Concubine Raiders: Rebirth As a Queen

Chapter 31: Stunning four

The talents of these people are indeed not much to see in the eyes of Shen Anyan, who is widely seen.

Shen Anyan ate a few bites boringly, and soon saw Jiang Xuefan stand up and bowed Yingying, lightly holding out a handful of pipa, slender fingers flicked on the pipa, a voiceless voice came, like a nightingale In the evening, tired, drowsy, her voice soft and euphemistic, for a long while, the rhythm became brisk, as if the moon rose up in the sky, and the nightingale fell in the psychedelic of the moonlight, with a tactful singing voice. Gradually, the rhythm became infected. Power, spread all around...

The sound stopped abruptly, but the tune seemed to surround the beam.

"The daughter of Jiang Da's family is really getting better and better!" Lin Zhifeng touched his beard, smiled heartily, and cast an admiring look at Jiang Yi.

Jiang Yi replied with a look, with a smile on his face, no words, his expression full of pride and joy.

The applause of the guests was thunderous, and it didn't stop. It was obvious that Jiang Xuefan swept away everyone's boringness and reminded everyone.

"Xue Fan is more beautiful, this pipa played, quite like the imperial concubine back then." De Fei said softly, sighed, a Chinese dress regulated by the Lakeland Concubine among the concubines contending for wonder and beauty. Not too conspicuous, but the charity in De Fei's eyebrows is respectable.

Concubine De concubine stared at the center of the hall in a trance, until Jiang Xuefan retreated. She still looked forward with inexplicable sadness and nostalgia in her eyes, nostalgia for the past time.

The people in the hall heard the words of Concubine De, the emperor looked at Concubine De, and said, "There is a 10% similarity. Concubine De, don’t miss it too much. During the Mid-Autumn Festival, relax and be happy, the imperial concubine is in the sky. I also hope to see everyone have a good time."

De Fei came back to her senses, smiled, nodded slowly, did not speak much, and took a sip of wine with a toast.

After a few more wonderful performances, although they were not as good as Jiang Xuefan, they were still wonderful. The atmosphere in the hall became active and the atmosphere warmed up.

Seeing Yun Yuemao's superficial face and dancing willows, Shen Anyan held her head on her head, figuring out when she would arrive at Yang Lingyun and Shen Lingyang, raised her head without comment, and saw Yin Chenlang.

Yin Chenlang is the second one. Because the second prince got into trouble, he was sent out by the king early. Yin Chenlang is already fifteen this year, and he will be the king in a few years and move out of the palace to live in the capital. In the palace. When the emperor died, I was watching that the new emperor was willing to let him stay, or let him stay away from the capital and live in the fief for the sake of safety.

Shen Anyan tilted her head and glanced at the prince Yin Lijin, the sinister and vicious prince. It was him who assisted Qiao Jianyu in her previous life. He was exactly the same as the queen's temperament, without showing any expressions, and the city was extremely deep. This pair of brothers whose names are from the name of Wang are really charming and handsome, which shows that the queen and the noble concubine, who is the vice queen, must be peerless beauty when they were young.

When she looked away from Yin Lijin and looked back at Yin Chenlang, Shen Anyan realized that Yin Chenlang was also looking at herself, and it seemed that she had been looking at her for a while. Shen Anyan lowered her head in embarrassment, coughed twice, and raised her head again, and found that Yin Chenlang's pair of slender peach blossom eyes cast scorching gazes towards Shen Anyan, a pair of eyes were slightly hooked, with an unconscious teasing and wickedness. , Seeing Shen Anyan lowered her head for a while, her **** thin lips evoked a dazzling smile.

Yin Lijin, who was drinking from the side, turned around and saw this scene accidentally, her stern face did not float, she just looked at Yin Chenlang's gaze, it was too far, and she didn't know who he was looking at.

Yin Chenlang seemed to have discovered what Yin Lijin was looking for. He turned around and stared at Yin Lijin and smiled more dazzlingly, "Big Brother." Yin Chenlang raised his glass, provocative and evil eyes and dangerous and challenging smiles, forming Yin Chenlang. Facing Yin Lijin's standard expression, whether Yin Lijin raised his glass or not, Yin Chenlang raised the glass and drank it all by himself, then tilted the glass towards Yin Lijin to signal that he was finished.

Yin Lijin raised the wine glass and took a sip to prevent people from having too many eyes. Whoever sees their series of actions will inevitably show their stinginess and carelessness if they don't drink.

The two of them looked at the center of the hall calmly, just like nothing. They couldn't even find the slightest fluctuation in their eyes.

