Congratulations on Your Successful Escape

Chapter 170

Chapter 170

The hallway outside the door has become a normal look again. The walls on all sides frame a deep and deep space, and extend laterally to both sides. The empty door that was like a black hole before and the straight forward The corridor seemed to be a hallucination that disappeared under the sun.

Mo Yi and Wen Yan walked quickly in the direction of the sound. The familiar bright lights in the hall slowly spread out in front of the eyes, and the voices of the players were clear, even the cold temperature in the house. Nor can it stop the escalating gunpowder smell.

"... I don't believe it! If this **** house is smashed, it will be so godlike!"

This was followed by a chaotic tearing sound and murky overlapping human voices.

Mo Yi's pace was a little, his frown wrinkled without trace-he recognized the voice.

Li Wang.

This person is a full-time poop. Not only is he a bully who is afraid of bullying and bullying, but even worse, he is narrow-minded and stupid. He is impulsive and not mindful. It is the kind of cleverness and luck that picks up his life. The kind of player who started to pretentiously did not know how to live to this day.

There was a hint of impatience in Mo Yi's eyes.

He took a step and walked into the hall, only to see everyone struggling and tearing under the stairs. Several players who seemed to have lost their minds, including Li Wang, were smashing things in the hall. The carpet was scattered with pieces of porcelain and wooden furniture. In the wreckage, a few players are struggling to discourage attempts to control the situation, while more players are numbly standing in the corner. Some are still whining and crying. The whole scene is messy and chaotic.

The herd effect is the most terrible fever.

Li Wang was still shouting with a hoarse voice, and those who were still keeping their senses were slowly affected by their remarks, and the expression on their faces also slightly loosened over time.

And just then, a small voice sounded not far away:


The short two words pry open the atmosphere of chaos in front of the eyes like a wedge, and deeply penetrate the eardrums of everyone with a cold metal texture. The pressure that is hard to ignore in the sound can't help but feel tight and subconsciously close it. Sound, and looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw Mo Yi standing on the stairs and looking down at the crowd. The dark-colored eyes were like the dark lake with the unpredictable icy chill. He looked calm and could not see the slightest change in mood, but he didn't know why it made people shudder.

Even the most wanton Li Wang, who was just clamoring just now, couldn't help but wince slightly.

Mo Yi's gaze slowly turned around the people below the stairs, and his gaze was left without any trace on Li Wang's body, watching the other person subconsciously look away from him, and he couldn't help but slightly wink. Eyes.

He is accustomed to not interfering with the choices and fate of other players in the copy, analyzing the clues in the copy from the perspective of an onlooker, and rarely participates in the game progress of other players. Although the copy in front of me is not very difficult, the time is extraordinarily long. Although the number of players is large, the number of rookies and experienced veterans occupy the majority, especially now in Li Wang. Under the turmoil of human beings, if he does not come out to control the scene again, it is likely that things will become difficult to clean up.

Mo Yi walked down the stairs and said coldly, "Nine days after one-third of the day, I started to indulge. Are you ready to rely on God for the remaining six days?"

There was no ups and downs in his voice, but the sarcasm was sharp and hard to watch.

Mo Yi turned his gaze to Li Wang and continued, "If you have no clue what to do, make a reckless decision. For the time being, you ca n’t really cause damage to the house, if you can, then Can you afford the consequences of demolishing a house? "

He narrowed his eyes and spit out two simple words: "Stupid."

Li Wang's face was pale, and he was particularly annoyed by being insulted by stupidity, and blood poured directly on his cheek, but just as he was impulsively preparing to open his mouth, Mo Yi was only a few steps away from him. Place to stand.

And those dark eyes glided across his right arm with a hint.

The intense pain that has not faded in the memory seems to be reflected on the body again. The unhealed fingers are trembling physiologically and trembling. The anxiety and fear rising deep in the heart make Wang Wang subconsciously take a step back, and the words card that has not spoken yet There was a giggle in the throat.

Mo Yi retracted his gaze and continued calmly, "You should now realize that time is repeating. This is actually a good thing. At least you can know what might happen next, which means you have time to find clues. This It is already the best possible. Do you have any dissatisfaction with this? "

Everyone looked at each other, and a small murmur sounded in the crowd. The previous panic and helplessness were finally suppressed by the calm mood-Mo Yi was right, if this copy is really a timeline cycle, then It means that they already know what will happen after this, which is a great advantage for them.

