Conquer the World

Chapter 148: It turned out to be scammers

Chapter 148 It's All Liars

Fang Xie was so proud that he did not pass out this time.

The pressure of the waterfall was unexpectedly great, especially his pretending to be chic but stupid-he raised his head and poemed like a heroic figure, and did not know that there was less water slammed into his mouth and nose, this feeling of suffocation and The feeling of being choked in the throat is almost the same, but the feeling of oppression is more intense.

But he did not persist for a long time. After taking a bold step, he had to bow to the waterfall because of breathing difficulties. Because the muscles on his body were lowered and his breath was slightly relaxed, the huge water flow smashed him directly on the stone. When Fang Xie thought he was about to be washed into the deep pond, Qiu Yu dragonfly swept over the water like a bit of water. His body was like a swallow, and a rapid maneuver made Fang Xie who had fallen in midair back to him.

After throwing Fang Xie on the grass at will, the female professor who hides her wonderful body in a wide robe with his hands raised.

"You have a treasure, but you don't know how to dominate."

She left a sentence, and let Fang Xie be impressed.

He knew what Qiu Yu meant, and his body did have abnormal people. Even stronger than anyone who can practice, no one knows the explosive power of this body better than himself. But just as Qiu Yu said, his body is now a treasure, and his knowledge of this treasure is still in a state of exploration beyond the soil. If you can use this body proficiently, then this waterfall is a fart again?

But now, Fang Xie had to admire Li Xiao, who was chanting under the waterfall a hundred years ago. You should know that Li Xiao was not famous for Xiu at that time. He was more like a learned scholar. His Majesty the Emperor once commented on many famous celebrities of the Sui Dynasty, and his evaluation of Li Xiao was the four words of rude elegance.

Ruya and ruthlessness, in principle, should never be put together.

But there is no doubt that Li Xiao is such a contradictory person. He is elegant and knowledgeable. There will never be any drastic actions when debating with people, and talk about calmly and calmly. But the people who debated with him were often defeated by him, and even the classics could not prevail.

On the battlefield, this Confucian general will show the fierce side. He calmed down Jiangnan and doubled the territory of Da Sui almost. In order to stabilize this large new territory, the cruelty of Li Xiao's killing methods directly shocked the world. The people who scolded him said that he was a devil and an executioner, and those who admired him said that he was powerful.

At one time, Li Xiao, who was once the head of the Jiangnan prefectures, was so powerful that people even called him the Jiangnan emperor in private. But he has no rebellion towards Da Suikui, and the Emperor Taizong's trust in him cannot be shaken by anyone or anything. These two men were called exemplary by the later generations.

When Li Xiao was stationed in Jiangnan, he would never appease against the rebellion, only one word, kill.

Often the generals hurried to sue, and somebody rebelled somewhere. Li Xiao would have someone bring the map and ask where the rebellion was. After confirming it, he stretched out his fingers to draw a circle on the map's insurgent position, and said that this piece was unnecessary.

No, it's not the place that's gone, it's the person that's gone.

The court army entered the circle he painted, and the chickens and dogs did not stay.

Because of this, there is still a fear buried in the bones of Jiangnan people when they mention Li Xiao's name.

This man has left too many legends, and what makes him most intelligent is that. He resolutely rejected most of Emperor Taizong's rewards in his most brilliant life. At that time, Emperor Taizong even made him the king of the county, so that the glory of the founding of the Great Sui Dynasty was still beyond reach. However, Li Xiao was resolutely unwilling, and even resigned from all military posts after Jiangnan stabilized to grow flowers and birds at home.

The most puzzling thing is that he even shattered the identity of the hereditary father-in-law. In his words, I personally made a little credit for Da Sui and received the gift of His Majesty, but it does not mean that my children and grandchildren will be able to rely on it forever and become rich and rich forever. If my descendants want to be the father-in-law, they will rely on their own skills to fight. And if my descendants don't think about making progress because of the contributions I made to the Great Sui Dynasty, I will be the sinner of the Li family after 100 years.

Such a thing is unique in thousands of years of history.

In the end, I didn't know what it was, so Emperor Taizong even agreed to Li Xiao's request. The Xianjue who gave him a first class official was not hereditary, although in the end he was given the title of hereditary marquis of the Li family. Many people were puzzled at the time, but Fang Jie had to admire what wisdom and courage Li Xiao had at the time. If Li Xiao was banned as the county king, would his children and grandchildren still be like this?

Although because of his decision, the Li family entered the ranks of first-class families nearly a century later. But there is no doubt that Li Xiao did it for his children and grandchildren. Because of his rejection and resignation, the Li family has not been beheaded and no one has been jailed since the Taizong period.

And what if Li Xiao led the title of county king?

Who knows what happened to the Li family now.

Fang Jiejue was aware that Li Xiao was as intelligent as Prince Yang Qi. A person who knows when to move forward and when to retreat is far smarter than a person who only knows to move forward blindly. And the best care for future generations, is it so superficial for them?



Fang Xie lay on the grass for a while before he recovered his strength. He sat up and gasped for a while, moved to the deep pond and washed his face with the water. Then he mumbled while looking at the reflection on the deep pool water. The revolution has not yet succeeded. You still need to work hard.

Very hungry.

At lunchtime he was climbing the mountain and didn't eat anything. After such a huge physical exhaustion, Fang Xie's most wanted now is not to eat but to lie on the grass. However, the teenager stood up after feeling that he could walk, and did not promise himself to rest for a while.

