Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 241: Old castle

The aircraft carrier's airborne preparation cabin.

   I saw that the troops gathered here and ready to wait for an orbital assault were no longer **** paratroopers, but heavy marines equipped with CMC.

  The average height of the heavy marines wearing CMC power armor reached more than two meters.

  The weapons they are holding are no longer the traditional pulse series of the Marine Corps, but the Gauss series with extremely strong penetrating ability.

The overall coating of    armor is mainly dark gray, and the shoulder armor on both sides is printed with the logo of red and white umbrella, typical Umbrella style.

   One hundred and twenty reloaded marines, in groups of three, board the large airborne cabin specially designed for them.

   And the three of the Spartan Blues, wearing their own helmets, also boarded into the large airborne cabin.

   When all the combat personnel were ready, the robotic arm on the top of the cabin began to operate, placing the airborne cabin on the slide rail.

   The cabin began to decompress.

   The hatch in front of the slide rail opens.


   Forty-one large airborne bays ejected instantly, left the aircraft carrier, came to space, and crashed toward Europe, which was already early in the morning.




   is a large island in the Mediterranean, a subsidiary island south of France, 170 kilometers from the French mainland.

   But Corsica is only about a hundred kilometers away from the east coast of Italy.

   There are large areas of nature reserves on the islands, the forests cover a wide area and are sparsely populated.

   The distribution of agents according to the proportion of the population resulted in the fact that Umbrella deployed fewer agents on the island, mainly concentrated in towns along the coast.

   The agents did not pay special attention to the forest in the central part of the island, as well as several abandoned castles.

   After all, there are thousands of castles in Europe, and some can be bought for only a few euros...

   Of course, if the buyer can afford the high maintenance fee, then he can experience the noble life in the Middle Ages.

   What's more, most of the castles are built on cliffs, cliffs and deep forests, and only a few castles with better geographical locations have been converted into tourist attractions.

   And deep in the forest of Corsica, a huge castle stands in it.

   It was built on the top of a steep mountain with only one entrance to the south.

   And this entrance and exit passage, because of the inaccessibility of people, bushes and weeds are overgrown.

In front of the entrance of    Castle is a rusty gate, and on the left there is a no-entry warning sign written in English, French, and Italian.

   Viewed from the outside, all the windows of the castle are sealed, and I only feel that it has been completely abandoned.

   But this is only for ordinary people.

   For the agents lurking in the woods on the south side of the castle, it can't be said that they have a clear view, but they can also find the clues of this castle.

  In the mask imaging of the agent's individual soldier system, there are looming figures on the wall on the top of the castle.

   Judging from the outline, everyone is holding a gun, and it can be judged that these people should be armed guards.

   It seems that this is the base of the Light Star Church, and because of the failure of the plundering mission of Shia, the castle has also strengthened its guard and seems to be preparing to evacuate.

  The main task of the secret agents hiding here is to monitor, waiting for the arrival of the reloaded Marines and the Spartan Blues.

   Soon, the internal communications of the agents' helmets heard John's reminder:

   "Agents, please stay away from the target as soon as possible to avoid accidental injury."

   Hearing the reminder, all the agents looked up.

   I saw forty-one meteors in the sky, falling towards the position of the castle.

   Upon seeing this, the senior agent in charge of the surveillance mission immediately got up and replied: "Yes."

   Then several agents got up one after another, no longer considering the concealment factor, using the mechanical bones to start a rapid retreat down the mountain.

Shortly after…

   "Boom-! Boom-!"

   can carry three large airborne tanks of heavy marines, and smash them inside and outside the castle, directly causing billowing smoke and dust to rise in this area.

   "Click-! Click-!"

   The three doors of the airborne cabin were bounced open, and three heavy marines equipped with CMC power armor, armed with exclusive large-caliber Gauss guns, jumped out of the warehouse.

   The three heavy marines rushed towards the entrance of the castle, completely ignoring the trees that hindered them from advancing, and directly used the power armor to ‘rammed’.

   More than ten seconds after the landing of the airborne warehouse, a large number of reloaded marines gathered on the road leading to the castle.

   The castle was also attacked by four airborne bays, including the airborne bays used by the three blue team members.

   The warehouse door popped open.

   John and the others immediately left the airborne cabin, and led the nine heavy marines, rushing towards the inside of the castle.


   "Ahem! Ahem!"

  The armed guards on the city wall were choked by the smoke and dust rising around.

   Several of them saw John and others enter the inside of the castle, they just wanted to use the walkie-talkie on their left shoulder to warn, but...



   But as the thorns popped out of the gun, these people and other guards were ‘dismembered’ one after another.

   After all, the Gaussian gun is a high-penetration weapon that is used to deal with anomalies that are difficult to contain. Umbrella is rarely used against ordinary humans.

   Similarly, pulse and plasma guns are not recommended for use against humans.

  Because it is too cruel.

   But this Shining Star Church has individual equipment no less than AAES I, so it had to choose heavy marines and Gauss guns to deal with it.


  The more reason is that the father and son William and Andre didn't want to stay alive, so they adopted the most brutal way.

   After a short period of time The armed guards outside the castle were wiped out by heavy soldiers of different ranks.

   Several Pelicans also appeared in the sky, carrying technicians and recovery troops, and flew to the castle to prepare for landing.


at the same time.

   The blue team and nine heavy soldiers had already penetrated into the castle, and there was nowhere to go.

   John’s helmet mask, the upper left corner shows the structure of the castle scanned by pulse, and the motion detection function also marks the possible enemies.

During the   , Cortana's voice came from the communication: "Sergeant Chief, a large space under the castle has been detected, and the indicator has been generated on your screen."

   Since Cortana is also presiding over various matters on the Phantom, she did not follow the blue team, but she can still provide various assistance to the blue team.

   John replied quietly: "Okay."

   Then, John led the crowd and proceeded according to the instructions given by Cortana.

  During the journey, John also found that the interior of the castle was well maintained, and the internal passages were clean and bright.

   But except for the guards who are ordinary mercenaries, they are not as elite as those who attacked the church.

   "John, it seems that the group of reformed soldiers, as well as the things that the Light Star Church wants to hide, are all underground in this castle." Carl analyzed.

   "Where does it matter." Myron was still full of anger and said, "Give me death."