Concubine Raiders: Rebirth As a Queen

Chapter 27: Get rid of the crisis

"Who did you fancy?" A magnetic and lazy voice cut through the air and immediately became the focus of the audience's flash. Everyone couldn't help but follow the prestige.

A black narrow-sleeved python robe, embroidered with blood-red cloud python patterns, embroidered golden thread auspicious clouds on the cuffs, deep-lined white jade belt on the waist, and exquisite white jade waistband, with compelling tolerance. A piece of jade the size of a pigeon egg on the back of the boot is invaluable. Outside there is a big white horse with white fox fur on the neck and blowing in the breeze.

Deep three-dimensional facial features, diagonally flying sword eyebrows, **** lips, a pair of eyes are slightly raised, with an unconscious teasing and evil, especially occasionally I can see the ink-stained eye pupils as if the pool is not bottomed. , But also revealed the danger and temptation, just like a beast pupil, making people feel strange.

"Just now you said what happened to Miss Fifth?" Yin Chenlang stood among the crowd after approaching. Slowly approaching Yun Yueyao, her half-squinted peach eyes are full of danger.

When the officials and the older princes saw Yin Chenlang, they immediately recognized this person who kept shining in the crowd, and hurriedly pulled at the daughter or sister beside him.

"See His Royal Highness the Three Princes." Many official women saluted their daughters first.

Some young ladies who didn't react, or some young ladies who had never seen Yin Chenlang heard them, and whether they knew them or not, they followed to please peace and say blessings.

Shen Anyan is naturally one of the second batch of voices.

After speaking, Shen Anyan suddenly became nervous, what prince? Didn’t you say that you are the son of the world? Then quickly recalled whether there were any trespasses in getting along with Yin Chenlang. seems to be.

But fortunately, I didn't make any negative comments about the palace, otherwise it would be a big deal. Shen Anyan comforted herself, okay, okay.

"Get up." Yin Chenlang raised his head slightly. He was naturally arrogant and revealed a noble temperament. He looked at Yun Yueyao from the corner of the eye, and said, "My palace looked at the way everyone was chatting very happily just now, and came over. Look, you just said how about Miss Fifth?"

Yun Yue knew that this was the third prince, so she didn't dare to tell the truth, and she was not in the mood to harm others.

Yun Yuezhen lowered her head, lost her previous pride and bravery, and whispered, "Uh, it's not me, it's Shen Weijie from the Prime Minister's Mansion just now, saying that Miss Fifth has left the teacher in anger."

Yun Yuezhen kept silent about Qiao Jianyu, who was just about to say something. No one knew about it anyway, let alone guess what she was going to say. So she pushed things to Shen Weijie very cleverly.

Shen Weijie was scared now. Those people before were the daughters and sons of officials, but the man in front of him is the emperor's son!

So he stammered and said, "I...I didn't! I said that our husband misunderstood his children, and said so many things wrong, everyone dare not to mention it, or the five sisters were generous, and finally came out!"

In an instant, all the people who had watched the excitement and hadn't stood by to express their opinions before laughed out loudly, and the people who were talking about Shen Anyan just now felt agitated and lost in their hearts.

Yin Chenlang didn't speak, but just watched everyone's reactions. Yu Guang saw Shen Anyan looking at him, and he didn't know if he was grateful. In short, he didn't go to see Shen Anyan now.

But vaguely saw Shen Anyan wearing the step that he sent, and my mood improved inexplicably. However, it suddenly occurred to him that according to Ye Qiu Ni's style, it seemed that Shen Anyan had nothing to tell except what he had Yin Chenlang's expression returned to seriousness.

After a short laugh, Shen Lingyang seized this opportunity, walked Yingying, and blessed Yin Chen Lang. After the salute, she said softly, "Your Majesty, Shen Weijie did say that just now. I would like to introduce you to five. Everyone knows my sister, and my fifth sister is too taciturn on weekdays. Wei Jie also kindly wants her to talk and chat together."

Shen Lingyang cleared her throat, and it made people feel comfortable after hearing it. With her beautiful and beautiful flowers and moon appearance, she made people feel that she was generous, decent, gentle and kind, "But, Your Highness, why are you here?"

Shen Anyan couldn't help sighing, Shen Lingyang is worthy of being the number one beauty in Beijing in the future. With this form and posture, no one will perish.

Many people saw Shen Lingyang's actions and thought that Shen Lingyang and Yin Chenlang knew each other privately. They couldn't help but sigh that Shen Lingyang's contacts are not only widely used in official ladies, but also in the royal family. Shen Lingyang is indeed one of the best ladies in the upper class society in Beijing.

