Conquer the World

Chapter 475: Cliff and Papapa

Chapter 475 Falling Cliff and Papapa

Sun Kaidao quickly walked back to Fang Xie and returned to the study. Soon after, Zhuo Yi also rushed in. Fang Xie instructed people to close the door and let the soldiers guard outside, and no one was allowed to approach.

"What's so urgent?"

Zhuo Buyi asked before he sat down.

He had no intention of going to court, and was unwilling to participate in the military affairs of Fangjie, and even the matter of flying fish robes was given to three people, including Chen Xiaoru, and he basically stopped asking questions. So it's very busy, most of them are fans. In the whole camp, only two of them can be counted as opponents.

Before Shen Fan fanned Chang'an, Zhuo Buyi had entered Jiupin. But now, if Shen Qingfan is doing his best, Zhuo Yi is no longer an opponent.

Fang Xie reconsidered his thoughts just now, and determined that it wasn't something he thought of.

"There is something that I must do now. So I will leave the camp, and it is estimated that I will be back at least three months. Mr. Zhuo will follow me, and the affairs in the camp will be left to the military division."

Fang Xie spoke, there is no doubt about the tone.

He said what he had thought, and Zhuo Buyi and Sun Kaidao immediately changed their faces.


Sun opened his head fiercely: "Even if he is going to leave, he can't help but take the troops. The general is in charge of the overall situation, and now the rush to leave will inevitably lead to the instability of the army. If the general must go, take the army with you."

"Most infantry, I can't wait."

Fang Xie said, "I will find Yan Chongde later. There is nothing more suitable for running for thousands of miles than that ten thousand cold rides. You don't need to persuade this. You need to worry about the big camp. Tomorrow will send people to Fan Persevering in the garrison will not make the Mongolian Yuanzi's retreat unimpeded in any way. Things in the army, Xiahou Baichuan's resourceful and decisive, can be reused. Lu Fenghou Yongwu, if there is war, he can be a pioneer. Defending the city is not offensive, remember to remember. "

Sun Kaidao also wanted to persuade him again, Fang Jie shook his head and said, "You should know that this trip is inevitable. This tens of thousands of horses is my retreat. If I can make it happen, you should know the future of the Black Flag Army. What is it! If really as I guessed, if I travel back this far, I can change the future for the soldiers and for you. "

"Subordinates remember!"

Sun Kaidao knew that Fang Xie's intentions could not be stopped, so he had to settle down and imagine the difficulties that Fang Xie might encounter. The three men discussed in secret in the study for more than one hour. Zhuo Buyi and Sun Kaidao left and prepared each other. Fang Xie went to Shen Qingfan and Mu Xiaoyao.

"This trip is bound to be more dangerous. I mean, the fan goes with me, and everyone else stays."

Mu Xiaoyao shook his head: "Nobody knows better than me."

The big dog also shook his head: "No one is earlier than me."

Kirin shook his head: "We are together."

This sentence seems to have a heavier weight.

"Well, get ready, let's start tomorrow morning. Big dog, call Chungu ten of them and I'll explain. Kirin asked Chen Xiaoru to prepare them too, and this action definitely can not eliminate those flying fish robes. Let Chen Xiaoru go See Mr. Zhuo, Mr. Zhuo will naturally tell him to do something. Then you go to Shanzi camp to prepare Qingqi. We ca n’t take our own horses. ”

Fang Xie stood up: "I'll go to see Yan Chongde first. What's the success or failure of this trip is only on the 10,000 Hanqi."

Coming out of his own camp, Fang Xie quickly stepped out of Yan Chongde's cold riding camp. Originally, Yan Chongde discussed the matter in the big account, but the matter could not be publicized, so Fangjie asked Wan Yan Chongde to return to his own military account.

"Jiaoxiao, what is so urgent is leaving in a hurry."

Wan Yan Chongde couldn't help asking a question when he saw Fang Jie.

