Conquer Another World With the Naruto System

Chapter 543: The Sixth Sense of Sheep Baa

Lin Luo stunned Avila, then he didn't bother to pay attention to her anymore and left.

And by coincidence.

This scene happened to be captured by the camera in the live broadcast room of

Suddenly, Sheep Baa was stunned again, as if she followed up and took a step back, for fear that Avila suddenly ran away and affected her.

The official live broadcast room of is even more bursting.

"Digging grass, who is this stuff? So arrogant, he dared to beat the goddess of fire dance, does he want to be confused anymore."

"I heard very clearly just now, this guy is Lin Luo, and the badge he wears belongs to the Eastern Division."

"Lin Luo? Never heard of it."

"Hehe, a weak chicken in the Eastern Division who dares to treat my goddess like this is really looking for death."

"It seems to kill this guy."

"Brothers, don't worry, Lin Luo is dead."

"Yes, dare to beat the goddess of fire dance, look at it, with the goddess' violent temper, you will definitely explode next, make a full set of this, and teach him how to be a person in minutes..."

However, the next moment, all the people eating melons were surprised.

In their eyes, the goddess of fire dance, Avila, who has a violent temper that can never beep when she can do it, is not angry at the moment, but follows Lin Luo's **** with a smile.

Lin Luo, would you consider it?

Avila won't give up so easily, "Really, those people are cruel. Several people were summoned from the military department, and they didn't agree with them and killed them."

"Although you are also very good, it is impossible for you to beat so many people and be killed sooner or later. In that case, it is better to give me the two holy places. Then I will have some soup for you. Reserve a place for holy places."

Avila has been following Lin Luo, constantly persuading, it seems that she will not stop if she does not win the two holy places...

When the crowd of people eating melons in the live broadcast of saw this scene, they all gasped.

"Wow, am I dazzled!?"

"This is not my goddess, she is a fake."

"After the identification, this must be a fake Avila. If it was a real Avila, it would have beaten that guy in the Eastern Division a long time ago."

"What's so special, who is this guy who is able to subdue the goddess Huo Wu?"


Everyone found it very incredible.

The goddess of fire dance, Avila, who was not afraid of fear, was taken down by someone! ?

How can this be?

However, this is not what Sheep Baa pays attention to.

As a true love fan of the strong and fearless, she has long understood everything about the strong and fearless, and even the height, measurements, body shape, fat and thin of the strong and fearless, sheep bleating are all clear.

For some reason, the moment Yang Baa saw Lin Luo, he suddenly found that his height, measurements, body shape, fat and thin, and even his back were all fearless and almost the same as the strong...

Sheep Baa followed hardly any hesitation.

The strong sixth sense told her.

The Lin Luo in front of her is the fearless man she has been searching for...

Whether it is or not, Sheep Baa decided to try it out.

However, at this moment, the audience in the main arena suddenly burst into fierce cheers.

"Gosh, here comes."

"Look, brothers, it's the four largest seeded teams. They finally entered the field."

"Imperial Royal Academy, Yama, Frost, and Thunder. The first place in this Imperial Academy competition is likely to be decided among these four teams."

"The seeded team is worthy of being a seeded team. It is too strong. Just the breath of entering the field makes people tremble. This is the style of the strong..."