Yin Chenlang looked up at everyone, raised his voice, and said, "I just visited and saw that there was no one at the door, so I came to see everyone. Since there is nothing wrong, the identity verification is over there, please take the invitation letter. Bar."

Everyone saw that Yin Chenlang was followed by the mighty and imposing Imperial Forest Army and the Imperial Guard. These people followed Yin Chenlang around. It seems that the management entry and arrangement of this year's Lianqiu Banquet has been handed over to Yin Chenlang again.

There was another exclamation in the hearts of the ladies. Is this another hint of information? Thinking about going back and telling her husband.

To say that the disputes between the princes of the palace are chaotic, and the chaos makes people invisible, forming a strange situation now.

The emperor established the prince, who is the son of the current queen, the eldest prince Yin Lijin. But the emperor’s favorite son was the third prince Yin Chenlang. Yin Chenlang’s biological mother was the same imperial concubine, but he passed away when Yin Chenlang was less than seven years old. The emperor loved that one very much. The imperial concubine. And Yin Chenlang, who lost his biological mother at the age of six, was even more favored by the emperor. Later, Yin Chenlang was raised by the noble concubine Xiao.

Not to mention the emperor’s indifference towards Yin Lijin and the affection towards Yin Chenlang on weekdays, people with a discerning eye can see it, plus only occasional inquiries about homework to Yin Lijin and occasional teaching to Yin Chenlang himself.

Even this kind of big day, including sacrifices, outings, private visits, etc., should have been the work of the prince. Except for the ancestors’ clear order of sacrifice from the prince’s first worship, Yin Chenlang succeeded almost all the princes. Things to do.

But the most surprising thing is that the emperor didn't mean to abolish the prince at all, and he never even mentioned it.

Some people say that because the queen is the emperor’s childhood sweetheart, she is very affectionate after the big marriage. Although the emperor later loves the emperor and noble concubine more, he still will not forget the original love.

Some people say that there are so many children in the royal family who have experienced the blood and blood. The emperor prefers the better Yin Chenlang, only to temporarily appease the queen, and not to make the courtiers too one-sided, and take refuge in Yin Chenlang, causing a bad situation, so he did this. In fact, the imperial edicts that abolished the current crown prince and Li Yin Chenlang as the reserve have been written in the edict.

There are thousands of mouths and thousands of versions. The two people are now incompatible with fire and water. Everyone dare not stand in line rashly, for fear that one of them accidentally stands wrong and then gets eliminated by the one who enthroned.

The ladies, princes, and young ladies all calmed down, and they all went in line to verify their identities, and then entered the palace one after another.

These are the first batch of people to come, and the queen hasn't gotten up for a nap. The vowel of the aunt in the Queen's Palace came out to spread the word, and then led everyone to the side hall of Kunning Palace.

Many court ladies came up to serve everyone with tea and cakes. Lufenxiang cake, basil scented cake, pine nuts, Fuling cake, bijing porridge, steamed chestnut powder cake with osmanthus sugar, chrysanthemum fragrant cake, fragrant scallion drink, Qiqiao dessert.

I watched some younger ladies softly admire that the ones in their own family are definitely not so exquisite and beautiful and have a variety of varieties.

Some aunts led the maidservants and took some young ladies and sons who didn't want to sit in them. Basically, the children went out. The ladies wanted to chat for a while without the children making noise. Most of the children also wanted to chat with their peers of the same age, so they all followed.

The courtyard is surrounded by pink walls, green willows hanging down, three gatehouses with hanging flowers, and verandas on all sides. In the courtyard, the road is connected by a road, and is embellished with mountains and rocks. The entire palace is magnificent, graceful and luxurious, the gardens are rich in splendor, and the backyard is full of roses and treasures, and there is a pool in the area. The Qinfang River converges here and flows out of the Grand View Garden. There is a white stone road across the Qinfang River to the other side of the various scenery.

I stopped next to an artificial lake. The lake was wide and there were red small bridges winding and winding, walking on it as if walking on the lake.

Shen Lingyang sat in a pavilion, and several young ladies in the Shen mansion followed Shen Lingyang. The pavilion was fairly spacious, and many young ladies followed in. The maids brought snacks and stood beside them again.

"Ling Yang, who is this? Why haven't I seen it before?" Jiang Xuefan asked. Jiang Xuefan is the eldest daughter of the Shangshu of the Third Stage Criminal Department, and has a good relationship with Shen Lingyang. He asked Shen Qinghan when she saw the Shen family’s young lady. road.

