Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 112: Umbrella's file analysis 2

  Here is the file of the ‘flatworm man’.

   The project’s super-strong self-replication ability and hostility to society, if it is not controlled and allowed to replicate indefinitely, it will definitely seriously affect the normal social order.

   In view of the above reasons, the researchers and lieutenant officers of Containment Center No. 1 judged the item to be Euclid.

   The containment center needs to take tissue samples from the objects every month, carry out refrigerated disposal and transportation, and send them to the hive for research.

  The goal is to analyze and crack the full cloning ability of the project.

   Progress is not going well.

  On March 17, 2008, Hive slowed down its investment and research on the project.


  ④Project: TV in a shopping mall.

   Another name: Motorola.

   Level: Euclid.

   The following files are the entire process of containing the item;

   1. Video files.

   Three adventurous young men and women, Johnson, Lucas, and Ava, the real surnames will not be entered.

   On the evening of February 2, 2008, the three decided to explore an abandoned shopping mall located in the United States in order to increase the attention and clicks of their YouTube channel.

The    file comes from the HVR-HD1000C camera purchased by the three, and the photographer is Lucas.

   file to play:

   The red signal light on the screen flickered, and the lens picture was displayed soon.

   In the center of the picture is a typical North American double-storey shopping mall in the suburbs, surrounded by grassy parking lots and forests in the distance, making it very lonely.

The trees on both sides of the entrance of    withered. Under the moonlight, the inverted image printed on the ground is a ghost with teeth and claws.


   Lucas behind the camera whistled: "Well everyone, this expensive guy's video is normal, let's go in."

   At this time, Ava, whose face has been mosaic-processed, walks into the camera, looks at the dilapidated gate of the mall, and persuades with a slight palpitation:

   "Guys, here...are there really feels like a cemetery in a Halloween movie, do you really want to go in?"

   Then, Johnson, whose face was also treated, walked to Ava's side, took her shoulders and said without fear:

   "Haha, Ava, you are too whimsical, how can there be ghosts in this world? Besides, isn't our purpose here to get rid of those rumors?"

   The camera moved forward, and Lucas echoed: "That's right, let's go."

   Since the content of the next video is nutritious, it belongs to the three people introducing various horror stories outside the mall, so the speed is x4.

   After entering the mall, the speed is x1.

   The floor tiles are covered with thick dust, and the shops are locked with rolling shutters, and most places are inaccessible.

   The breathing of three people can be clearly heard in the screen.

  While in the peripheral shops, they also tried to find horrible props to increase the effect of video recording.

   But as it got deeper, the surrounding atmosphere became more and more unspeakably weird.

  The breathing sound gradually became rapid due to tension.

   Finally, the three of them came to the central hall of the mall, where there was a huge indoor fountain.

   approached, the camera aimed at the dry pool.

   is full of trash, such as soda cans, plastic bags, packaging boxes, and all kinds of wood, etc.

   Some trash is dust-free, like someone or something has just thrown in recently.

   "Hey, guys... look at this."

   Johnson's voice sounded from the back left side of the screen, and Johnson's voice trembled a little at this time, no longer full of confidence as before.

   The camera swings to the left, a ghost, focusing on the ground where Johnson's fingers are pointing.

   A series of long marks about five centimeters in length and one centimeter in width surround the fountain pond.

   Ava appeared next to Johnson and squatted down to analyze: "These seem to be footprints. Are the things in the pool brought by the owner of the footprints?"

   "Hey, Ava." Lucas behind the camera said, "I have never seen any animal with this kind of footprint."

   "Me too." Johnson, who also squatted down, nodded.

   Then the camera found that some trajectories of ‘footprints’ lead into the mall.

   The three of them dared up again, ready to follow the'footprints' to continue their adventure.


   They came to the door of a candy store, and the "footprints" disappeared under the locked door of the store.

   Through the lens, the candy store looks intact from the outside.

   The side door with two windows is a simple method of locking the chain from the outside door. The original shop owner did not put down the rolling door.

   Johnson tried to pull the chain to open the door.


  The three finally decided to break the glass together.

   Johnson found a brick nearby and smashed a glass on the door on the right side of the camera.


   The violent movement of broken glass spread across every corner of the mall in an instant.

   They walked into the candy store easily through the destroyed window.


  "?~?~?~?~§~" Some strange music rang.

   "What is this?" Ava in the lens approached Johnson and said.

   "Um..." Johnson frowned, "It's like old-fashioned jukebox music, very old kind."

   "Dear viewers! I swear is definitely not the music we played by playing mystery!" Lucas was a little excited.

   "?~!!!" The sound of music seemed to come from all directions, and it became louder and louder.

   Ava and Johnson in the camera are scared, obviously frightened, and the shaking surface of the picture is the same for Lucas.

   Suddenly, Ava's eyes widened, her hands trembling, she opened her mouth slightly to let out a horrified roar.

   The picture flickered.

   Lucas’ right hand stretched out on the right side of the camera, and he covered Ava’s mouth in time to avoid her yelling when a girl was frightened.

   Then the camera looked in the direction of Ava's finger.

   I saw a ‘rat’ walking by the entrance of the candy store, standing on both legs, and its footprints on the dusty floor tiles were exactly the same as the ‘imprint’ just now.

   From a distance, it looks like a one-centimeter thick piece of paper, and it acts like...

   Two-dimensional objects walking on a three-dimensional plane.

   still looks cute.

   "Huh..." (x3)

   Although the three of them didn't know what it was, the appearance gave them a good impression, and the tension was relaxed.


   Lucas, who was in charge of the camera behind the camera, seemed to recognize the cartoon mouse, and said to his friends:

   "I remember it... it seems to be called Brooke. It is a character in a cartoon that my grandfather loves to watch when he was young. He often shares those old cartoons with me..."

   "Wait." Johnson interrupted Lucas's words, raised his finger to the door and trembling quietly: "There seems to be something behind the mouse... as if there is something behind him."

   is a...

   A black cartoon cat with a height of four meters and a width of only one centimeter!