He took a few sips of water, then stretched his waist and walked towards the waterfall again.

Before walking to the waterfall, he felt that the strong water flow was agitating, felt the strength of the water drops that jumped out from time to time, and felt the reaction of these external forces acting on his own body. Then he took a deep breath of damp air and was ready to walk into the waterfall again.

Qiu Yu didn't go far. She was going to go back to her place to read and write, but she didn't know why she felt that she should go back and explain some words, and then when she returned, she saw an embarrassing scene.

The stubborn and strong shameless boy undressed and walked under the waterfall again.

Qiu Yu's eyes are good, and what he sees is much clearer than ordinary people can see. So she saw what the young man should or shouldn't. Qiu Yu thought that she could look down on everything, including gender, but her cheeks were slightly hot at this moment. She gave up pointing Fang Xie to feel the impact of external forces on the body, and turned to leave.

Annoyed, she even wanted to slap Fang Xie into the deep pool.

Fang Jie stripped off his clothes, not because he had a tendency to be naked. It was because just when he was feeling water, air, etc., he felt that his clothes hindered his body's response. So he did not hesitate to remove the clothes and let the skin directly contact the external force.

The second time I walked into the waterfall, I already had experience. He slightly raised his head so that the force of the water flow didn't directly hit the top of his head and the back of the brain. . Fang Xie knows that the top of the head and the back of the head are relatively weaker than the forehead.

The water falling from the sky hit Fang Jie's body, feeling closed with eyes.

Feeling stress, suffocation, and pain.

In the roar of this waterfall, Fang Jie suddenly entered a very quiet state. He thought of his two coma, and how many times his eyes became blood red. He speculated that the coma after these two severe pains was that his body was undergoing some kind of transformation, so he could only passively accept it at the time and had no other choice. And when his spirit couldn't bear the physical pain, coma became a matter of course.

He then thought of his own eyes, especially after he had seen the red robe great official He Hedao, he was more interested in the red eyes that he did not know when they appeared. He asked Mr. Zhuo, Wu Yidao, and the old sister-in-law, what is the use of the forehead of a craneman. When he learned that the eyes could limit people's freedom and make people fall into hallucinations, he thought whether he also had this potential?

Zhuo Buyi's evaluation of his idea is ... you think too much, and you think too beautiful.

Fang Xie doesn't think she thinks beautifully. If a person can't even have a wonderful idea, how boring is the world?

The two red-eye transitions were caused by anger.

If it is explained by science, the solution can be understood as the anger that fills the eyes with anger ... but why the potential of his body is stimulated after the eyes turn red? Is emotion the root cause of this body? If that's the case, it's passive.

Fang Jie doesn't like being passive.

If the red eyes only appeared after the anger, then the dominant body became stronger. Not all duels in this world are due to anger, and some fights can even make people happy physically and mentally. But can you only be beaten when you are physically and mentally happy?

This is so **** 'bad.

When Fang Xie was lost in thought, he even forgot the effect of the external force, and he forgot to take off his clothes and stand under the waterfall, in order to feel the changes that the external force brought to his body. At this time, the waterfall seemed to disappear. When the waterfall doesn't exist, what's the biggest change?

Is free.

Fang Jie forgets the existence of the waterfall, so he also forgets the tremendous pressure brought by the waterfall.

When a person falls into meditation, they tend to pacify slowly. This is a subconscious action that people may not even realize.

The solution, began to pace.

Pacing under the waterfall.

At this moment, Qiu Yu, who had already gone away, suddenly changed her look. She couldn't help looking back at the waterfall. When she was gazing, the distance was drawn closer instantly. Appeared in her eyes. So she was taken aback, and then a slight smile came from the corner of her mouth.

"He's fine."

I don't know when Dean Zhou appeared beside Qiu Yu. UU reading books

"It's really good."

Qiu Yu repeated it.

"So you shouldn't lie to him."

Dean Zhou smiled: "When was Li Xiao able to walk under the waterfall and chant? When he didn't approach the waterfall, he would flee with the excuse that his clothes were wet."

"It's good to lie to him, isn't it?"

Qiu Yu answered with a smile.

Then she looked at Dean Zhou seriously and said, "Did you not lie to him before? Tell him to study his body for the sake of Her Majesty, to build an invincible army. This excuse is a little shameless ... ... "

"Fooling him is good for him, isn't it?"

Dean Zhou returned Qiu Yu's words back, and then took it for granted: "Deception is a means, as long as the starting point is not evil, then there is no need to think that this means is not beautiful. The beauty of deception is also a practice."

Qiu Yu poked his lips, and it seemed that he did not respect the Dean as much as he did in front of outsiders.

"The next time I use it to seduce someone else, I won't agree."

she says.

Dean Zhou naturally knew what she was referring to, after all, he gave Fang Jie Pipiao Article today.

"Eyes and ears are so easy to use, so you lose too much fun."

Dean Zhou sighed, then turned and walked back: "Sometimes it's not bad to pretend to be deaf and pretend to be invisible."

"For example, if wisdom comes to Changan, you pretend to be invisible?"

Qiu Yu asked.

Dean Zhou paused for a moment, then said calmly: "Sometimes, it is not bad to pretend that there is no way for the enemy. Especially ... when Da Sui is about to start a war against Mongolian Yuan."


Qiu Yu said after a moment of silence: "Wisdom can go because you let him go."