Conquer the World

Chapter 502: Next is the restricted scene

Chapter 502 is followed by a restricted scene

Fang Xie looked at Li Yuanshan carefully.

The name of this person has been circling in his mind for several years, but this is the first time he has seen the appearance of this person. In terms of appearance, Li Yuanshan does not seem to be outstanding. If you don't know that he is Li Yuanshan, even if two people walk face to face over the street, they won't have any special feeling. Fang Xie has seen many people who can be remembered at a glance, such as Wu Yidao, such as Luo Yao, such as the emperor, but Li Yuanshan is definitely not such a person.

Li Yuanshan had the kind of momentum that only the superiors had. Perhaps it was because of the extreme coldness at this time. The kind of momentum that Fang Jie didn't feel on him was very light. It seemed that he was just an ordinary person who came to an end at this time. the man.

At this point in Li Yuanshan's eyes, Fang Jie saw only despair and surprise.

Fang Jie suddenly thought, what would happen if Wu Yidao got into such a state of inevitable death?

There is no doubt that even if Wu Yi is in a state of despair, he can still maintain that elegance. If he changed to Luo Yao, he would not change his personality. What if it was an emperor?

Fang Jie shook his head, disappointed.

He was disappointed with Li Yuanshan's downfall and lost a magnificent style.

Li Yuanshan saw Fang Jie's disappointment in his eyes, so he was a little annoyed.

"Unexpectedly, a little person who was left behind by my beloved person would become my last enemy today. The world is impermanent. When you were only a small **** in Fan Gu, you might never have thought that one day you would be a winner. Stand in front of me. At that time you were like a toad in a well, and I was an existence you couldn't even look up to. I think you must be proud and proud now, because you still have me Too big a gap, does this sense of accomplishment satisfy you? "

He looked into Fang Xie's eyes and spoke, trying to find a change in mood from the other's face. But he failed, and this young man looked so calm as a stone. I thought this would anger Fang Jie, but he just saw a stronger scorn in Fang Jie's eyes.

"You are ridiculous"

Fang Xie sighed slightly, becoming more and more disappointed.

"What qualifications do you have to say this because you are standing in front of me now?"

Or because of excitement, Li Yuanshan's voice became a little trembling: "To this day you are just a little person. Even if I fail, I still stand at the highest place in the world. Are you looking down on me? What qualifications do you look down on? Me? Before today, if I was willing, a wave of my hand would kill one hundred and ten thousand! "

Fang Jie looked at him and smiled suddenly.

Very happy smile.

He shrugged and signaled that Li Yuanshan could continue.

Li Yuanshan was so angry that he reached out to touch the long maggot hanging on the winning side of the horse. With a bang, a feather arrow flew quickly and accurately hit the place where his hand would touch, and the feather arrow rubbed a string of Mars on the front. Li Yuanshan looked up subconsciously, and saw a bearded Beiliao man holding a bow to himself in the distance.

"You can keep talking."

Fang Jie said with a smile: "Before I saw you, I had thought many times about what the first meeting between you would be like. I did n’t realize until the day when I realized that my The opponent is ... such a bad person, you let me down, but I can still give you a lot of time to talk. Just ... I'll count thirty, is it enough? "

"You mean man!"

Li Yuanshan yelled.

This sentence was finished, and Fang Jie, who stood about two meters in front of him, disappeared suddenly. He hesitated to find out that Fang Jie had actually reached the front of his warhorse and was within reach. Then he saw Fang Xie reaching out and grabbing the horse's reins, pulling it down, and the horse hissed and thumped on the ground, breaking its hoofs. The horse's body slammed on the ground fiercely, causing a cloud of dust.

"You can talk, but you cannot swear."

Fang Xie is still gentle: "I give you this time because I haven't thought about **** you. The emperor will be very happy if you give it to the emperor alive. If the emperor is happy, I will get a lot of rewards. For example, senior officials Xianjue, such as gold and silver jewelry. It is tempting to think about it, you are really a big treasure. "

Fang Xie watched Li Yuanshan stand up from the ground, smiled and shook his head: "But I don't seem to have much interest."

Li Yuanshan sorted out the golden helmet on his head, and his eyes were ruthless: "I see what I mean by a villain when I see you."

"Let's fight."

Fang Xie suddenly said, "I know you are showing weakness deliberately. You did not actually fall when you fell off the horse. The purpose of doing this intentionally is actually very simple. You want me to think that your martial arts are bad, and then You might have a chance to catch me, and then let my hands down and leave you ... I will give you this opportunity. "

Li Yuanshan's eyes changed and he took a few steps back.

He took off the golden helmet on his head and set it aside, instead of throwing it.


Fang Xie said with a smile: "So many eyes are watching here. If I kill you directly, maybe someone will say that I will have a chance to capture you but I have to kill you. If the emperor asks, I ca n’t explain it. ... so don't get down on your knees and ask for mercy, so how can I get started? "

This sentence is more uncomfortable than the knife poking in Li Yuanshan's heart!



Fang Jie spoke very softly, and the soldiers in the distance could not hear him say anything. No one would have imagined that his plain words pushed Li Yuanshan to the point where his dignity was broken. Li Yuanshan was proud. A little man in his eyes spoke to him in this way and this way, he could not bear it.

Outside was the victorious army of the court, and the emperor was dozens of miles away.

