Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 231: Start mass production

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"Doctor, the PS armor of the prototype has not been tested yet, and the experimental data in the universe is also unknown. Do I need to apply for a test permit from my boss?"

As soon as William approached Halsey and the others, he heard a researcher speak to Halsey for permission to test.

"That..." Then he reminded quietly: "You don't have to submit it, I will approve it directly."

A group of researchers quickly turned around, facing William respectfully: "Boss."

Halsey also pretended to be respectful in front of a group of people, and smiled at William: "Boss, you are here."

"Ah." William shook his hand, letting the Alphas scattered behind him.

He walked to the front of the prototype, looked up at the Gundam belonging to Umbrella, and nodded with satisfaction.

And said to Halsey, who was already standing next to him: "Very good, I heard your assistants say that this prototype seems to be ready?"

"Yes, this assault, numbered MS-X101, was completely completed in theory, but there is no actual operation record yet." Halsey said.

"It's better to hit the sun if you choose another day." William looked down at Halsey and said: "Since this assault has been completely completed, let's have a test flight today."

"Yeah..." Halcillo added more thoughts and nodded: "No problem.

As for the candidates for the driver, I think the artificial intelligence with prosthetic body is the most suitable, they can record the detailed data of the prototype when it is in action. "

"Okay." William didn't talk too much nonsense, turned around and took Hank and other Alphas away, and said to a researcher:

"Keep busy, and assist the doctor in getting ready for the test flight of the prototype."

"Yes, boss."


Two hours later.

A rest room on the left side of the hull.

Through the thickened portholes, you can see the cosmic scenery with little starlight outside the window, and you can even see the Venus the size of a ping-pong ball not far away.

This rest cabin is a place for employees to relax, equipped with equipment such as bar counters, billiards, arcade games and so on.

But at this time, the employees here did not relax and play, instead they looked out the window together.

This is because employees have learned through various channels that in the near future, there will be a new ‘fighter’ for a test flight.

William in his office also sat behind his desk and watched the MS-X101 test flight through monitoring.

The three zones of the Infinity Hangar.

The third zone is located on the left side of the hull, where a large number of carrier-based aircraft such as F-X, B-65 and Viking fighters are parked.

At the same time, the three zones are also equipped with several electromagnetic ejection channels to increase the initial speed of the carrier aircraft.

In front of the ejection channel on the far left is the MS-X101 prototype that is being assembled by the ground crew using the robotic arm.

At the beginning of the design, the ejection channel was able to accommodate different specifications of the model, and the MS-X101, which made the knee-bending motion, could just enter the channel.

The screen zoomed in to the deck.

I saw an artificial intelligence equipped with a prosthetic body, dressed in a dark gray pilot airtight suit, and walking towards the MS-X101 with a helmet in his left hand.

The artificial intelligence responsible for driving the prototype is Cortana from the Spartan Blue team.

Equipped with a prosthetic body, she has a skin color similar to that of a human, black female short hair, and her pupils are also emitting a faint blue light with Serena.

Cortana came to the front of MS-X101 and put on a helmet, and used the feet of the prototype to step on the lifting cables and enter the cockpit on the abdomen of the body.

The hatch is closed.

The screen switches to the cockpit.

Cortana sat down and pressed the start button on the console, and then all the display screens were lit up, and the surrounding screens also generated the scenery in the hangar.

Then, under the instructions of the ground crew, she controlled the prototype to step on the catapult and asked the prototype to make the movement of bending her legs. Bar

The catapult carried the prototype into the tunnel smoothly, and lowered the valve to isolate and decompress the hangar.

After the decompression was completed, the valve at the end of the passage slowly opened, revealing the outer space of the ship.

At this time, Cortana raised her hand to toggle the button to adjust the body to the best condition, and then put her hands on the joystick.

Said: "This is the tester Cortana, the prototype MS-X101 is ready for ejection."

"This is the bridge." The communication quickly returned Serena's voice: "I have approved the ejection procedure of MS-X101, and I can set off at any time."

"Roger that."

As soon as the voice fell, Cortana saw the green lights flashing on both sides of the passage.

Upon seeing this, Cortana pushed the joystick forward, and the catapult began to rapidly advance on the track.


The prototype ejected the Infinity, the thruster on the back of the fuselage was activated, and it flew quickly under the control of Cortana.

When the prototype skipped the front left side of the Infinity, Cortana also activated the PS armor on the outside of the fuselage.

I saw that the original bleak color scheme became white as the main body, and the chest and waist were dark and light black.

Together with the red and white umbrella logo on the left shoulder of the body, and the yellow warning pattern at the joints, this assault MS prototype has a strong Umbrella style.

The prototype machine performs short-time acceleration, deceleration, emergency stop and other performance tests according to the process.


The previous rest cabin;

"Oh! Although this new mecha is much smaller than the divine, it looks very sophisticated!"

"The **** body has a strong biological wind, but this one...tsk, I like it."

"The value of the face is the combat effectiveness. No matter what, our company has added new weapons, haha."

After seeing the successful test flight of the prototype outside the window, the employees all expressed their joy.

After all, my company's energy sources continue to produce epoch-making weapons and technology, except for excitement and pride.


And William in the office, the surveillance camera outside the Infinity, could not help but mutter to himself after seeing Cortana driving the assault MS prototype:

"When you have time, you have to contact the toy department and let them try the production of assembled plastic models. The world needs more ‘glue guys’.

By the way, I have to discuss with Halsey later and ask her to help me design a special machine.

Well, it was so decided. "


Item: Highly mobile humanoid weapon (MS).

Code name: Assault.


The assault MS was successfully tested on August 20, 2015.

Through the following various experimental data, it is concluded that the mobility, defense, and offensive power of this new weapon in a gravity-free and atmospheric environment surpasses the original concept fighter.

The cost is equivalent to six F-Xs, or three Viking fighters.

To this end, Umbrella decided to start mass production of assault mobile suits in September 2015.

The first batch of twenty orders for the Hafa Suburban Arsenal will be delivered to the containment fleet of General Ostrovsky (Andrei) in the first quarter of 2016.

If the assault MS passes the test of actual combat, Umbrella will consider mass production.