Conquer the World

Chapter 498: Life on the battlefield is cheap

Chapter 498 Life on the battlefield is as cheap as grass

The army marched and stopped. .

Nearly a million troops were added to the two sides to stand outside the city of Xiping. The flags stretched for dozens of miles, and the armored chain was like a sea of ​​oceans.

The rebel general Shi Lei looked back at Li Yuanshan, who was surrounded by heavy riding, and his eyes had a different meaning. Li Yuanshan ascended the throne to call the Emperor's Founding of the National Week, named him the Su Gonggong, and ranked first among the Gonggongs, with the highest rank among the generals. Although the title was childish, he was still dissatisfied with the title.

Wan Yansong and Zhou Dingguo were born from Li Yuanshan's relatives. When Shi Lei was regarded as the leader of the Seven Tigers, Wan Yansong was only a soldier captain and Zhou Dingguo was only a brigade. After Li Yuanshan started his army, Wan Yansong was promoted to Sipinlang general and Zhou Dingguo was Wupinshan general.

In the battle that attacked Zuo Xiaowei in Mandu Banner at first, Wan Yansong was the first to charge into the camp of Zuo Xiaowei. After this battle, he was promoted by Li Yuanshan to the third general and ranks with Shi Lei.

Shi Lei has been following Li Yuanshan for more than fifteen years, and he has been a Sipin for more than seven years. He used to think that he was the first person under Li Yuanshan, but later realized that Li Yuanshan had been wary of the Seven Tigers. Shi Lei knew that when Li Yuanshan started his army, the Seven Tigers did not really agree with it, but in the end, didn't they all leave and chose to follow. Because of this, Li Yuanshan began to cultivate new cronies, and this change made Qihu uncomfortable.

This is why, to the present, the Seven Tigers will have only Shi Lei standing beside Li Yuanshan.

Wu Kuiyun was killed and defeated. Chu Feiyun left without saying goodbye after Li Yuanshan became king. Yin Poshan and Meng lived one army and one army no longer listening to Li Yuanshan's temperance. Seven people are now dead and scattered.

It seemed that he felt Shi Lei's gaze, and Li Yuanshan, wearing heavy armor, looked over here. Shi Lei's eyes flickered, and he turned to look in another direction. Li Yuanshan suddenly felt ashamed at this moment, could not help but look at Shi Lei more. The seven tigers are now left with Shi Lei, who is still following him. Is he too kind to him?

This idea flashed in Li Yuanshan's heart, and disappeared within a second.

He looked at the opposite Sui Army array, took a deep breath, and then ordered: "Blow the horns, let Shi Lei lead the army with 50,000 offense, and the left and right wings attack."

With his order, a whistle rang out.

Shi Lei retracted his thoughts, looked to the left and right and nodded his generals, and everyone clenched his fists, his face determined. Shi Lei pointed the elder man in his hand forward, and the 50,000 army started slowly.

Good weather, good venue.

It seems that today is particularly suitable for a decisive battle.

Shi Lei's rebels began to accelerate, and the troops without cavalry moved forward neatly. The array was still neat when they rushed forward, which shows that Shi Lei's administration was quite strict. The hundreds of thousands of horses that Li Yuanshan allocated to him at the beginning, now there are only 50,000 of them. These people are all struggling in the blood and blood of the corpse mountains. Their qualities are better than those so-called elites led by Li's nephew. Be stronger.

Watching the rebels attack, Jin Shixiong will make the flag wave, and the archer with the brushed arrows in front of him will be placed at his feet. When the hand is down, he can easily pull out the arrow. Watchers stood slogans standing high, while the soldiers below reported the distance of the rebels loudly.

The emperor leaned against the blanket-covered seat, squinting with one hand on his jaw.


He said two words lightly.

Su Buwei bowed his head and said, "Slavery doesn't understand military affairs, so I don't know what is meant by this sentence praised by His Majesty?"

The emperor smiled: "He gave this job to Jin Shixiong. The most worrying thing is that Jin Shixiong failed to forget the defeat of Mandu Banner more than three years ago. If the master will be blocked by his heart's resentment, then his command It will be messy. I was just worried that Jin Shixiong would order an attack, and I was relieved to see that he was holding on to him. At this time, there was no need to exchange one-on-one with the rebels. Those rebellious lives were worthless, and Li Yuanshan's life was also worthless. It's not worth it. It's unwise to rush up to face the offensive with strong soldiers, and then take the opportunity to counterattack and stand undefeated. Jin Shixiong's leader is still as secure as ever, so I say very well. "

"Archer, shoot arrows!"

The archer who commanded the front commanded the leader aloud, and the front row of archers put a feather on the bow string dyed red feathers, which is much longer and heavier than ordinary feathers. Yang Yang hurled, and a row of feather arrows were sent out neatly. About two hundred and forty steps away, the arrow flew on the ground, and the wavy red line was clearly visible.

A watcher standing high stared at the row of arrows and saw the banner flutter as soon as the rebel queue crossed.


The general ordered an arrow formation to be launched immediately. Tens of thousands of feather arrows flew densely into the air, and after drawing a beautiful large arc, they fell down. The covered blow of the thrown feather arrow fell into the crowd of rebels as if heavy rain hit the beach, and innumerable pits smashed in no time. Each small pit represents an arrow falling to the ground by a rebel soldier.

