Congratulations on Your Successful Escape

Chapter 191

Chapter 191

Mo Yi was startled by the sudden sound from behind. He subconsciously covered the white cloth in his hand back to the dark coffin in the middle of the hall, and then quickly flashed back. The whole person's body was covered by the coffin. Deep shadows shrouded as if immersed in it.

He held his breath, feeling that the white cloth's hem slightly scratched his cheek, causing a slight itching.

On the ground, a long and thin shadow was approaching gradually. Under the dim light of the side hall, the dark body of the man slowly emerged within the range of Mo Yi's sight. He looked around in the room indifferently, The blurred face flashed in front of Mo Yi's eyes-Mo Yi could not help but widen his eyes slightly.

Although it is not very clear to see under the light, one thing is certain.

This man Mo Yi has never seen.

Not a housekeeper, nor anyone in the house, but a completely strange face.

The flame of hope ignited in Mo Yi's heart, and it would almost slowly disperse the cold dissipating his body again, as if he could hear the sound of his heart pounding.

in case……

Before Mo Yi came up with it, I saw that the man in the dark stepped slowly across the withered rose in front of the portrait. The yellow and brittle petals were broken under the hard soles. The sound of "pulling" was crushed into scattered fragments and buried deeply in the thick and soft carpet.

He walked deep into the side hall without pause.

Mo Yi's eyes slowly turned, following the figure of the man tightly. As he crossed his face halfway, his eyes suddenly met the pair of eyes hidden in the white cloth beside him.

The dark and stunned eyes stared at Mo Yi tightly from the gap between the heavy cloths, making his body tense instantly, the adrenaline extremely high, the heartbeat almost broke through his chest, and Mo Yi quickly stretched out his hand Cover your mouth and nose, blocking your throat's sudden rapid breathing and sounds that may overflow your mouth.

But he inevitably made a slight noise.

The man who was walking towards the deep side of the side hall stopped suddenly.

Mo Yi felt the cold inside his body like a long-snake snake and rushed back towards him. The cold shudder ran along his spine. He clenched his teeth, his brain turned rapidly, thinking about everything. Possibility of escape—the scene in front of you can never be a simple memory picture, otherwise the characters and scenes in it cannot be affected and changed by him, then once found, he is almost avoiding while he is still in the cooling period of the props Inevitably, there is only a dead end!

The dark eyeballs still peering silently in the darkness.

But all of Mo Yi's attention was focused on the man standing deep in the hall. I saw that he turned slowly, his pale side face was blurred and indifferent in the dark. Mo Yi couldn't see his With an expression, I can only press the cold fingers harder on my lower half of my face, trying to reduce my breathing, heartbeat, and presence.

I saw that the man didn't look at him, but slowly reached out to the tall furniture covered by the white cloth, and then grabbed the white cloth and pulled it hard, Mo Yi saw, covered under the white cloth It is also a dark coffin, but this coffin is much larger than the one that Mo Yi saw before. The dark and thick wood is obviously of great value. It is coated with a dark and smooth coating and the wood is wrapped around it. With countless fine gold threads, it looked luxurious and gorgeous, shimmering in the light.

The texture of the coffin made Mo Yi startled.

He recalled the frames of portraits in his room and portraits in the side hall ...

Is it made of coffins? !!

He lowered his heart and continued to look at the sight in front of him, and saw that the man slowly raised the other hand that had been on the side of the child from a moment ago, and Mo Yi was surprised to find that his one was almost thin A skinny hand was holding a rose tightly, and the sharp thorns on it had not been removed. He pierced his hand holding the flower branch, and the dark red blood slowly flowed down his fingers. , Drop by drop on the coffin.

The man slowly released his fingers holding the rose branch and placed the bunch of roses upright in front of the coffin.

Then he turned away-but this time, he finally stopped before the portrait hanging on the wall.

I saw his dark and thin figure standing quietly in front of the portrait, blocking Mo Yi's eyes. Mo Yi could only look over his shoulder to see the woman's dark and gentle eyes in the portrait, silently staring into the darkness. .

I saw the man leaning slowly, pressing his palm against the wall on which the painting was hanging, and then slowly pressing his lips toward the portrait, looking as if he were kissing the person's lips quietly.

After doing this ritual movement, the man slowly straightened up, then strode toward the door of the side hall.

The sound of the door opening and closing sounded in the quiet and empty hall, and the light outside the corridor flickered on the ground. Then, the room returned to its former silence and indifference.

