Conquer Another World With the Naruto System

Chapter 576: This person is strong and terrible

The needles strike.

Lin Luo's mind was shocked, followed by a sharp tingling sensation.

However, instead of worrying, he became ecstatic in his heart, because the next moment, the mental power that hit his mind was directly absorbed by the system and transformed into a special mental system chakra, making the pupil power of the kaleidoscope writing round eyes. , Is slowly recovering.

And Lin Qiankun also moved at this moment.

The earth element powers erupted under the vigorous Lin Luo, countless soil thorns suddenly rose from the ground, instantly locking the space around Lin Luo completely.

However, for Lin Luo, who possesses the Art of Flying Thunder God, it is not too easy to avoid this combat technique.

"Wow, didn't you guys have no meals."

Lin Luo's taunt mode is fully fired, "What ancient god, what is the deputy captain of the Imperial Royal Academy? Why is it like a weak chicken and can't play."

"If I were you, I could just find a piece of tofu and catch you. It would be shameful to save..."

Lin Qiankun and Jie Naiyin were unbearable by Lin Luo, and their fighting power broke out. The soul secret technique combined with the earth element ability, coupled with Lin Qiankun’s powerful sword attack, would The terrain of this area has been changed.

However, they were stunned that they didn't touch a corner of Lin Luo.

On the contrary, Lin Luo's pupil power, after absorbing Jie Nai's mental power, had healed more than half.

Avila, Serena, Leslie and others have also eliminated all others. Now they are eating melons and watching the show with relish as Lin Luo said.

"Wow, how come it's empty again?"

"This guy definitely didn't eat, and he was even given him somewhere last night. Otherwise, why is he so imaginary?"

"Oh, why is Jay Nein's face green?" "This guy must have not arrived at Lin Qiankun last night. All the whole person is like a prairie. Can it not be green?"

Avila and Leslie both sang the red face, the other sang the white face, the other asked, the other answered, and they turned the original serious game into a farce.

Moreover, both of them are veteran drivers, they can't drive without a word, and the speed is soaring to the extreme.

Serena was holding her forehead, her face full of black lines, and she couldn't stand it anymore, but Kou Ji had a calm expression, obviously she had been used to Leslie's speed a long time ago.

The expressions of the audience outside the venue are even more exciting.

From playfulness to ridicule, then from ridicule to surprise, and then in today's numbness, it is almost like a roller coaster, with ups and downs...

Where did this Lin Luo come from? ?

One hit two, but didn't let the other side touch half of his clothes, is this guy still a human?

You know, none of his opponents are weak, just take them out, they are all super masters in the academy.

But now, the two super masters have joined forces, and Lin Luo has been swept around by himself, like a monkey...

Fighting seats.

The expressions of Lei Allen, Lei Jian, Lei Qianjue, Lin Qinghe, Jaina, Valkyrie and others were almost all surprisingly cautious.

They don't know what Lin Luo wants to do?


This guy is very strong and terribly strong.

Facing Lin Qiankun and Jie Nein at the same time, none of them can do like Lin Luo, easily avoiding all attacks...
