Conquer Another World With the Naruto System

Chapter 908: The power that makes the earth and the v

"This...what is this?" Elros was floating in the air, her heart trembled as she looked at the huge Buddha in front of her.

Especially the breath of trembling millet made her a little soft...

Lin Luo even hides this ultimate ultimate move! ? This is too scary.

Even if Elos was like this, the heavy pupil in front of him was even more unbearable, because he was at the center of this oppressive force and was almost crushed to his knees.

The reason why he didn't fall down was entirely because he stood for support! !

"I'm the Celestial Demon clan closest to the gods, with the blood of the gods flowing in my body, and I inherited the pupil of the gods, no matter how strong the existence of this god, I am invincible, and I will definitely be able to survive the arrival of the ancestor... "The three vertical pupils of the heavy pupil stared at Lin Luo and roared frantically.

"Haha!!" Lin Luo could only smile at this blind confidence.

In fact, he was also a bit surprised. After fusing the corpse of the immortal, the immortal body finally undergone transformation. After using Mu Dun, he actually summoned such a big creature.

With this height, this posture, and this breath, Lin Luo was sure that even the ninja **** Senjujutsu would cry silently when he saw it.

Suddenly, Lin Luo "showed" a posture of looking at the world, and there was an experimental body in front of him! !

Can't you block time?

Are you invincible?

"I'll go to Nima's invincible and blow you up!!" Suddenly, Lin Luo commanded the Buddha to wave a huge arm that was hundreds of feet long behind him.

And it's not just one, it's a hundred, a thousand, ten thousand...

Anyway, Lin Luo's firepower is full, and there is a situation that he will never give up if he does not blow his pupil! !

"Fight!!" Even if Zhongtong sat down as one of the eight strongest demigods as the ancestor of the sky demons, he was a little bit weak at this time and wanted to escape.

If he abandons Lin Luo and chooses to escape now, he can definitely escape from the pinnacle of his demigod, but in this way, all the previous efforts will be in vain, and the Heavenly Beasts on the Peak of the Void have suffered many losses. Just let Lin Luo go.

In any case, no matter how high the price was, Lin Luo had to be kept.

Feeling the aura of the ancestor of the sky demon getting closer, Zhongtong finally made a decision in his heart, fight hard, the big deal is to let the ancestor of the sky demon help him resurrect...

But Zhongtong didn't know that if he was really hammered, he probably wouldn't have a chance to resurrect. Lin Luo would definitely take away his bones and scum.

In fact, he has no chance to know.

Rumbling rumbling...

The moment the Buddha's arm fell, the entire Celestial Demon Race's territory trembled suddenly, as if torn apart by a magnitude ten earthquake.

No, not just one game, but dozens, hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands.

Every arm of the Fa Buddha waved, the earth would tremble, centering on the fist, a shock wave as high as one hundred meters was set off, and everything was wiped out, let alone the grass, even the ground was flattened by tens of meters...

And this is just the power of an arm! !

It was visible to the naked eye that one after another, like black holes, appeared in the territory of the Demon Race. Under this power, the earth and the void seemed to be trembling.

The demigods and the supreme who are daring to come before this wave of fluctuations are like a praying man’s arm as a car, unable to move forward at all, except for the ancestors of the devil and some extremely powerful demigods, no one can approach the entrance to the summit of Taixu...