Mo Yi waited until he could not hear the footsteps outside the door, and then put down his already stiff palm covering his mouth, exhaling silently and for a long time, he slowly looked at the man behind the white cloth and stared at him When he looked at it again, his heart jumped involuntarily, he fixed his mind, reached for the cloth covered with it, and then pulled it hard—

In front of him was another coffin.

But unlike other coffins, this coffin is not tightly closed. The coffin board raises a wide gap, and those eyes are looking out from the gap in the coffin.

Mo Yi put his fingers into the gap of the coffin board, and then lifted up with all his strength. After listening to only a few squeaking sounds, the cover that was not very concealed was lifted. "哐 当"Slammed it on the ground, exposing the scene beneath it--

I saw a man with a distorted posture lying inside. He raised an arm and blocked it in front of himself, as if pressing down on the cover of the coffin covering his body, the grey fingers were stiff and rigid. In mid-air, it seemed like he was trying his best to pinch the gap of the coffin, while the black eyes were struggling to look out of the gap of the coffin, and seemed to be looking for the hope of life.

He was kept alive in a coffin.

According to the dead body on the body, he seems to have just died.

Mo Yi frowned slightly and stared at him quietly. He tentatively extended his finger and touched the figure lying sideways in the coffin. With his slight touch, the body seemed to be lost. With the balance, the whole fell back to the coffin.

He couldn't help but froze slightly, his gaze was drawn above the corpse's head--

I saw a huge hole in the skull of the corpse, and the scalp disappeared, exposing the white bones and cracked holes. The milky white brain and scarlet blood were hanging on the edge of the wound. One of the guide tubes stuck out the cracked hole Here, the brain plasma was pulled out of the skull, and there seemed to be something left in the hose.

Mo Yi raised her arm, squeezed the hose, and squeezed it outwards.

I saw the dark liquid slowly dripping out, exuding the familiar sweet scent, and the liquid dripping on the ground showed a familiar texture under the light, Mo Yi slightly hesitated, looked closer ——

That's right, it's paint.

Immediately afterwards, it seemed that it was because of the air, that the inky pigment that dropped on the ground gradually changed color, and became dark and dirty, dark gray. The sweet and strange aroma seemed to be more intense, like a living thing. Invades human senses.

Mo Yi froze for a few seconds, his eyes darkened.

Therefore, the brain's brain can be made into pigments, but the pigments will turn to gray soon after encountering the air, and those weird fragrances are transmitted from these pigments. If you connect the clues obtained before, is it okay to say ... This copy is to take out the brains of players who consume ordinary pigments to make special pigments that emit fragrance, and then hang the pair Coloring portraits in the side hall ...?

Then the corpse in front of you should be ingesting black paint ...

Mo Yi thought so, and slowly looked down—

The face of the corpse in front of him became stiff and distorted due to the fear of death, but his features were still clearly identifiable, and Mo Yi could draw such a face in his mind even with his eyes closed.


The man who died in this coffin was the housekeeper.

His face was distorted, his hollow and dark eyes stared at the void, his mouth wide open as if to shout silently, the gaps in his teeth and the tongue coating were heavy black, which was the remnant of black paint.

After being shocked, Mo Yi narrowed his eyes slowly. He remembered that when he broke the marble butler, he saw that the black, white, and red liquid flowing from his brain was black, white, and red paint ... … Not the same dark color.

So is it possible that the single color is extracted from the corpse, and the mixed three colors ... will have other different effects?

Like ... manipulating marble statues?

Just like a puppet line pair puppet, paint is a tool for manipulating marble statues.

Mo Yi slowly stood up straight, his eyes were heavy, his eyes were still locked on the butler's body lying in the coffin, his face was slightly frozen.

In this case, the servants in the entire house should be dead, and they are likely to be the first victims of the master behind the scenes.

-And now serving them in the house, are all marble statues controlled by the master behind the scenes.

Mo Yi exhaled slowly, looking towards the deep side of the side hall, only to see the dark coffin entwined with gold wire, in the dark darkness shrouded in gold, with a bunch of bright flowers on it The rose, which was about to drip, looked dazzling in the darkness.

In fact, to this day, there are still some gaps and inconsistencies in this story. If you want to prove whether your guess is true or false, there is only one way ...

Mo Yi thought as he turned towards the coffin, but before his fingers touched its smooth surface, he felt only a burst of gravitational force coming from behind him, pulling him into the dark and silent chaos. .

The coldness that seemed to have become dull and faint before swept across instantly, as if the overwhelming tide drowned Mo Yi from beginning to end.

Mo Yi opened his eyes suddenly.

The familiar ceiling paintings on the ceiling appeared in his own vision.

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