Confession (Ying Cheng)

Chapter 39: Confess that he was coaxing her

In the second half of the night, Zhou Jingze was willing to let her go. Xu Sui ran back to the tent and carefully took off her coat. Hu Qianxi, who was still asleep, suddenly waved her fist in the air and said viciously, "Where have you been?"

"Just now I-"

Before Xu Suihua finished speaking, Hu Qian interrupted her quickly: "Lu Wenbai, don't think that if you hide from me, I won't be able to catch up with you."

It turned out that it wasn't for her. Xu Sui sighed in relief, put Hu Qianxi's bare arm back into the quilt pocket, and tightened the quilt before going to bed.

In the early morning of the next day, at least half of the group of people who wanted to watch the sunrise ended in failure. The group had to pack up their things, take down the tent and return it to the scenic area, and plan to go back to the hotel to rest and discuss.

After they rested for a while, Hu Qian, who was full of energy, took Xu Sui to visit the surrounding attractions, and the carbonic acid team had to keep up, followed by Qin Jing and a couple.

They were walking around, and Hu Qianxi saw a wooden sign hanging in front of him with the words Suspension Bridge on it, and her eyes lit up.

Sheng Nanzhou glanced around and left. Hu Qianxi quickly dragged him forward. The former grabbed the railing and refused to move a step further, and broke out a sentence from his teeth: "You are so good, I am not, Xiao Lord, I am afraid of heights."

"That has to be overcome even more." Hu Xixi said.

Sheng Nanzhou: "..."

The suspension bridge was suspended in the middle of the valley, and the bottom was not bottomless, and there was a slight sway when he walked up. Xu Sui was not afraid of heights, but was a little scared. Fortunately, Zhou Jingze held her steadily.

Qin Jing walked in front of them, saw a large string of colorful locks hanging in the middle of the bridge, and suddenly stopped.

"Damn, lover lock, I didn't expect to see it here too." Qin Jing said "Wow".

Liu walked over, glanced at the lock on it, and asked, "Why, what is the opinion of the prodigal son Qin Gongzi?"

"Fuck you, I think I was still very pure back then, okay," Qin Jing kicked Liu and touched his forehead, his tone was a little embarrassing, "It was when I was in high school, my first love was with me. I went on a date secretly, and by the way, my first love looked like Sister Xu, she looked pure and well-behaved, those eyes—"

Zhou Jingze stood aside and pointed to the bottomless canyon: "If you want to find something, just say it, I will make you perfect."

Qin Jing immediately backed up two steps and fell into memory again: "I remember to go to some temple with her. There is also a place to hang a lover's lock nearby. People there said that if they encounter such a place, as long as the two of them hang up together sincerely. Lovers can stay for a long time. There was an old guy who was so eloquent that he said that my first love and I were both heartbroken. As a result, the guy said that a lock was two hundred and fifty yuan as soon as he opened his mouth, and I nodded and left."

"What happened later?" Xu Sui couldn't help asking.

"It didn't take long afterwards, blame the old man for saying so mysterious, hey, so, let's hang up when you meet the lover's lock-suddenly I miss my first love, she is so good." Qin Jing said with emotion from a distance.

The only couple in Zhou Jingze's class immediately hung up after hearing this, but Liu, a single dog, did not express any opinions on this. Suddenly, Qin Jing said as if he had discovered the New World, "Master Zhou, go hang up too, and God will bless you to be together for a long time."

Xu Sui looked at the lock hung on the bridge, tied the streamer on it and fluttered in the wind, her eyes shook. She just wanted to say, "Should we hang one too", Zhou Jingze replied to Qin Jing.

He dusted the ashes from his hand, and sneered lazily with his head held up: "I am an atheist."

Xu followed his words and had to swallow it.

The group made a small noise all the way to the end of the bridge. There was an inn just in front of it, and a group of people sat on the stone pier to rest. Zhou Jingze and Xu Sui went to the vending machine in front to buy drinks for everyone.

Zhou Jingze was standing in front of the freezer picking up a drink. Xu Sui thought about what Qin Jing said just now. She couldn't help but take out her mobile phone Baidu and edited in the search box: Can the two of them really last for a long time with a padlock in the bridge of love?

A series of web answers popped up on the screen of the phone. Xu Sui looked at it carefully. Each answer was one. It was said that of course it was true. It has been five years and I am still with him.

Someone also answered: I don’t believe it, it’s just a myth. The scenic spot cheats money.

There is also a pertinent answer: if you believe it, you have it, and if you don't believe it, you don't.

Xu Sui kept swiping down the screen, completely immersed in the story of the lover's lock. Zhou Jingze added a drink on the screen in front of the vending machine, and asked for a long while:

"One by one, what do you drink?"

No one answered, Zhou Jingze took two steps back, raised his hand and squeezed her face, squinted dissatisfiedly and shouted: "Xu Sui."

"Ah, let me drink Yifang." Xu Sui returned to his senses, took the phone and walked to the screen to add the drink she wanted to drink. Zhou Jingze stood behind her, glanced at her phone, and his black eyelashes moved.

When Zhou Jingze returned to the rest area with a bag of water, Liu clasped his fists in both hands: "Thanks to sister Xu, I can live to the day when Master Zhou runs errands to buy water for me."

"It's just one bottle short," Zhou Jingze glanced at the drink, and his tone was slow and owed. "Don't drink it. I will buy it for you when you live to be 99 years old."