"This?" Shen Lingyang said in a slightly arrogant tone, "She is the eighth young lady of our Shen Mansion."

"Who is Miss Eight? Why haven't you heard of it?" A young lady next to him who was holding a piece of tuckahoe cake heard Shen Lingyang's words and was surprised and asked.

"Yes, is it a child from the outside room?" Another young lady said. Others nodded in agreement. The Shen family is the prime minister. It should be clear to everyone that there are several daughters. In everyone's memory, there are really no eight. Miss!

"No." Shen Changbi took the sentence, smiled charmingly, and told everyone, "She is a maid."

Because Shen Qinghan is destined to be a useless person after returning, Shen Changbi doesn't care at all, making fun of Shen Qinghan's identity, and can also find some topics for everyone's boring waiting time.

"What? The maid gave birth to children?" A young lady who was holding the sweet-scented osmanthus sugar steamed chestnut flour cake suddenly became interested and shouted.

Maid girls are rare. Those who are allowed to have children are usually carried as aunts. Even if they are regarded as lowly concubines, they are better than maidservants. The children of maidservants in large families are still a mystery.

Shen Qinghan blushed and lowered his head, tears as if rolling in his eyes.

The shout of the young lady who was holding the sweet-scented osmanthus sugar-steamed chestnut powder cake attracted many people, "watching" this maidservant who is now in the palace. Those who follow the mistress who come in at noon are generally younger, and those who follow the father in the evening will be older. Now these young ladies are all of the same age, and don't have to do anything, they are very interested in this kind of thing boringly.

Even the little palace lady next to him secretly raised his eyes to look at Shen Qinghan. As a 24-year-old in a previous life, Shen Anyan can't help feeling naive.

Everyone, you say, I say, twitter, Shen Qinghan forbears, and doesn't speak. One is impossible, the other is afraid.

"Okay!" A hearty and crisp male voice interrupted all of this. Following the voice, a tough-tempered teenager with a handsome face, with a arrogant expression that could not be covered, "Is there anything to say, is it so boring? I think today’s Lianqiu Banquet is what I want to talk about."

Shen Anyan looked at her, it turned out to be Lin Xiuye! The son of the three-product household department Shangshu. Although it is not very high among all the people on the spot that the father of my father is a third-grade official, because there are also officials' children who are super-grade or first-grade and second-grade officials here. But what Lin Xiuye ​​made people admire was not these positions in the family, but other things.

The position of the Ministry of Households is in charge of the national territory, fields, household registration, taxes, salaries, and all financial matters. It was originally related to "money". His father was the top boss of the Ministry of Households, and the Ministry of Households Shangshu, everything here More or less people have fished out some oil and water.

And his cousin, his father's cousin Lin Zhihong, three generations of imperial merchants, rich in the enemy's country, and the imperial palace are extremely close economically.

Businessmen need power and status to support, and officialdom needs money to back up. The relationship between his father Lin Zhifeng and his cousin Lin Zhihong has been very good since childhood. Lin Zhihong has not unexpectedly become a very successful imperial merchant. Lin Zhifeng relies on Lin Zhihong’s gold. Yin had an unimpeded road, and entered the officialdom more easily than the Han Chuang children.

Lin Xiuye ​​was used to the family since he was young, and with his distinguished status, his expression was always a touch of arrogance. Ordinary people heard the name of Shaolin Xiuye ​​in the capital jokingly screaming "Master Qian". He didn't care about this name after spending a lot of money. Later, more people shouted at the upper level and became his nickname.

It used to be the scholar, peasant, industry, and commerce, but after the hard work of the emperor merchants and wealthy merchants who were wealthy and the enemy, it finally became the scholar, merchant, peasant, and laborer. Although everyone's old ideas are still difficult to reform, the huge amount of money of big businessmen is still much more respected.

Even if the position of the merchant becomes higher, the family of clans are unwilling to merge with them, and the clans never look at people, not to mention the merchants who used to rank behind the workers and peasants.

Moreover, the businessman and his son were still unable to enter the official career, so Lin Zhihong could not be an official himself, so he did his best to help his cousin Lin Zhifeng.

To say that Lin Xiuye ​​had a little relationship with Shen Anyan in his previous life, this person seemed to love to fight injustice, but it didn't seem like that was all. When Shen Anyan was insulted by Shen Changbi when she went out and lifted the curtain, Lin Xiuye ​​came out and said when she didn't keep her boudoir's name.

But Shen Anyan knew clearly that Lin Xiuye ​​and Shen Anyan were not the same person. After all, Lin Xiuye's eldest son was spoiled by his family, and his mind was as serious as his father.

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