As everyone whispered, a familiar voice came from behind the crowd: "Dear guests, welcome to the wedding of Mr. de Klaus and Ms. de Klaus. I am from Klaus House Butler, I will be hosting you all these days. "

This time everyone was mentally prepared, and this time no one was scared by the voice of the housekeeper.

The players looked in the direction of the sound, and saw that the butler stood in the shadow like last time. The pale face reflected the ghostly light in the darkness like an emotionless mask.

"You must have received the invitation. Please save it."

What happened next was almost the same as it was three days ago, after the steward spoke exactly the same words as the last time, he went into the darkness again, and disappeared quietly as usual as the pace went away. Already.

Mo Yi's gaze paused where the housekeeper left, then turned to look at the other players, broke the silence and said:

"Let's continue to search for the unfinished places last time. This time, pay more attention to the clues about the portrait. This copy of the killing rule is very easy to understand. Then all we need is to find a way to escape this rule."

After that, the other players slowly dispersed, and started searching for clues in the house aimlessly.

Mo Yi stood in the middle of the hall, and thoughtfully looked up at the marble statue with smooth arcs in front of the door. He saw his pale eyes staring openly into the air with his pale eyes, he stretched his fingers lightly. Touching its cold, hard surface lightly, the smooth stone feels like it's just a simple dead object.

Just then, Mo Yi seemed to think of something and suddenly hesitated involuntarily.

If this is the reincarnation, then all the details now should be exactly the same as they were three days ago.

However, this time there was no whine-like weeping cry or the intermittent gloomy piano sound.

Mo Yi frowned slowly, retracted his fingers, and quickly walked towards the side hall along the route he remembered, but at halfway, his pace stopped abruptly.

——I saw that the place where the deep corridor was remembered, has now become a solid wall.

Mo Yi stared at the scene in front of him for a moment.

The familiar shell-colored luster was shining on the nearby wall, and a smooth and soft halo flickered under the light. He slowly reached out and pressed it. The hard and thick touch under the palm seemed to remind him of this scene. Authenticity, the cold temperature penetrated into the skin along the skin of the palm, making his palm bones a little tingling.

Mo Yi took a step back, pulling himself away from the wall a little, and never looked around.

The other scenery is not different from three days ago, except that the space in front of the corridor, which was supposed to be a monotonous and rigid wall, stood in front of it without warning, silent and solid as if it had never changed. .

Mo Yi raised an eyebrow, and wrinkled deeply between his brows.

Could it be that the sound of the piano is a necessary way to open this corridor?

Maybe ... because of this, no player could find the side hall before Mo Yi heard the piano sound.

He slowly took a deep breath and rubbed his fingertips subconsciously, his face thinking a little more heavily.

——So why didn't the piano sound?

Has anything changed this time?

Moreover, the more important question is ... if the piano sound no longer sounds in this three days, does it mean that Mo Yi can no longer enter the side hall?

And whether it is the portrait in the side hall or the hidden door that is deeply hidden in the corner, it is a very important clue in the copy, and other areas in that side hall Mo Yi have not explored yet. If the reincarnation cannot be entered this time, the loss would be too great.

Mo Yi pursed her lips tightly, her dark eyes reflected with gleam, and she seemed to be thinking about something.

At this moment, he seemed to think of something, his eyes suddenly turned on, and he turned and walked quickly towards the stairs, with a slight wind sound in the steps, Wen Yi quickly followed, and Mo Yi along with the deep The corridor went inward.

According to his previous memories, Mo Yi shuttled through the corridors in the house, which were as complex as intestines. The corridors and corridors were connected by high or low or straight or curved stairs. Then, they were enveloped by the dim light in the corridor. However, divided into multiple areas of light and dark, it looks like shuttles in a tunnel connecting different time and space.

After walking for a long time, Mo Yi finally stopped and saw that the front door was tightly closed.

This is where they had dinner on their first day.

Wen Yi, who was behind Mo Yi, seemed to be absent-minded. He slowed down, his pale eyes gazed at a depression in the corridor, and seemed to be thinking about something.

Mo Yi noticed that Wen Yan was wrong, turned his head and glanced at him, and asked with some doubt: "What's wrong?"