"Fuck me again." Da Liu stood on tiptoe and strangled Zhou Jingze's neck, and the two were in a mess.

They drank enough water to rest and were about to set off. Sheng Nanzhou glanced at the map: "The last stop, the city in the sky, if you are lucky, you can see the Snow Girl."

A group of people were about to move, only Hu Qianxi stood there and did not move, staring at the phone blankly. Sheng Nanzhou walked in front of her, stretched out his five fingers and shook in front of her eyes, and asked with a smile:

"Why are you still in a daze? Didn't you look forward to the next stop for a long time? And your favorite flying flower."

Sheng Nanzhou's voice pulled the eldest lady's thoughts back, and Hu Qianxi suddenly looked up, with a look of despair: "I just received a call from the hospital, saying that Lu Wenbai fainted on the side of the road and was taken to the hospital."

"I'm his nearest contact, I'm going to see him in the hospital."

"It's the last stop, don't you want to go there most. Now there is no car down the mountain, we will accompany you after watching." Sheng Nanzhou stopped her arm.

Hu Qianxi frowned, her tone still a bit rushing: "Is it time to watch the scene? He is injured, I have to see him. If you want to go, you can go!"

"I **** want to go because you want to go!" Sheng Nanzhou roared out in a deep voice.

"Because you said before that you wanted to ski and relax, I organized everyone to form a band, so that everyone can come together! It's because of you!" Sheng Nanzhou threw the circuit diagram on the ground with a "slap", his eyes didn't know. Is it because of anger or because of something, it feels a bit dry.

Sheng Nanzhou suffocated his breath and said it all with a sarcasm: "If you want to go, don't **** cry and come back to me."

After Sheng Nanzhou put down the call, a group of people left without looking back.

Hu Qianxi was stunned by the scolding. Since childhood, Sheng Nanzhou has been very good to her, and he has hardly yelled at her. This is the first time. With crystal tears on her eyelashes, she looked like she was about to cry. Xu Sui immediately found a tissue and handed it to her.

Zhou Jingze pulled out Hu Xixi's cell phone, pulled his thumb on the call log, lowered his neck, and took out the cell phone from his trouser pocket with the other hand and walked to a short distance to make a low voice call.

Two minutes later, Zhou Jingze returned the phone to Hu Qianxi and said: "I have already called someone to go to the hospital. Let's go."

Zhou Jingze handled the matter steadily with just a phone call. After their troubles, everyone did not have the intention to go shopping. Beishan is relatively remote and there are only a few fixed buses. The time is not up, and the bus can not be started.

Zhou Jingze didn't know where to get a car and sent everyone back.

On the way back, because Hu Xixi was in a bad mood, Xu Sui had to sit in the back row and chat with Hu Xixi. After chatting for a long time, the lady fell asleep on her shoulder.

The biting cold wind came in from the window, Hu Qianxi shrank subconsciously, Xu Sui pressed the window button, the window rose slowly, and she called the master to raise the temperature.

Zhou Jingze tied his hands and feet to the co-pilot with his elbows on the side of the window. The driver just wanted to do it. He leaned over and raised the temperature a bit. The driver smiled, "Thank you."

"Little things."

Xu Sui sat in the back and looked at Zhou Jingze in the co-pilot. He sat upright again, his hair seemed to be a little longer, his short, stiff black hair poked his neck a little, his knuckles propped his forehead, and he brushed his phone casually. Scrambling to draw the news.

Suddenly, Xu Sui's mobile phone made a "dingdong" sound. She logged into WeChat and checked and was pulled into a group named Beishan Ski Team. This name...looks like it was taken by Liu.

Sure enough, in the next second, all members of Liu Aite: [Handsome guys and beauties, share the beautiful photos of this journey. 】

The group news immediately appeared in the form of 99+, and a short "none" by Zhou Jingze appeared in the news group, which appeared to be compelling and owed.

Xu Sui pressed his finger on the screen and looked at the photos they shared casually. Suddenly, he clicked on a photo and couldn't move his finger, his eyes were shocked.

Someone took a picture of the suspension bridge, with countless love locks hanging in the center.

It's a pity, if only we could hang up with him.

If you think about it, the screen message bar shows that zjz has sent a message to her, and Xu Sui clicks on the phone.

Zjz: [Unhappy? 】

Xu Sui looked at Zhou Jingze in front of him subconsciously, but he lowered his head, and his back was slightly on the back seat like a bow. Did he see her expression through the rearview mirror just now?

Although I don't know why the two are in the same space, why Zhou Jingze still messaged her, Xu Sui adjusted the expression on his face, lowered his eyelashes and replied: [No. 】

After sending it, there was no reply there. Five minutes later, a message reminder sounded from WeChat, and zjz sent you a picture.

She logged into WeChat, clicked on the picture, and then opened her eyes slightly, a little unbelievable. Among the various lover locks, there is a red bronze lock, which is firmly buckled there, with words engraved on it, and the names of the two are side by side:

ZJZ and XS

A heart thumped and kept beating, Xu Sui felt a little warm in his neck, and replied: "Why did you hang up? 】

ZJZ replied: [When looking for a car for everyone. 】

Ding Dong, he returned another message. Xu Suidian opened it and ZJZ sent out: [I threw the key away, so I can't unlock it. 】

He couldn't solve it, he was coaxing her, and Xu Sui couldn't help but curl his lips as he stared at the line.

Very happy, so happy that even the air is sweet.