Fang Xie pulled him over and said in a low voice, "Haven't your Highness always wanted the people of Beiliao to merge into Da Sui? I have a big thing that can't be bigger, please help me. If this is really what I guess In that way, it will be settled for you to live in the Central Plains with millions of people in North Liao. "

"What's the matter, tell me!"

Wan Yan Zhongde asked eagerly.

Fang Xie whispered in his ear, and Yan Yan's involuntary whispered: "If you guess correctly, this trip is extremely dangerous. If you guess wrong, this trip is still a nine-day death. Hundreds of thousands of rebels and two hundred thousand wolves Ride ... Can you think about it, if I was alone with you, I would not hesitate. But I would also take Wanerlang on the North Liao, if there is any mistake, I cannot explain to my father Khan . "

"it is good"

Fang Xie nodded: "After holding the lamp, I will ask you again."

Wan Yan Chongde agreed, then turned around and called his men to discuss.

Fang liberated Han Qi Han Qi camp, took a deep breath of cold air, calmed himself, and strode toward the military tent, where there were dozens of generals waiting for him to return.



When the Black Flag generals heard that Fang Jie was leaving, everyone was holding back. They couldn't guess that something unexpected would make the Lord suddenly leave. Fang Xie originally wanted to find a suitable reason to obscure this matter, but she really couldn't think of anything to explain.

Fang Xie took a look at Sun Kaidao and said, "The specific thing the military division will explain to you, I will leave the camp early tomorrow morning, and I will be back within three months as soon as possible. For some days in the camp, the military division can decide. "

He glanced at Xia Hou Baichuan: "His Majesty gave me the arbitrary power of Linji, and all the personnel calls in the Black Banner Killing Wolf Army can be my decision. Xia Hou Baichuan and Chen Qianshan, you two more soldiers will help . "

Xia Hou Baichuan and Chen Qianshan hurried out of the ranks, clenching their fists and saying, "The subordinates dare not bear the burden of a general."

Fang Xiehan said, "There are three things you should remember ... First, Fan Gu cannot give up. I spent more than a month rebuilding Fan Gu's city defense, reinstalling the gate, and must be guarded separately. Chen Qianshan, you must take three breakout camps to guard there. You must not lose them. Second, from tomorrow, Xiahou Baichuan will take your troops to Langrushan Qingxia to build barriers. Be sure to work together within two months. The stone wall must be strong. Third, if the rebels or the Mongolians attack aggressively before I return, be sure not to shrink back. "

"Subordinates obey!"

The generals fist.

Fang Jie said, "Let's do it, the military affairs will be left to the military division."

Sun Kaidao quickly leaned over and said, "Subordinates will do their best."

Fang Xie strode out of the military tent, returned to his residence, Shen Qingfan, and others had gathered. Fang Xie prepared for it, and when it was dark, he was going to Hanqi camp again, but after seeing Yan Chongde and his brothers came together.

"I think so, I'll accompany you on this trip."

Wan Yan Chongde said: "But ... I have a shortage of males in northern Liaoning. If all these 10,000 cold riders were brought, I would not be able to bear the blame if there was any mistake. Father Khan handed over the 10,000 people I, I must be responsible for them. So, I can only take 5,000 cold cavalry to follow you, others, Yunshu will return to Beiliao. "

After waiting for Fangjie to speak, Wan Yanshu changed his face immediately: "Brother, it wasn't like that before! Let's say, let Salbe take the horse back to the 100,000 Mountains. I will go with you."

"shut up"

Wan Yan Chongde slightly angered: "This is my decision."

Wan Yanyun Shu looked to Fang Jie, hoping that he could help himself to speak. But no one knew the solution but nodded: "Your Highness is right, this trip is dangerous, the princess Jinzhiyuye, it is better to return to Beiliao first. If this is successful, it may not be possible to ask Dahan to send troops to support, until The princess will be back with soldiers. "

"I won't go back!"

