Concubine Raiders: Rebirth As a Queen

Chapter 157: The courtiers work together (1)

Yin Chenlang asked the doctors about the situation and left.

Because some medicines such as galangal and sambal are only distributed here to prevent infection from the cold, the dosage is not much, it can be said that it is very small. However, there is a huge demand on the black market, and no matter how much Yin Chenlang casts, he can be robbed.

Now I think of the time when I was accused of uselessness in my previous life. Shen Ling Yangqin, chess, calligraphy, and calligraphy are all relevant. As her concubine, she was "no salt and no virtue". When she went to Yuzhou to be compared, she was naturally aggrieved. Shen Lingyang grew up. The treatment is totally different from her own, but Shen Anyan only later discovered that whether you have practiced calligraphy and painting is not important in the eyes of others, they just like to see the ending.

Just like Shen Chenyin, he hadn't invested anything in her, but now he was hoping for something in return, and felt that it was justified.

Yin Chenlang acted high-profile this time, and another wave of discussion came to Shen Anyan and Yin Chenlang, but because of too many times, it was not surprising.

Since the prince knew that the shantang was opened by Yin Chenlang, he remained silent, not knowing what he was making.

Blizzard has accumulated to a certain extent. In the past two days, it has reached a peak again. Shen Anyan stayed in Ronghua Pavilion and did not take a step out. I heard people say that because the house was crushed or blown down by the heavy snow, the people died. Deaths, injuries, and food shortages are becoming more and more scarce. There are more and more people registering at the government, because more and more people come to the shantang to receive food, but there is another problem. Everyone does not have a place to live.

So Yin Chenlang allocated nearly a thousand taels of silver, and the annual salary of a noble concubine was only one or two hundred taels. If Yin Chenlang didn't say anything else, it was only one thousand taels, which made people scared to see that the food and medicines before must be the asking price. It’s not cheap, now it’s one thousand taels. The shantang has already started to build some houses that can keep out the cold, so that those who don’t have a home can live in. Because of the severe cold, many people are infected with the wind and cold, but the serious ones are also serious. There are those who can transform into a cold plague or die directly, and the doctors in the shantang are no longer enough.

Several shantangs have already begun to build houses, and those who usually receive food from the shantangs also began to help. Within a few days, they will be slightly eye-catching. At least it is built here to prevent those people from living on the streets and let the corpses of the capital be everywhere. .

Those people whose houses are still good began to reinforce their houses. Unfortunately, the blizzard kept on. Some people fell to death during the reinforcement. Few people could stay out of the situation and watch the former prosperous capital become like this. Everyone in the capital They were all worried, but everyone didn’t know what to do. They could only look at Yin Chenlang, who was given a sum of money. “Spending money like the soil” seems to be incorrect now to describe Yin Chenlang, but the cold plague has a huge demand for silver. The silver in the accommodation of Xiushantang quickly ran out. After the silver exceeded the plan, Yin Chenlang continued to draw a pen. Now it has spent nearly two thousand taels of silver.

Of course, not disappointing everyone's eyes, Yin Chenlang began to cry to the emperor.

The emperor is still amazed by Yin Chenlang's heroism these days. Why can Yin Chenlang have so much money, or is he really spending all the money?

Someone in the court said that the emperor seemed to be moved, and the position of prince was a bit mysterious.

But this mystery is only fleeting, because the most important thing now is disaster relief.

The emperor allocated five thousand taels to Yin Chenlang, because the treasury was also tight. In addition to the shantang's management, there are still many areas in the capital that need to be managed, and they all need to spend money. Most of the crops that died this year are on the market. Very rarely.

Only Shen Anyan knows that it will take March and April next year to get out of the disaster, but if she wants to slow down and return to the way it was before, from the perspective of Shen Anyan's previous life, it will take three to five years.

As it snowed longer and longer, the snow situation did not decrease.

Shen Anyan hadn't gone out for a few days. Many courtiers encountered danger on the way to the court, and some courtiers could not go to court. But the courtiers who are still safe and healthy still have to continue to go to court because this is their mission.

However, since there has been a natural disaster, there must be business opportunities, and there must also be political achievements.

The courtiers, some saw their political achievements, and some saw disasters.

Shen Shenyin sold 30% of the grain, made a lot of money, and used the money to hoard more galangal and sambal.

This is a cycle. Even if the courtiers sell part of the grain, the remaining grain is absolutely surplus, and the wealthy merchants use their daughters to buy the grain that these nobles collect from the land they own, and then use ten thousand dollars. When sold, ordinary people can only buy one or two buckets of rice to satisfy their hunger.

As a result, the distribution of food was unbalanced, and Galangal and Sanjiao were even more unbalanced, all concentrated in the high family.

As for other things, it depends on who knows better at this time.

For the prince, let alone prepare for the need to recruit troops and buy horses in case of an unexpected event one day, but also to recruit officials, such as the current staff and doormen, all have to spend money to support. It is absolutely impossible for scholars, farmers, commerce and industry to go into business carelessly.

Right now, there is a good opportunity to make a fortune.

However, Yin Chenlang realized in advance that he was one step closer to the prince, and Yin Chenlang could ask for business opportunities and political achievements.

And Shen Shen Yin, who had "informed" Shen Anyan, also knew that Yin Chenlang was going to make a big vote for his political achievements. Instead of waiting for Yin Chenlang to propose to the emperor first, it was better for him to take the initiative and make all the business opportunities before. Can have political achievements.

"The emperor, the three princes are very kind. There are many people who have been displaced in the capital. I think they need more rice. The minister is willing to help the prince." This morning, Shen Shenyin, as the prime minister, put forward this point, "the people are suffering," The government's salary should be considered for the sake of the people."

When Shen Shenyin said this, everyone was quite surprised. Some people felt that Shen Shenyin was a member of the Three Kings Party. Others felt that Shen Shenyin was for his political achievements, and each had his own ideas and different ideas.

Shen Shenyin knew that some people would think so, but Shen Lingyang had already made the prince angry enough after several times. Although others wanted to win people's hearts, they were also princes. When the prince was a prince, he would definitely not be able to bear this anger. So while Shen Shenyin did not express his position, what happened to help Yin Chenlang as long as he did not express his position? After all, he has been pushed a little towards Yin Chenlang by external forces. As long as he stays steady and does not occupy Yin Chenlang's side, if the prince becomes the throne, it can be said that these are just coincidences. He is only for his political achievements and he has indeed not helped Yin Chenlang with any special things. The prince is helpless. Finally, I put all the blame on Shen Anyan, saying that it was an illusion created by Shen Anyan, because Shen Anyan and Yin Chenlang had long been unclean, so Shen Anyan did it all.

However, if Yin Chenlang can really live up to the expectations, and when he is on the throne, Shen Anyan is the daughter of the Prime Minister's Mansion, and his Prime Minister's Mansion will be more beautiful, relatives of the imperial family.

To be continued. Please browse for a better reading experience.