Fang Jie had to be cautious because he knew the people around the emperor too well. Those men were fighting outside, and Li Yuanshan captured him. This credit was stolen from others. If he rashly killed Li Yuanshan, some people outside the city would immediately find an opportunity to attack him. They do not allow a small person to take the credit for their own, and Li Yuanshan's death will be the reason for their attack.

Therefore, Fang Xie is persuading Li Yuanshan to use his own method first.

Those rebels will not kill, and they must be kept as witnesses.

At this time, Li Yuanshan's heart was in chaos, and it was not difficult to see through his mind with his wisdom. But today, Li Yuanshan who has lost everything is almost insane. His dream is broken, how could the heart be calm?

Fang Xie smiled when he saw Li Yuanshan pinching a handprint, and smiled happily.

He saw Li Yuanshan's imprints, but at this moment turned around and the opponent gave a loud command: "Tie all people together and dedicate them to your Majesty after the outside army wins.

Those rebels heard this sentence.

Then they exclaimed.

Fang Xie's feet suddenly had a spur coming out without warning. The spur looked sharp, and if it was stabbed, it would be penetrated immediately.

Fang Xie moved in the moment when the spur emerged, stepped on a hard pit on the hard ground a little bit, and he appeared in front of Li Yuanshan the next second.

Li Yuanshan didn't expect this young man to be so fast, and his subconscious hands went out to block Fang Jie.


The armors on Li Yuanshan's arms were smashed, and the fragments of gold armor burst out and splashed everywhere. If it weren't for his good practice, these two arms would be directly crushed by this punch. Li Yuanshan retreated backwards with the force on Fang Jie's fist, and turned over in the air, then his hands were chained. Fang Xie immediately had at least a dozen spurs coming out, fast and powerful.

Fang Xie shuttled between these soil spurs, leaving only a residual image with a fast figure.

Fang Xie had already prepared for the possibility that Li Yuanshan was a rune master. Since the Li family can produce a Li Xiaozong and the Li family is physically close, it is highly likely that Li Yuanshan is also a teacher. Although this is unlikely, the solution is fully prepared. Now it seems that Li Yuanshan's cultivation on the runway is more refined than Li Xiaozong.

What Fang Jie didn't know was that Li Xiaozong's amulet had been instructed by Li Yuanshan at first.

Fang Xie hurried through the obstruction of the soil spurs, and Li Yuanshan retreated at a much slower speed than him. Seeing that the second punch was about to smash, Li Yuanshan immediately crouched down and pressed his hands on the ground, with a bang, an earth wall stood up between him and Fangjie, and immediately after the earth wall appeared, Li Yuanshan Backing away, but the footsteps moved, a fist smashed through the thick earth wall and stretched out. Li Yuanshan was startled, and he was relieved when he found that the fist was half a meter away from himself.

But in a moment of slackness, his body suddenly flew backward like a cannonball. No sign, as if hit by an invisible hammer on the chest. Li Yuanshan, who was holding his body in mid-air, hit the city wall severely before he could adjust his body, and cracked several city bricks with a click.

Li Yuanshan felt that his heart was suffocated, and Qi and blood could not run smoothly.

He struggled to stand up and turned to seize the gap in the wall to climb up, while crawling and looking back to see if Fang Xie chased after him. He knows his cultivation well. Although there is still a certain distance from Jiu Pin, he can't find an opponent in Ba Pin. He has never seen a young person like him who can practice beyond eight grades, so at first he didn't think he would lose.

But now, he just wants to avoid the solution.

He is not the kind who was promoted to the rank of general because of martial arts superb cultivation, and in this respect he also knew that there was no comparable with people like Luo Yao. But this does not mean that he thinks he is weak, and the cultivation on Bapin is not all over the cabbage.

He looked back and found that Fang Xie had just broken through the earth wall.

He immediately speeded up, crawling up the wall like a gecko, but climbed out three or four meters away and suddenly a pain in the lower abdomen, the body immediately lost strength and fell from the air. As he fell down, he saw a sharp bump suddenly appeared on the city wall, and it was this spike that penetrated into the lower abdomen, with blood on it.

At the same moment, the spike broke with a click.

He forcibly twisted and landed on the ground. Blood had flowed from the lower abdomen wound, flowing down his Jinjia stream.

He grabbed his armour and pulled outward, then quickly tore off a piece of clothing and wrapped it around the lower abdomen to prevent the intestines from extruding.

"You ... how can you ..."

He looked at Fang Xie and asked in horror ~ ~ Are you surprised? "

Fang Xie said as he walked, "There are still many things that will surprise you. I advise you to be mentally prepared now because the next thing will be very restrictive and too **** to watch. In fact, I am also surprised. It's really fun to make you the target of my strength test, especially happy. "

When saying this, Fang Jie held out his hand to Li Yuanshan, then made a fist.

With a click, the air seemed to become countless invisible ropes tied tightly to Li Yuanshan, and it seemed like a giant python wrapped around Li Yuanshan and tried his best. Li Yuanshan's bones were rattling and his muscles fell deeply.

"This is an exclusive starter that no one else has tasted."

Fang Xie talked as he walked, his voice was cold: "There is a very pretending to be vulgar and people use it. I don't know if you have heard of it ... you will have to pay it back later."