
Chapter 249: [Million Years Emperor]

Chapter two hundred and forty-nine [10,000 years emperor] This is the gossip of gossip, right?

Nene carefully watched in front of the self-proclaimed vampire who suddenly heard so many secrets about Mering, King Odin, King Landis and other great men who lived in the world. Not only did she not have What pride and joy, but a little more panic.

One by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, she knows so many things, and so many secret memories of Merlin, one by one, such as several treasures, one by one, what is her own origin?

Sofia herself seemed to be in a mood of some kind. She simply grabbed the bottle and slammed her head up, drank the wine in the bottle cleanly, and then patted the table vigorously. "Take wine Come!"

The one-eyed man hiding behind immediately responded, lowered his eyebrows and walked out, seeing the empty wine bottle in front of Sofia, and a little flush on his wife's face, couldn't help laughing: "I said, you have always been very little Get some wine and drink less. "

When Sofia listened, her eyes were round and wide, and she slammed the table vigorously, yelling, "Where there is so much nonsense, let you take it!"

One-eyed is obviously a typical fearful character. He suddenly narrowed his neck and ran away with a sigh of sigh. After a while, he brought up a bottle of wine and put it on the table, but he stood there, looking at Sofia with some worry. Grandma-, hesitant to leave.

"What are you doing here?" Sophia raised her eyelids and snorted for a year, arrogantly screaming, "Women speak, but men are less likely to mix in one by one to do your work!"

With this remark, the original c was so tightly bound to listen to the worm, and almost laughed out loud on the spot one by one, the fan woman who claimed to be selling vegetables, was so sturdy, it seems that the tavern owner has a hard time Did not eat less.

He sighed with one eye, but was hindered by his wife's arrogance and dared not to disobey. He only ran back three times in one step, but hid in the doorway, eavesdropping.

How did Grandma Sofia not know what her husband was doing, and did not care about these, took the bottle in front of her, but this time it was delivered to her mouth, he did not drink, and finally sighed, and put the bottle back on the table again Up, staring up at Nene, but suddenly suddenly asked, "Little girl, do you know how many strong people in the world today?"

Nene was hesitant. Some of this question was boring, but she hesitated a little, thinking about it, and still replied, "I heard that there are still several great wizards in the Byzantine Empire magic union. Magic The strength group just acts low-key in weekdays and does not want to be exposed to others. It is very strong to want to come. Also, I heard that in the past there was a big swordsman who had decided to save the life of Emperor Cantos on the battlefield. , Once against the Odin God Emperor, want to come is also the strongest martial arts. As for the rest ... In the Odin Empire, the God Emperor ’s own strength is self-evident, and Hastings, known as Odin War God, has fought in countless lives. , But never lost, I do n’t know how many Byzantine warriors have been killed under the triangular rifle. I also want to be a top powerhouse ... As for Landis, it is natural to say that it is Merlin ... ”

Speaking of this, Nene suddenly flashed the sun and laughed: "Your old man, although I don't see your origin, but I want to be a hidden power ...

Sofia's aunt smiled on his face: "What else?"

"And ..." Tunne frowned and thought-"I can't think of it."

Sofia looked at Nene for another glance, and suddenly asked, "You said Byzantium, Odin, and Landis, why did you forget the last force on Big 6?"

When she said this, the sunlight flickered, smiling and smiling, with a mocking expression on her face.

When Nene heard it, he suddenly moved slightly: "You ..."

"Don't pretend to be stupid, naturally I mean Babylon's free collar!"

Nene's face suddenly changed, and she closed her eyes tightly.

If we talk about the three major forces in the human world today, it is naturally Byzantine, Odin, and the Landis Kingdom. But in addition to these three forces, there is a special existence, "Babylon Freedom."

However, compared to these three great powers, Babylon's free collar is really too small.

As an independent force, the territory of Babylon's free collar is small. As the name implies, the so-called free collar is nothing but a city-state. In the east of the Big Six, located in the north-central part of the chaos leader, this is another independent force of human existence.

