Conquer Another World With the Naruto System

Chapter 553: Humph, a bunch of bullies

Hear the comments from the audience on stage.

Leslie wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and suddenly said to Lin Luo, "Brother Lin Luo, are you really going to fight?"

Avila also took the opportunity to add fire to it, "Lin Luo, our action of beating all the masters in other regions, or cancel it."

"You saw just now, those guys are more brutal than the other, just our little shrimps, they just go up to deliver food, it's not enough for people to wipe their teeth? How can it be beaten, it is impossible to beat..."

When others heard Leslie and Avila, they were also a little imaginary.

It was targeted by so many masters, and each of them, like a scourge, was murderous and even wanted to eat people.

What's more, this is no longer a problem of a round trip, it is estimated that it will be broken up, or even directly killed.

Just playing a game, there is no need to fight for life.

Among all the people present.

The members of Team Dawn are now sturdy in combat, and they are not at all worthwhile, and they are not afraid. The girls of Team Shenqi are soy saucers themselves. They can paddle behind Tasia. Tasia will not leave. Naturally will not go.

Therefore, nowadays, only the emperor team and the Senfeng team have come into being.

The next moment they even started to talk.

"I also think that this matter should be considered for a long time. These guys are more terrifying than one. They will definitely not work hard, they can only outsmart..."

"It makes sense, but how to outsmart it?"

"I think, let's just slip away, can't provoke, can't we still not hide?"

"It can only be this way. Getting beaten up on the court is also a round trip, and surrendering directly is also a round trip. Then, why should people be beaten up!?"

"Good idea, just do it!"

Lin Luo's lungs almost exploded as he listened to these guys talking.

Damn it! !

What kind of pig teammate is this special? I'm afraid it hasn't started the fight yet! ?

Being beaten up on the court is also a round trip, and direct surrender is also a round trip, so just surrender directly! ?

What a great truth to say.

Then you have to pull it after eating, then don’t eat it at all, just starve to death...


Fortunately, the action has not been started yet, otherwise it would be strange that this group of pig teammates would not be scammed.

Lin Luo couldn't bear it, and he was about to start stunned.

"Huh, a bunch of bullshit!!"

However, at this moment, I suddenly remembered with a cold snort, and saw Aisha walked into the team seat slowly with long legs, "Just so few rookies will scare you like this, hurry up and get out. It's embarrassing here..."

Lin Luo also took the opportunity to say: "I think Aisha is right, but it's just a bunch of scum, just do something special, come and do one, if you come two, do a pair, afraid of a hammer..."

After finishing speaking, he directly took the Dawn team into the team seat, and didn't want to pay attention to this group of counsellors.

Avila, as the sacred beast Husky, and also as a standard wall grass, instantly changed her own wind direction.

She directly spit at the people of the Emperor Team and the Senfeng Team, "I yeah! A group of bullies, hurry up..."

Leslie was also angry, and in a tone of hate that iron could not make steel, he was shocked at the members of the Emperor Team and the Senfeng Team, "Wow, you guys, you are not even as good as a woman. Why don't you have your teammates, get out of here..."