"Lift the shield! Lift the shield!"

The rebel general shouted loudly: "Run, speed up! Let the arrow fall behind you, fast! All run for Lao Tzu!"

As the rebel soldiers ran madly forward, the formation began to become scattered. However, this kind of disorder is not an unorganized disorder, but a distance deliberately opened to avoid feather arrows. There aren't enough shields, if at this time they gather together and rush forward, only more people will be sent to **** by Yu Jian.

"A crossbow!"

General Sui Jun raised his right hand high, and then pressed down sharply: "Let it go!"


With his orders, hundreds of heavy crossbows flew out flat. The speed of the heavy crossbow was much faster than that of the feather arrows, and the strength of the crossbow was far from human. An archer who hits a distant enemy will need to shoot his feathers to kill him, but the heavy crossbow is flying forward parallel to the ground.

Thin iron is feather, steel is front.

When the heavy crossbow with the thickness of the arm is shot, it is like turning the wheat with a sickle to turn the front rebels all over. The thick leather shield will be easily broken by the heavy crossbow at the moment of contact. As for the soldiers behind the shield, there is no way to survive.

A heavy crossbow broke through the shield of the rebel soldier after breaking the shield, leaving a large blood hole in the chest, and there were several wounds extending outwards around the blood hole. Traces left by feathers. With this intensity, the leather armor of the rebel soldiers was like a piece of window paper, which broke in a moment.

The heavy crossbow that passed through the rebel body was only slowed down by some obstacles, and then crashed into the body of the second rebel soldier. The crossbowman cut the soldier's arm off his shoulder and held a steel knife. Arm fell to the ground with a click. His body was knocked backwards, and the wailing sounded immediately. The soldiers coming up from behind evaded, but there were still people who could not dodge and stepped on the wounded soldier.

He shouted frantically, but couldn't stop the trample from the same robe.

Soon, his shout drowned in the crowd and gradually lost his voice.



Because the infantry is not as fast as a light rider, after the enemy enters the range, the archers can calmly shoot six arrows, and even the poorest people can send out five feather arrows. Shi Lei's 50,000 rebels were scrubbed by Arrow Rain again and again, and almost none of the front four or five rows of soldiers survived. The sound of feather arrows falling on the shield was endless, mixed with the mourning hum and painful howling of the arrows in the middle.

The rebels fell down one layer at a time, and the people behind them immediately replenished. For the attacking side, there is no effective means to isolate the enemy's lethality. The most effective is to rush forward against the shield and run as fast as possible. The pikemen and Park Swordsman who rushed to the front were completely unobstructed, and their defense against feather arrows relied entirely on their leather armor and luck.

As a pikeman whose marching speed is second only to the cavalry, if he wants to survive the coverage of the arrow formation, he can only run forward with his head down.

The pikemen's equipment is the simplest, with only a piece of leather in the upper body, and the weapon in hand is also the cheapest. The cost of a long sampan built by Seiko can be exchanged for hundreds of spears.

While sacrificing defensive power, in exchange for the fastest speed.

The trumpet sounded again, and the army of the court began to change. The crossbow vehicle must retreat after two rounds of launching because it is too slow to risk shooting a third heavy crossbow. The archer also began to step back, handing over the position to his robes. Although the quality of these soldiers is not yet comparable to that of Da Sui soldiers, this year's slaughter has also made them qualified soldiers. When the archer retreated, there was no trace of confusion, and the queues moved backwards. The space left between the two columns allowed the soldiers in the back to make up as soon as possible.

The transformation was completed in just two minutes, and the archer and the crossbow were out of danger as the long puppeteers and giant shields moved forward. But they did not dare to stay. Once the short soldiers met, the archers had to retreat to the rear of the army, or they would hinder the subsequent teams' support to the front.

One person's giant shield slammed on the ground. The giant shields were brawny men with large waists and round waists. They poked the giant shield on the ground and then squatted down. Both hands clasped the shield's handles and shoulders. Stand up to the shield. Behind each layer of giant shields is a row of long crickets. They put the long shields on top of the giant shields, ready to meet the enemy's impact.


Shi Lei waved his hoarse knife and shouted a hoarse voice. The rebel soldiers who finally no longer suffered the arrow rain knew that this was the time for desperation. The rebels who had suppressed for too long knew that life or death was in this battle. Out of unprecedented courage.


A torrent of rebels slammed heavily on the **** made up of giant shields ~ ~ and immediately burst into a wave of blood. The impact of the shields on the shields can be imagined. Although they are behind the shields, they are not safe. Once they are knocked down, they have no weapons and no armor, and they will immediately become the target of the enemy's anger.

Chang Ning kept poking forward, shouting, and there was a layer of blood in front of everyone's eyes. They will not look at the faces of the enemies on the other side, but they will uncrow outwards mechanically. There are not many people who are still alive and still vomiting or incontinence due to flesh and blood.

Human life is of no value at this time.

As more and more rebel soldiers crowded over, the first layer of the giant shield was overthrown, and the shieldman without weapons and armor did not have any other choice than to meet the enemy's blade. The back of the Sui army commander fought hard to resist, but they did not retreat and were quickly flooded. Two people struggling to die together are as tight as a pair of old friends who haven't seen each other for a long time.

The theme of the battlefield has never changed.


Life passed away so quickly.