Concubine Raiders: Rebirth As a Queen

Chapter 244: The Palace Continues (3)

Yin Chenlang saw Shen Anyan's expression move slightly, but did not respond. Knowing the character of this person, Yin Chenlang felt that he saw hope and continued, "First of all, I want to apologize to you. Before Yan Nuan appeared, I was really too I was excited, and I was directly connected to the mansion. I don't want you to understand it, but I beg for your forgiveness."

"Growing up, Yan Nuan has left deep memories in my childhood. It is an indelible trace, just like a piece of candy in my childhood. I thought it was the most beautiful thing."

"But, when I grow up, many things have changed. Maybe that's not what I really want. A piece of candy is not suitable for my life. Maybe one day, I don't like candy anymore." Yin Chenlang smiled. laugh.

Shen Anyan was stunned, Yin Chenlang didn't like sweets, she knew it. Although I don't know if Yin Chenlang meant this, Shen Anyan did feel that Yin Chenlang was implying that his feelings for Yan Nuan had expired. In other words, from the moment he met Shen Anyan, Yan Nuan had already expired.

"My obsession made me commit a big mistake impulsively. Knowing that she is Yan Nuan, I still can't bear you. I also asked you to ask, but you refused." Yin Chenlang was referring to Shen Anyan that time. Find it and let her be the Ping Concubine.

"All the following things are all obsessive obsessions. But I suddenly woke up, do you know why?" Yin Chenlang looked at Shen Anyan, but Shen Anyan was trembling when he saw her, and she pursed her lips without answering. "The severe warmth in the mansion is fake."

Shen Anyan was not surprised when she heard the news, but she still looked surprised and looked up at Yin Chenlang.

"My first reaction to this news was not surprise or anger. I was relieved." Yin Chenlang said without Shen Anyan's response. "I finally realized that whether she was Yan Wen or not, I only want you."

These words made the unprepared Shen Anyan blush and heartbeat. Seeing Shen Anyan with a peach blossom on her face, Yin Chenlang smiled.

"..." After a long silence, Shen Anyan finally said, "Then why do you keep her in the house?"

Yin Chenlang's smiling face moved slightly, his eyes gloomy, and he explained, "She is not warm, but how does she know what happened to me when I was young? It must be that she has been around and has been hiding in this mansion for many years. NS."

Not only that, but also intimate inner detail.

"Do you want to keep her to find the person behind?" Shen Anyan asked.

"Yes." Yin Chenlang replied. "Not many people know about Yan Nuan. When she came, she said that the mansion had been exiled because of false accusations of corruption. The entire mansion had left the capital and wandered outside, and suffered a lot. She was incognito and had her name. As the last name, Yan Zi dare to return to the capital to find me. I didn’t think much about knowing it in such detail. She said that the token of the year was lost because of wandering, so I believed it.”

"Where is it really warm?" Shen Anyan asked, her fist under her sleeve being slightly squeezed.

"No more." Yin Chenlang laughed.

Shen Anyan was shocked, such a deep obsession, really gave up for her? Looking at Yin Chenlang's handsome smile with a puzzled look, "Aren't you looking for it?"

"Not looking for it." Yin Chenlang made sure to tell Shen Anyan again.

Yin Chenlang smiled and looked at Shen Anyan. He felt that Shen Anyan's reaction was to accept him again. Unexpectedly, Shen Anyan got up and walked out.

What's up! I thought he would go to great lengths to find Zhen Yan Nuan, so that he would not find it for the rest of his life, and retaliate severely against him, but I didn't expect to... stop looking!

"Where are you going!" Yin Chenlang caught up with Shen Anyan again, he didn't care where Shen Anyan was going, he only knew that he didn't want Shen Anyan to leave.

"Why don't you leave and stay here?" Shen Anyan panted and responded, "Master, you said too much today, you don't have to tell me this."

"Why not! I want to explain clearly to you!" Yin Chenlang was puzzled. The reaction of Shen Anyan just now and the several questions asked in a row made Yin Chenlang think that Shen Anyan had decided to forgive him.

"There is nothing to explain." Shen Anyan raised her head and looked at Yin Chenlang. Now that this is the question, Shen Anyan decided to make it clear, "March Blizzard, I sent you a letter. I am disfigured. I don't know the medicine except disfigurement. Is there any other hazard? At that time, my life was in danger, but you didn't respond, and you didn't even reply to a letter."

"At first I thought it was too much snow and the letter could not be delivered, but from the day Lin Jiang got engaged and married, I couldn't deceive myself. You received it, but you don’t want to return it. Even though my life was in danger, yes. ?"

"This is true. This is something you did. It has nothing to do with whether there is severe warmth or not. You are a person who can be so indifferent and unsympathetic to me. Plane tree, three watchmen and rain, it is hard to leave feelings. "

"Yinwu Yingwen and they didn't come back. I just thought it was the snow that closed the mountain. I'm still waiting for them. It's ridiculous. You let them go back. Don't come. You didn't even tell me. What do you think of me?"

"When the news came out that you were welcoming Yan Nuan into the mansion, everyone was discussing whether it was true or not. I know, do you know what I was thinking of at the time?"

"You didn't reply to my letter, you let them leave, you want to evacuate from now on, abandon me in the water and fire of human words, you know what your behavior means to me, and you know that your attitude will make me What a disaster in the capital, but you did it."

After Shen Anyan said these words, her tears were dim, and she finally let out a long sigh, as if she had exhausted all her strength, and said the last sentence, "In my eyes, there is no more complete break than this."

Yin Chenlang wanted to hug Shen Anyan distressedly, but he had no reason. Shen Anyan is too smart. Yin Chenlang would rather hope that she is a little stupid, and that she can protect her. She doesn't have to think about anything. More importantly, in that situation, he still has room for maneuver at this time.

However, Shen Anyan thought about it all, and all guessed it. Yin Chenlang's thin affection was also the first time Shen Anyan experienced it personally, and she completely accepted it with a heart-piercing silent cry.

The tears of Shen Anyan at this time are about to come out of her eyes. Shen Anyan wants to escape this place quickly, but Yin Chenlang looked at her directly and stared at her, he must see the true emotion in her eyes. The tears have been seen, and Shen Anyan has nowhere to hide.

Yin Chenlang put away his smile from Shen Anyan's first sentence, his eyes were cold and gloomy, the kind of angry.

Shen Anyan just wanted to laugh in her heart, why is he angry? What's so annoying? Is she so angry that she guessed his mind, and pierced the ignorance under his surface? But Shen Anyan couldn't make a smile.