Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 181: ‘Endless’ Project

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After explaining the sales with Serena, William led the Alphas to continue slowly to the fourth floor of the hive.

The hive has not changed much from when it was built three years ago.

The only difference is that it was originally the first floor of the honeycomb for storing various materials, but now it has been transformed into the ‘central platform’ of the Hafa underground facility.

Thanks to the success of the Sailing to Dawn Project, coupled with Umbrella's posture as a ‘Big Mac’.

Therefore, the Haffa underground facility used as a refuge in the doomsday was modified by the engineering team to expand the scope of the Hive Research Center.

It is more convenient to transport materials in secret, or go to the Troy base on the outskirts of Hafa, and so on.

William came here not to inspect the changes in Hive over the years, but to have a new plan in his mind, and he needs to discuss with Hive's researchers.


The four underground floors of the hive.


As soon as William, Alpha and others walked out of the safety valve, they saw a researcher with a Mediterranean hairstyle and a white coat running towards them.

William recognized the middle-aged man at a glance.

The opponent had appeared in the containment of Elizabeth Green, and also led a research team to simplify the electromagnetic gun technology to Gauss.

But the name...

William seems to have forgotten, mainly because the company has too many employees, and there are research centers of different sizes all over the world.

And Serena reported to him the various researches of the hive, in fact, William had not come to the hive in person for a long time.

Immediately, he glanced at the name tag on the opponent's left chest.

Aaron Adams.

"Dr. Adams." William smiled at him.

"Hehe, I don't know if the boss personally came to the hive, is there any important thing?" Adams asked.

"Yes, gather the backbone of your research team first." William nodded.



Meeting room soon.

William sits at the top of the U-shaped table, and on the left and right are senior researchers who are in charge of various fields in the hive.

I saw William poking his elbows on the table, crossed his hands, put away his old smile and said solemnly: "Everyone.

In these two days, you have more or less heard of... Umbrella is fighting an alien race, right? "

"..." Everyone nodded silently.

"Now..." William let go of his folded hands and pointed at the ceiling with his index finger.

Said: "The flying saucer with a diameter of 25 kilometers is parked on the back of the moon."

"Twenty-five kilometers?!" Adams, who was sitting first in William's left hand, exclaimed.


"Our largest aircraft carrier is only three kilometers long..."

Not only Adams, but other researchers were equally shocked.

"Okay." William shook his left hand slightly, signaled everyone to be quiet, and continued:

"The flying saucers of the alien race are not our opponents. In the battle two days ago, we won the victory with a very slight loss.

Although their mothership will arrive in the solar system in three days, Umbrella's current strength is more than enough to deal with them. "

Hear the words.

Adams first relieved himself from the shock, looked at William and tried to ask: "Boss, do you want us to design a new type of warship?"

"Yes." William changed his serious face and said: "Twenty-five kilometers, even if they don't pose an effective threat to us, they still have a great visual impact.

Two days ago, Serena copied all the data on their flying saucers.

What can be confirmed at present is that the race code-named "Reaper" possesses technologies such as transition engines, energy shields, and directed energy weapons.

Although the defense of their energy shield is useless in front of electromagnetic guns, the technology is quite mature, and even their carrier-based aircraft are equipped with an energy shield system.

On the surface, their energy shields are cheaper than the shield system developed by Dr. Halsey.


I am here to tell you about the research policy that Hive will conduct next.

One (stretching the index finger of the left hand).

Crack and upgrade the energy shield technology of the Reaper civilization, and equip all our warships, carrier aircraft, transport boats and ground weapons with this low-cost energy shield as soon as possible.

If possible, transplant the energy shield generator to the individual combat equipment of each unit.

Two (extend the **** again).

Design a new type of warship to replace the Phoenix-class aircraft carrier in each fleet.

As for the request...

(William’s right finger taps rhythmically on the table, showing his usual smile)

Very simple, that is, the length of this warship is not less than seven kilometers.

The main gun should also be upgraded.

After all, it is a seven-kilometer warship, which is no longer suitable for assembling a 100-meter long electromagnetic acceleration gun, and the 30-ton tungsten projectile is too light.

Try to expand it tenfold.

The last requirement is that this kind of warship must have a hangar for the gods.

In the future, there will be at least two hundred and forty more divine bodies, and the divine bodies are also our main weapon for Umbrella and even human beings against alien civilization.

So, everyone understands what to do! "A group of researchers replied full of morale.

"Very good." William nodded in satisfaction.

"Boss." At this time, Adams next to him asked: "Does this research project have a special code or name?"

"Of course." William folded his hands together again, resting his elbows on the table, and looked around and said in a deep voice:



After explaining the endless plan to Adams and the researchers of the Hive, William took Hank, Alpha and others to the first floor of the Hive and took the underground rail train to the Troy base in the suburbs.


ten minutes later.

Troy's underground station.

Wearing a general Umbrella uniform and wearing a black cloak, Andre is leading a kind of school-level and lieutenant-level officers waiting for the train to arrive.

Soon, a shuttle train passed through the tunnel and stopped not far in front of Andre and the others.

The hatch opened.

William led Alpha out. After seeing Andre, he raised his right hand and made a standard military salute: "General."

Andre replied: "Boss."

Then the two Olympus directors walked side by side, while the officers and Alphas followed them, and the group walked towards the ground.

"General, Umbrella is going to sell high-level arms to the United Nations. Serena should have notified you of this matter." William said quietly.

"Yes." Andre shook his head slightly and smiled, and said:

"Leave this to me. The company is responsible for my frequent dealings with the UN officials and generals. After all, most of the containment operations are carried out outside of Canada."

"Hehe, then please, Andre."

"Ah, don't you worry about my affairs?"

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