Finally arrived at Yang Lingyun, the goose yellow dress got up, and the maid spread out the rice paper and pressed it for her. Yang Lingyun Yuzhi picked up the brush, her posture was graceful, and the palace servant who was grinding the ink stepped back. She dipped the ink lightly, and the pen was like a real thing, mimicking the shape and reality, and a painting was gorgeous and elegant without losing its charm. The lingering spring breeze is blowing, the thousand flowers are swinging, the begonia is sleeping on the wild path, the roses are powerless to pour the dust, and the countless remaining flowers are covered with brocades. The pavilions, terraces and buildings, Haitang Qingwu, flowing water, maolin, bamboo, and reflection of bamboo, water waves, reflections, and the undulating corridors conceal the goodbye.

"Dip in cinnabar to paint petals; dip in autumn fragrance to paint birds, dip in frosty color for gracefulness; dip in rouge for red lips, dip in white and bright jade noodles; dip in snails for eyebrows, dip in crow green for eyes; dip in silver vermilion for clothes, Dip in red gold for the bracelet; dip in the tooth color for the band, dip in the black color for the hair color; dip in the lotus root for the 璎珞, dip in the jade for the hosta; dip in the jade color for the arm, dip in the amber for the golden lotus; dip in the water green for the Xiuhu, dip the flower The blue painting is slightly rippled; the ultramarine is dipped in the sky, the stone green is painted with moss; the red sandalwood is dipped in the table and chair, and the porcelain white is dipped in the tea cup.

Yang Lingyun sang as she painted, her voice was like the first valley of an oriole, she turned softly to hear, it was clear and bright, which made people intoxicated.

A smile appeared on the corners of Yang Lingyun's lips, as if a river of spring water had just melted the ice and snow, and her bright and moving eyes shone brightly.

I don’t know how long it took until the song was finished, and everyone was still intoxicated. They didn’t get over, and only waited for Yang Lingyun to clear her throat, "The emperor, the courtiers have finished this painting."

Yang Lingyun painted the Queen’s Kunning Palace, but added a few scenes to make it more beautiful, unlike a place in the world, just like a fairyland.

"Bring it up, let the queen take a closer look." The emperor looked at Yang Lingyun, very satisfied.

After some time, Yang Lingyun gave this painting to the queen, and she bowed to her and returned to her seat. After she took her seat, she couldn't hide the excitement in her eyes. She was determined to win the position of the county lord!

Shen Lingyang had a mocking and sneer on her face, without disguising her, her disdainful eyes filled her apricot eyes Mingren.

After two more people, it was finally Shen Lingyang.

Shen Lingyang got up and glanced at Shen Anyan, attached to Ye Qiu Ni's ear and said a few words, Ye Qiu Ni signaled Shen Lingyang to rest assured, and whispered "I will arrange it."

Shen Lingyang stepped forward. Everyone was waiting for Shen Lingyang’s talent show with breathlessness. Shen Lingyang stroking the piano body lightly, walked to the side and sat down, flattened the piano, and took a deep breath. The jade fingers began to wave on the guqin. , Very smooth.

Accompanied by the guqin, Shen Lingyang smiled and threw red lips lightly. The gentle and somewhat sad singing voice slowly flowed out, "The flowers are flying all over the sky, and the red fragrance is broken. Who is pity? The gossamer is soft and floating on the spring pavilion, and the drops are lightly touched on the curtain of the home. ;Hand **** the flowers out of the curtains of the country, and toss the flowers back and forth. Willow silk elm pods come from Fangfei, regardless of Tao Piao and Li Fei, peaches and plums can be sent again next year, who knows in the boudoir next year? Liang Jian's swallows are too ruthless; next year, although flowers and hair can be pecked, but no one will go to Liang Kong's nest? Three hundred and sixty days a year, the wind knife and the frost sword are pressing hard; The flowers bloom are easy to see and fall hard to find, and the sorrow before the stage kills the flower burial person; the flower **** secretly sheds tears, and the empty branches are sprinkled with blood.

"The cuckoo was speechless at dusk, and the He **** returned to cover the heavy door; the blue lantern illuminates the wall for the first time, but the cold rain knocks on the window and is not warm! It is so bad for the blame? It is half Lian Chun and half annoyed by Chun. Lian Chun suddenly became annoyed. To go, until there is no word to leave. Last night, the tragic song was sent out of court, knowing that it is the soul of the flower and the soul of the bird? At the end of the sky. At the end of the sky, where is the incense hill?"