Wan Yan Yunshu's face was a little red, and his eyes stared at Wan Yanzhongde: "Even if you make me tie me, I won't go back."

"Can you be obedient ?!"

Wan Yanzhongde rebuked: "I am your brother and the future Khan of Beiliao. Do you want to violate my words?"

"I still don't listen to Father Khan's words, let alone you?"

Wan Yan Yunshu glanced at Fang Jie politely, and when Fang Jie said nothing, he stomped his head and walked out: "Okay! Since you all want me to go back, I'll go back and prepare to marry Koktaimunge Be small! "

Wan Yan Chongde's face changed, and he subconsciously looked at Fang Jie. Fang Xie also hesitated for a moment, and suddenly understood. Beiliao land survived in the gap between Da Sui and Meng Yuan. This time, it was with great determination to send troops to support Asahi-gun King North Han Wan Yanyong. But in order to prevent the revenge of the Meng Yuan people, Wan Yanyong never refused Meng's request to send Wan Yan Yunshu to Wang Ting, just dragging on.

Fang Jie suddenly realized that Wan Yanyong was preparing for the tribe. His heart was toward Da Sui, so he sent troops to assist King Asahi. However, he was also afraid of incurring the genocide for the tribe, so he did not refuse Mengge. If Da Sui was defeated, he was afraid that Wan Yanshu would be sent to Wangting immediately.

Fang Jie also immediately understood, before Yan Yunshu finished looking at his own intentions.

"His Royal Highness"

Fang Xie smiled at Wan Yan Chongde and said, "Don't be angry, or should I persuade her?"

Wan Yan Chongde sighed: "It was both Father Khan and I who were so insolent to her since she was a child that she didn't listen to anyone. She had to follow how dangerous it was to go to this place in case there was any difference. Father Khan confessed? After all, I only have this younger sister, so I must be careful. "

Fang Jie said, "His Royal Highness, please go back and prepare, I will persuade the princess."

Wan Yan Chongde sighed, Fang Xie quickly walked out of the residence, and in the distance saw the woman in a snow-white dress heading up the mountain. He laughed at himself, and quickly speeded up to catch up.

Wan Yanyun walked very quickly, and suddenly stood on a large rock protruding from the cliff halfway up the mountain, it seemed hesitant to walk up slowly. Fang Xie saw a cold sweat immediately when he saw from a distance behind him, he screamed and ran wildly.

Wan Yan Yunshu turned back to see Fang Jie catching up, and a tear in his eyes flashed a surprise, but soon he snorted again, actually speeding up his steps and walking towards the rock. Fang Xie shouted a few words in the back but stopped seeing Yan Yunshu. He knew that Wan Yanyun was too strong, lest he couldn't stop jumping off the cliff, so he mentioned the speed to the extreme. He would n’t have done anything trivial, but he was so explosive under his feet that he could rush forward four or five meters every time he stepped on the ground ~ ~ Seeing Wan Yanshu leap from the boulder, Fang Jie was frightened Ah exclaimed. He reached forward to grab, but only touched Wan Yanshu's shirt and couldn't hold it. I almost didn't think about it, Fang Xie pulled out towards Lu Dao and jumped down.

But when he jumped down, he found that he was frightened.

Below the boulder is actually a flat ground. The trees are hidden from the bottom, so you can't see it. The fall was about three meters and it landed on the ground. Fang Jie immediately looked around to find the shadow of Yan Yunshu, but saw that there was a cave below the boulder behind him. The beautiful woman in a white velvet skirt stood at the entrance of the cave and looked at herself with a rain.

Fang Jie couldn't help but breathe a long breath, and slowly walked towards Lu Dao.

Just when Wan Yanyun thought he was going to persuade himself, Fang Jie held her back and hugged her, then placed her head down on her knees, rounded her arms, and cracked **** her butt, loud His voice floated out and echoed in the valley.

Slap ... slap ... slap ...

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