Concubine Raiders: Rebirth As a Queen

Chapter 284: Princess Quang Binh

Shen Anyan smiled. Since this prince hates herself so much, why does she ask to marry herself? Is it because Shen Lingyang has come up with an idea that failed? But Ye Qiu Ni didn't seem to know, and Shen Lingyang was a person who couldn't tolerate sand in his eyes. Even if there were any tricks, he would not be a "Ping Concubine", but a side concubine or a concubine.

"She is the eldest sister of the courtier, how could she let the courtier be bullied?" Shen Anyan also understood very clearly, is she going to trouble Shen Lingyang herself, or Shen Lingyang is coming to trouble herself, the prince still can't tell?

"On the contrary, she is a concubine of the Shen Mansion. You are only a concubine, so I am afraid that you don't dare to go arrogantly." The prince said, and walked away. "My palace has to go to my mother and ask for peace, I'm sorry to say goodbye."

The Nine King Yin Yaoling didn't follow the prince. He took a deep look at the prince's direction. He turned his head and just smiled and said, "How come your eldest brother said this, sister, don't mind."

Shen Anyan just smiled, noncommittal.

These princes were in the same hatred at this time, and the prince said such excessive things, but he had no opinion at all, and helped him round the game, pretending that it had never happened.

This was also tossing for a while, and it happened that a palace lady came to report that Mrs. Shen was already waiting for Miss Fifth at the palace gate, so Shen Anyan was going to hurry up. Shen Anyan also just wanted to leave quickly, saluted, and left.

"Where are the third brothers going now?" Yin Yaoling asked Yin Chenlang when Shen Anyan had left.

"Out of the palace." After Shen Anyan left, Yin Chenlang's expression also became cold.

"Isn't your brother staying for a while? Can we have lunch with the mother concubine?" Yin Feifei asked quickly when Yin Chenlang was about to leave the palace.

"I have something else, you can use it with my concubine." Yin Chenlang just heard Shen Anyan's words, and now he can't calmly face Xiao Anlan. Instead of doing this, it's better not to make yourself feel guilty and just leave.

Upon seeing this, Yin Yaoling smiled and said, "It's all together. If the third brother doesn't mind, let's go together."

Yin Chenlang responded, and the two left together.

Inside the Kunning Palace, the exquisite gold box burned with Yue Lin incense, smoke filled the hall, and the hall was silent.

The prince sat opposite the queen, his face was dull, and asked, "Mother, can I give up that disfigured fool now?"

The queen touched her armor. The graceful golden armor was inlaid with priceless emeralds and said, "Jin'er, don't be anxious. When you said to give up to her, I told you, Shen Anyan. You can’t be treated carelessly because of the depth of a person’s strategy. She might have been pretending to be decadent for you at the time..."

Before the queen finished speaking, she was interrupted by the eager prince, and said, "But she was really depressed for a long time, and she was driven out of Shen Mansion by Mrs. Shen. If it wasn't for the father to think of it, she would even let her become a princess. Is there a day in the making!"

"Don’t look at what other people’s superficial skills are. You don’t know what she did in private. Today I’m surprised that Xiao Anlan wants to accept her as a righteous daughter. Shen Anyan can be named a princess on the basis of a concubine. It can be seen that this person is clever." Shen Anyan's good impression on the emperor before is also one of the reasons why the emperor accepts her as a righteous daughter today, but it is by no means the main reason. As for the main reason, I am afraid that only the emperor himself knows, or Shen Anyan knows...

"Yes." The prince replied. I wanted to marry Shen Anyan before because I had fancy Shen Anyan’s resourcefulness. Shen Lingyang is good in appearance, reputation and status, but from Shen Lingyang’s proposal of the cold plague and snow disaster, it can be seen that he knows a lot to help the emperor share his worries, but In fact, he can't be thoughtful, but the wisdom of the youngest daughter is not enough to make a big deal.

The prince did not expect that when Shen Lingyang handed in the prescription Shen Anyan gave, no one felt wrong! Including the emperor and himself, because they have never been to the field survey. If you give it to those who have done the survey, you might be able to analyze the problems. Natural disasters of this magnitude are unique to Da Zhou. You must be very careful when dealing with them and don't tolerate any mistakes, but everyone just because it was Shen Lingyang's plan, they couldn't wait to use it, causing tragedy.

Shen Anyan's plan is the result of a field survey for days and nights in her previous life. A dozen experienced and resourceful veterans have worked hard for so long to write a nearly perfect method.

The idea of ​​the prince and the queen is that before the prince ascends the throne, Shen Anyan can be reused, even if she is allowed to press Shen Lingyang, it does not matter. It will give her face and benefits, plus the pleasure of suppressing her unsurpassed sister since childhood. Let Shen Anyan do her best to help them. After ascending to the throne, there can only be one queen. Yin Lijin’s queen can’t be a disorganized person. At that time, Shen Lingyang, as the daughter of the Xiangfu, must also teach the rules. See Yin Lijin never go again. When Shen Anyan is there, she will understand Yin Lijin's thoughts, and her own selfishness will definitely make Shen Anyan die! After the stabilization, a smart woman like Shen Anyan is no longer needed. Shen Anyan is like a knife hanging over her head, which will bring danger to Yin Lijin at any time. Maybe Shen Anyan will have some power of her own at that time. If she does not kill her, she will see that Yin Lijin has not canonized her as a queen. Contact the Minister of Korea and China for rebellion. When the new emperor was enthroned, he would bleed heavily if he didn't die. Therefore, Shen Anyan must not stay. When the time comes, the ministers who are familiar with Shen Anyan will also be killed, and then this woman will be erased from the history books!

"It's a good move to unload the mill and kill the donkey." This is the first time Yin Lijin talked with the queen about marrying Shen Anyan that night. After that, before he asked for marriage on his birthday, Shen Lingyang, who had some minor contradictions but did not affect the overall situation, used his plan.

"I have been observing the emperor today. When Shen Anyan walked in, even if he saw that Shen Anyan had been disfigured, he still liked her very much, so I insisted on letting you marry her." The queen explained.

"I understand, and I will respect my mother's orders in the future." Yin Lijin said.

"It's really strange that the emperor named her a princess this time, so let's wait for the news first." The queen said, "Remember, excessive petting is either a big blessing or a catastrophe."

"Erchen understands." Just like Yin Lijin's original plan, Shen Anyan will be loved by the sky without even paying attention to Shen Lingyang, but this is an element of purpose, and then Shen Anyan will only have a tragic death.

"This is Qianbuxiang, Nanjun's tribute, you go and bring it to Shen Lingyang." The queen ordered, Yuanxiang handed over a delicate carved red sandalwood box. "Don't let her be crushed by the concubine as soon as she became your princess."

"Yes." The prince said.

The news that Shen Anyan was sealed as a princess spread quickly.