The sound of Shen Lingyang’s piano is sultry, and the singing circulates around the beam. This song should only be found in the sky, so it’s hard to hear a few times in the world! Shen Lingyang deserves to be a beauty who is all over the country, not only looks like a fairy who came to the world from the bridge of heaven and wonderland, but also the sound of piano and singing are miraculously wonderful. No wonder, Shen Lingyang will be recorded in the annals of history after many years and become a legend!

The sound of Shen Lingyang’s piano gradually eased, and people’s hearts also eased. Suddenly, there was a wave of rising again, and it was even more intoxicating. People couldn’t help being moved and sighed. With the full-round moon of fifteen, it was also true and illusory. . No matter how cold-blooded, how powerful, how well the pretense is, how deep the city is, at this moment, everyone's mental defenses are put down, and they become emotional with Shen Lingyang's singing.

"It's not as if the bag is to collect the beautiful bones, and a handful of pure land to cover the romance. The quality is pure and clean. Don't teach to defile the ditch. You die today, but you will be buried, and you may not know the day of the funeral! Laughing idiot, he knows who he was buried in the year! Try to see the decay of the spring flowers, which is when the red face is old and dead. Once the spring is over, the red face is old, and the flowers fall and everyone is dead!"

When the tune is over, the strings are still in your ears.

After a long time, Shen Lingyang took the slender jade hand from the guqin and let out a long sigh of relief. She sitting there is as beautiful as a painting, better than Yang Lingyun's fairy palace paintings, because she herself is like a goddess in the fairy palace.

Even Yang Lingyun was dumbfounded, and there was thunderous applause. Everyone's eyes were full of admiration and envy. Of course, there was also a small number of jealousy.

Yang Lingyun clenched her fist fiercely, her eyes full of anger, and controlled her hatred of wanting to go up and pinch Shen Lingyang, her nails sunk in the flesh, and she pierced her beautiful slender hands. Shen Lingyang, you are really my nemesis! I am the most outstanding first beauty in Da Zhou!

No one looked at Yang Lingyun, who was sulking, and she was pleasing Shen Yin to flattery one after another. Seeing immediately, Shen Lingyang is more brilliant than Yang Lingyun.

Shen Shenyin smiled happily and spoke modestly. In fact, the spring breeze filled his face, showing that he was proud of his daughter.

"The tiger father has no dog girls, Master Shen really taught a good daughter." The officials around him admired Shen Yin.

Upon seeing this, Concubine Xiao Gui immediately added, "Ling Yang is worthy of being a figure named Yujia Liangyuan. How can this kind of talent be available to mortals."

The emperor only looked at Shen Lingyang with a satisfied smile and nodded to Xiao Anlan.

The queen really wanted to say something, and was immediately snatched by Concubine Xiao Xiao, "Chen'er, this is Shen Lingyang, the eldest daughter of the Shen Mansion. Haven't you always admired talented women? Get to know them soon."

Everyone was shocked, and finally returned to the realization of the fairy palace dream just now. Concubine Xiao Gui is too bold! Said so bluntly. Everyone looked at the emperor again, the emperor didn't seem to be angry, he didn't mean to be angry, now it's up to Yin Chenlang to answer the conversation.

Yin Chenlang smiled at the corner of his mouth, stood up politely, nodded slightly, and said, "Yes, you deserve to be the daughter of Prime Minister Shen."

Shen Lingyang quickly leaned over and gave a salute.

Xiao Anlan's apricot eyes were round and angrily, and she glared at Yin Chenlang, as if she was dissatisfied with what Yin Chenlang said.

Yin Chenlang didn't see it, and sat down like a okay person.

Although Yin Lijin's city is quite deep, he is only one year old, the elder Yin Chenlang. He is also an arrogant young man of sixteen. To Yin Chenlang, who is not a prince but full of spirits, the prince's resentment is of course the greatest.

Even Yin Lijin's face sank uncontrollably at the scene in front of him. Simply Yin Chenlang was not too arrogant, otherwise he might uncontrollably confront Yin Chenlang on the days of reunion and celebration with his father and the important ministers and clan aristocrats.

Yin Lijin squeezed his fist to death, took a deep breath, finally adjusted his mood, and turned into a calm look.

Of course, the obvious change in his expression was seen by anyone with a discerning eye.

Although the queen saw Yin Lijin's anger, although she felt distressed, she was even more afraid that he would have a blatant attack and the consequences would be uncontrollable. So he said, "Okay, let's go with the young man's affairs. Which daughter is next?"

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