Speaking of territorial area, this Babylonian free-dominant sphere of influence is not even as large as a tenth of a county in the Byzantine Empire.

But speaking of the long history, this third-party force that exists independently of the Big 6 powerful empires has a longer and more legendary history than the two thousand-year-old empires of Byzantium and Odin.

The Babylonian Freedom is centered around Babylon, the oldest city on the Big 6. The ancient city of Babylon is the only city in this freedom ... and the only territory.

In the ancient history of Big Six, it is said that in ancient times, the ancient human world before the Byzantine Empire and Odin had not yet appeared, there used to be a huge empire. The territory of that ancient human empire encompassed the entire Big 6 and even Most of the territories of today's Byzantine and Odin empires belonged to that human empire in ancient times.

Unify the entire Big Six, the vast area plus the strong national power ... It is said that the ancient empire was once the strongest era of humanity, and even other races had to bow their heads to the humanity at that time.

But unfortunately, in the long history, the ancient empire that once stood side by side finally collapsed, and after several years, the throne of the Seal of God, the long history of change, and finally the big 6 split into countless small countries, and in the thousand years Previously, Byzantium unified the southern part of Big Six, while Odin unified the northern tribes, and became a confrontation between North and South.

The ancient empire in which $) has existed has not even left much records in the past.

However, this ancient city of Babylon was once the capital of the imperial empire of ancient times, but it has been preserved.

If it is said that Emperor Osgilia is the first city on the Big 6 now, it is the crystallization of Byzantine civilization. Then the ancient city of Babylon is the oldest city in the human world and the remains of the most brilliant era of the human world.

The city of Babylon is located in the chaos leader. Geographically, it is sandwiched between the three regions of Odin, Byzantium, and chaos leader. From ancient times to the present, they have maintained their status independent of the two empires, forming a line of their own.

Although this power is extremely weak and has only one city, but for thousands of years, no matter how the two empires of Odin and Byzantium have expanded, they have never thought of Babylon.

More strange things, no matter in the Odin empire or the Byzantine empire, there is a similar legend: the imperial rule of the royal family: Babi Lian is a place never to be conquered!

For thousands of years, the Odin empire and the Byzantine empire fought and reconciled. Whether Odin was strong enough to overwhelm Byzantium or the Byzantine power over Odin, but the two empires never really sent even one soldier to one. The **** went to the idea of ​​Babylon's free collar.

The Babylonian Freedom Leader, as a small city-state, has always maintained this attitude of independence and freedom. Although the number of free-living populations is not large, most of them are self-righteous people who inherit the ancient and authentic lineage civilization.

What's more, since the baptism of war has not been encountered for thousands of years, the Babylonian Freedom has become the only safest force on the Big 6. Because of this peculiar status, the Babylonian Freedom has become the most prosperous area in the Big Six, and it is also the richest power in the legend.

After thousands of years of peace, coupled with a permanent neutral and independent position sandwiched between the two empires, Babylon's free collar has accumulated amazing wealth. Legend has it that merchants from all over the world are gathered almost every day, and the daily transaction volume is amazing. Almost all the rarest and most rare goods in the world can be found there.

It is said that the walls of Babylon are built of gold bricks, and no lights are used for lighting. Every night in the city is illuminated by night pearls and precious stones. Business groups of any country and power can get free asylum there without being disturbed. .

It is even more difficult for Babylon to freely make a fortune when the two countries declare war on the enemy. Often, once the two countries declare war, they naturally begin to close each other. After all, once the commercial road is cut off, if the business groups of the two countries continue to trade, it must be carried out through Babylon's free leadership of this always neutral and independent third party.

Over time, Babylon City has another name: the Eternal City.

As a free leader, Babylon ’s system of government is different from the three great powers of the current human race. It is not a pure monarchy, but something similar to that of the Senate House in Byzantium.

In the Babylonian Freedom, there is a Freedom Guild in charge of the management of the city, including the power to set tax rates and control the operation of the city. All members of this guild are merchants. "In Babylon, it is also the only region in the world today where the traditional" noble "class does not exist.

