Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 267: conduct experiment

After obtaining John's permission, the supervisor immediately directed a group of technicians to control the laser cutting machine to cut the red sphere with the ‘angel’.


   The pale pink low-power laser is generated from the inside of the cutting machine and cuts the sphere slowly to avoid accidentally injuring the angel inside.


   Within a few seconds, the outer wall of the sphere was easily cut open, and at the same time a large amount of light red viscous liquid was flowing out.

   Accompanied by the liquid slipping out, there is also the "angel" with four wings on the back that is similar to a human body.

   The angels exude a faint light, with almost perfect proportions and beautiful curves.

   And it, or her long hair reaches her waist, and the four wings on her back are also emitting a faint blue light.

   As if feeling the coldness of the deck, the wings on her back instinctively wrapped her up, and her body curled up involuntarily.

   Because the light she radiated at the beginning was too dazzling, everyone in the room could not see her looks, let alone her private parts.

   See it.

   Karl couldn't help sighing in the newsletter: " so beautiful."

   "What did you see her look like?" Myron asked puzzledly.

   "No...I just feel that she is beautiful." Cal said.

   "Alright." John stopped the words between his ‘brother’ and ‘sister’ and ordered the main channel:

   "Supervisor, ready to test the abnormal phenomenon code-named ‘angel’ to confirm that she has harmful viruses, bacteria and microorganisms."

   "Yes, Chief Sergeant."

   The supervisor immediately ordered the two female researchers to approach the angel curled up on the deck and use the detection equipment in his hand to inspect the angel.

   Soon after, one of the female researchers looked up and said: "Sergeant Chief, no unknown microorganisms have been found on the subject.

   In other words, apart from being able to emit light on its own and having wings on its back, the overall structure is similar to that of a human being. "

   "Okay." John nodded softly.

   Then he turned to look at the giant one-way glass behind him, and asked William and Halsey in the communication: "Boss, Doctor, what should I do with the project now?"

  " Transfer her to another small biological laboratory, John, your blue team and the rest of the USS will continue to be responsible for transportation.

   If the project goes crazy, the use of force is approved. "The communication returned William's order.

   "Yes." John, who was instructed, immediately turned around, looked at the technicians and the USS, and said coldly:

   "You have all heard the boss's order, now you want to transfer the project, move fast."

   "Yes, Chief Sergeant."

   Then a group of technicians pushed a stretcher cart.

   There is a sealed plastic film on the stretcher, and a frame supports an isolated space. There is also an air filter device in the space to provide sufficient air in the isolated space.

   Although the curled up angel showed harmlessness on various testing instruments, she was still treated in isolation for the sake of safety.

   Several female researchers worked together to lift the angel, put her on the stretcher, and took measures to isolate her.

   Seeing that everything is ready, John tilted his head and looked at Myron beside him and ordered: "A-003, you will push the stretcher."

   "Hey..." Mellen first sighed in the communication, but he still accepted the order calmly: "Yes."

   After all, Myron is used to it...

   is used to be regarded as a ‘tank’ by his companions and perform all dangerous missions.

   I saw Myron wearing Thor's hammer, stepping on the deck with heavy steps of "Boom! Boom!", placing the Gauss rifle in his hand on the suction cup on the back of the armor.

   When Myron was ready to push away the stretcher, John and Carl also came to the sides of the stretcher, while other USS also gathered around.

   The blue team and the USS left the isolation cabin and came to the ‘back’-shaped disinfection cabin. After a series of disinfection procedures, they arrived at the wider research area.

   However, in the research area at this time, there is no one other than them.

   After receiving the signal from William and Halsey, the researchers stopped their research work and left the research cabin temporarily.

   Myron and others pushed the stretcher cart to a small biological laboratory.


   Then he saw a surgical platform in the center of the laboratory, with mechanical arms of different sizes and different functions mounted on the top.

   "John." At this time, Halsey's voice came from the communication and said: "Just leave you here to guard."


   John, who heard Halsey's words, waved his left hand to signal the USS and technicians who followed him to exit the laboratory.


   When the last USS left the laboratory, the air-tight gate was immediately lowered, leaving the laboratory in isolation.

   Then John looked at Carl on the other side of the stretcher and ordered: "Carl, you will transfer the project to the platform."


   Carl also put the Gauss rifle in his hand behind the armor, tore open the plastic isolation film on the stretcher, carefully picked up the angel, and placed her on the operating platform.

   It seems that Halsey has turned on the platform and the temperature adjustment device in the laboratory.

   The angel noticed that the ice was no longer frozen, and the wings that wrapped her body also relaxed a lot, but still concealed her face and private parts, only showing her hands and feet.

   But this is enough.

   Carl immediately tied the angel's limbs with a belt to fix her on the platform to prevent her from not cooperating with the next experiment.



   In the control room next to the biological laboratory a one-way window is aimed at the laboratory, and under the window is the control console with a holographic screen. Halsey is standing behind the control console.

   As for William, he stood beside Halsey, watching the scene in the laboratory.

   Especially when he saw the "shy" appearance of the day, he couldn't help but shook his head and exclaimed: "I thought that wise angel was a male, but I didn't expect the body to be a female."

   "Angels should be genderless." Halsey, who was preparing for the experiment, said to William while debugging on the holographic screen:

  "But as long as you say the word ‘angel’, everyone will involuntarily think of beautiful women. It seems that the point of view is not groundless.

   But..." Halsey turned to look at William and smiled: "We will know right away whether it is her or not. "

   said, the robotic arm in the biological laboratory began to operate under the control of Halsey.

   The mechanical arm equipped with multiple devices was placed close to the skin of the angel’s left arm, turned on the ultraviolet disinfection lamp, and sprayed a small dose of iodophor.

   Then, a robotic arm equipped with a needle tube was gradually lowered, and the needle was aimed at the sterilized part.


   The needle penetrates the skin very smoothly and draws blood from the angel's body.

   Only through this item, I learned that the skin of the angel lying on the operating platform is not as indestructible as the Greek gods.

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