coin and summoned Xiao Hei. After thinking about it, he was unable to activate it and took Xiao Hei back.

"Well, it's good to be vigilant, after all, no one knows whether some strange ability will fall on us one day."