In Babylon, there is a special existence, which is the "city owner" of Babylon. The city owner is a hereditary system. It is said that the city owner is the descendant of the royal family of the ancient human empire. The noblest lineage is the door to the true emperor and emperor! If we must say that the only "aristocracy" that exists in Babylon's free collar, then it is the "city owner" of Babylon.

The lord of the city held an honorable position in Babylon, but did not have absolute dominion over the emperors like other empires. Although the status was true, most of the power remained in the hands of the guild. The city owner has only legal immunity and amnesty. At the same time, the city owner is not allowed to conduct any form of business, but can get a certain percentage of taxes from the business income of Babylon every year.

Thousands of peace and endless trade exchanges, it is conceivable how such a noble gatekeeper has accumulated amazing wealth!

It can be said that if you want to talk about the most powerful family in the human world, some people may think that it is the Byzantine royal family, the Odin royal family, or the Landis royal family ...

But if it comes to the richest family, there is no doubt that it must be the owner of Babylon!

The bloodline of the emperor's affairs for thousands of years has already been lost to the world by too many mysterious legends, especially their pride and honor.

There have been legends that hundreds of years ago, the Byzantine Empire was once the most powerful country in the era, which almost overwhelmed the Odin Empire, greatly defeated Odin, and once even had the momentum to reunite the Big Six. At that time, the emperor of the Byzantine Empire was proud and full of pride. At last, he finally moved his mind on the fat of Babylon. However, because of the legendary royal iron law, he did not dare to send troops to invade, but came up with an idea and sent a messenger Babylon freely sought to see the then Lord of the City, hoping to win the Lord ’s eldest daughter as a wife, and promised that once she married, she would be given the status of Queen. The idea of ​​the Byzantine emperor was also very cunning. "It is said that the then Lord of the City had no son. After the death of the Lord, after the Emperor married the daughter of the Lord, he could rightfully strive for the inheritance of the Lord: as oneself, at the same time Having two identities as the Byzantine Emperor and the Babylonian Lord, there will naturally be an opportunity to annex Babylon in a peaceful manner in the future.

But in the end, the city lord did not hesitate to reject the then Byzantine royal family. The reason for the refusal of the then-owner of the city was extremely arrogant.

The meaning of his reply was: Although you are an emperor of Byzantium, when it comes to bloodlines, the ancestor is just a lower nobleman, and my family of Babylon is an ancient emperor in the ancient times! How is your pheasant and wild dog's bloodline eligible for my daughter? When it comes to qualifications, any civilian in the city of Babylon can be traced back. The ancestry may be ten times more noble than the emperor of your Byzantine Empire! Want to marry my daughter, wait until you really unify the Big 6 and become the common emperor of the race.

The terrified Byzantine emperor, despite being annoyed, took help from Babylon and was able to give up.

And the legend of Babylon's free collar is that "It is located next to the chaos leader!"

Although the two human empires will not provoke it, the chaos is not the human world! Where are the elves, the legendary giants, and other races.

Those races and attitudes towards humans have not been too friendly since ancient times.

But Babylon is in such a tiger-wolf ring, but it is safe and sound. No matter the proud elves and giants, they rarely provoke Babylon to freely lead ~ ~ even the dwarf people They were also willing to trade some of their wrought iron with the free-living people of Babylon.

Ultimately, the root cause is that there is a mysterious asylum in Babylon.

[Apologize to everyone first! Sorry everyone! !!

The recent update is a bit unstable, and everyone disappointed, it was all my fault! !! Disappointed in me, scolded me, I accept it sincerely!

I have recently had some things, and the specific things are inconvenient to be disclosed publicly, but my work time has been delayed for some time, causing the current situation.

But fortunately, it's all solved now! Therefore, I will try my best to rank it later! !!

Please rest assured, and watch my performance.

I dare not ask for votes, because I know that my performance is not worth it, so please vote for other authors who perform better than me for the time being.

Hehe ... When I get better, vote for me.