Wen Mo immediately converged on his fretting expression as soon as Mo Yi's voice fell, but he gave a low cough and replied quietly, "Nothing."

Mo Yi stared suspiciously for a while, Wen Wen's seemingly gaze, then turned his head to follow Wen Yan's previous line of sight, could not help but a slight glance, and then came to understand.

That was the place where he and Wen Yan kissed before.

Mo Yi: "..."

He was silent for a while, then turned to look at Wen Yan, staring coldly at the light gray eyes he was expecting:

"This time it's bad, don't think about it, it's impossible."

Wen Yan's face was obviously lost, and Mo Yi turned around without moving, slowly walking towards the closed door in front of him, and then tried to push—

The door didn't close.

The door in front slid open a gap smoothly and silently. The dark and chaotic color squirmed inside the door. The dim light in the corridor carved a fuzzy light path on the floor inside the door. Erosion pushed back.

Mo Yi reached out and touched the flashlight he carried with him, turned on the switch, and then slightly pushed his fingertips to open the door inward.

The light of the flashlight was the first to glide inside, lighting up the blurred contours in the dark, and Mo Yi barely recognized some familiar decorations and furniture placements. He looked at the scene with the light of the flashlight in his hand, then relying on himself His memory walked towards the dark depths of the room, groping in the darkness and moving forward.

He went to the orchestra and shot inward with a flashlight.

Sure enough, there was not much difference from his imagination. The instruments that will be played during the dinner tonight are lying quietly in the orchestra at this moment, the lid of the piano is quietly closed, and the violin is idle on the side shelf. on.

Mo Yi took a deep breath slowly and felt his pulse quicken slightly-after all, he didn't know if playing with another person would work, but now he can only try it.

It is a pity that the piano cannot be moved over ...

Mo Yi reached out and lifted the black cover of the piano. His fingers tried the two notes on the keyboard a little hesitantly, and then they didn't play very skillfully. The intermittent notes gradually joined into a complete tune. The dark hall rang.

He paused according to the tone in his memory and sighed deeply--

The distance between the lobby on the first floor and this place is too far away. I am afraid that playing here will have the same effect.

Mo Yi put the lid on the piano and made a soft metal collision.

He turned to the violin on the side, and thoughtfully rubbed his finger on its smooth edge, then not very skilled to rest the piano on his shoulder, his long fingers holding the dark bow, Pull your fingertips a little closer and try to pull out a slightly harsh note.

Mo Yi tried to play the violin according to the previous tunes, but his accomplishments in this area were not very good, and the sound he made was barely barely a noise.

It seems that trying other instruments is not a very good choice.

Mo Yi shook her head and lowered her bow.

But the next second, he only felt the icy palm rubbing the back of his drooping hand, and gently took the temperature-stained bow from his palm, and then, lightly on his shoulder, the violin was also Take it away.

He froze and turned to look at his own side—when Wen Yan was holding a black-violet violin in his hands, he narrowed his light eyes, and seemed to be measuring something.

Mo Yi brightened and asked, "Will you ...?"

Wen Yan raised his eyes and looked at him, his hard lips twitched slightly: "No."

The light in Mo Yi's eyes was awkward, and he pinched the bridge of his nose a little tired-it turned out that he was in a rush to get medical treatment.

The next second, I only heard Wen said, "But I will be other."

Mo Yi froze and looked up to Wen Yan, only to see a slight smile on the corner of his lips, light gray eyes flashed a little light under the flashlight light, said in a low voice: "And more Ok."

Wen Xun walked to the piano and pressed the knuckled palms to the surface of the piano, then slowly closed her eyes, and her long eyelashes fell silently on the pale cheeks, as if standing in the darkness Tooth carving, the deep-line face is divided into clear contour areas by light and shadow.

The mist slowly gathered in the darkness, and quickly built up in front of Mo Yi's eyes.

In almost less than a few minutes, a piano composed of fog from the inside to the outside was displayed in front of Mo Yi. The light grayish white was framed in a hard frame and looked under the lights. Go up as if still flowing.

Wen Yan opened her eyes, her lips twitched slightly, staring at Mo Yi and asked:

"Is this ... worth the occasion?"


Happy New Year! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!

Don't remember the wall of Ying Jing Terrier for five minutes! (Chapter 149)

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