Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 340: Thor strikes

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After a Marine Corps refilled the last bug and completely killed the bug, normal order was temporarily restored in the school.

However, there were still violent gunfire around the school. It seems that the security and police of Hafa City, as well as the Umbrella troops who arrived, are busy cleaning out the ‘worm plague’ in the city.

But at this time, everyone in the school didn't care much about what was happening in the city.

The school was able to solve the threat posed by the bugs in less than a few minutes, not only because of the heroic fighting of the Marines, but also because of the actions of Ivan, Xia, and Yelena.

Especially Shia.

The magic of the various element series only tears, scorches, and scorches in the blink of an eye those insects that can withstand dozens of shellless bullets.

Of course, the superhuman abilities displayed by the three children immediately made the students and teachers completely ‘dumbfounded’.

"I went... I didn't expect the goddess of high school to be a witch?"

"Is there really magic in this world?"

"Man, there are bugs bigger than people. Magic is not normal?"

"But no matter what, Senior Sister saved us."

The boys quickly accepted what happened in front of them, and even thanked Ivan and others for protecting the school, as well as the lives of them and their classmates.

"Okay!" At this time, the major turned on the loudspeaker device of the individual equipment again to remind everyone present:

"Now is not the time to chat, please follow the instructions to evacuate to the teaching building!"

While the major was talking, the Marines also let the students and teachers rush to the underground defense facilities of the teaching building.

Immediately afterwards, the major turned to look at the three Ivans standing behind him, but shook his head helplessly.

I wanted to blame them for being too young to fight, but then I thought, the number of bugs the three of them eliminated was much more than that of the entire Marine Corps.

What's more, if it were not for the help of these three children, although the Marine Corps could also eliminate the bugs in the school, it would be impossible to achieve no casualties.

"Hey..." Then the major just sighed and motioned to several Marines to **** the three children to the teaching building for refuge.


at the same time.

In the command center of Troy Base on the outskirts of Hafa City.

"The target is still projecting its parasites to Hafa City!"

"Each squadron has finished dropping bombs, but all kinds of ammunition cannot cause effective damage to the target, and the target is still approaching the coast."

"The weapon of the MS team is invalid!"

A group of staff in the command center stared at the console and screen in front of them, reporting to Andre in a hasty tone.

Andre, standing behind the staff, folded his hands across his chest, frowning at one of the giant screens hanging in the room.

The angle of view on the screen is a real-time shot taken by the Vulture support boat at high altitude.

The content of the screen is a prehistoric behemoth that is larger than the divine body, and something about this behemoth is similar to those parasites.

But it has a lot of slender tentacles, its feet are much thicker, and there are many very sharp bone spurs.

What's more, dense phobia is that there are dense small bulges on the back of its neck, which have been shooting parasites in the body in the direction of Hafa City.

Machine guns of various calibers, as well as missiles of different functions and types hit it, at best they just raise billowing smoke, and cannot cause any substantial damage to this behemoth.

"General." A staff member sitting on the edge turned his head to look at Andrei loudly:

"The Marine Corps responsible for school safety reported that the school is basically safe, but Ivan and Shia have exposed their abilities."

"Well, it's okay, just let USS do an amnesticization to the school after the situation stabilizes."

Andrei heard the lives of Ivan and others without any worries, but just responded casually, and then looked at a female communications officer on his right hand side and asked:

"When will the **** body arrive?"

"The Zero and First Fleet has returned to low-Earth orbit, but because coastal cities around the world have been attacked, the fleet needs to deploy divine body formations in turn.

According to Serena's reply, the Spartan Blue team is expected to reach the sky above Hafa within ten to fifteen minutes. "

"Ten minutes..." Andre, who knew the arrival time of the divine body, said the word'chuan' between his brows became more obvious:

"The giant flea has entered the city long ago. Even if it can arrive on time, the buildings and citizens of Haffa can't bear the flea toss."

Then Andre looked at the staff sitting in front of him and asked: "How is the electromagnetic acceleration gun prepared?"

"General, the charge has been completed and can be launched at any time!"

The staff responded loudly, and also switched the screen of his operation to the big screen pointing to the other one.

Andre looked up at the screen.

Just looking at the content of the screen is the aiming angle of the electromagnetic acceleration gun, indicating that the electromagnetic gun built in the Troy base has now locked onto the prehistoric behemoth that is approaching the city of Hafa.

Andre narrowed his eyes slightly, and ordered with a sinking tone: "Give me a bombardment of Suka, who is the son of a bitch, back to his hometown."


The staff member who was instructed immediately pressed the red button on his! "

The violent movement of the electromagnetic acceleration gun fired can be felt even in the command center on the second floor of the basement.

At the same time, the large screen from the view of the Vulture shows that the projectile of the electromagnetic acceleration gun is hitting the chest cavity of the target.

The strong impact of the projectile immediately shot through the insect-like behemoth, and the projectile was still flying towards the sea with a dazzling blue light.

The giant beast with a gap in its body did not fall down as everyone expected, but struggled fiercely in the sea.

Soon, the gap in its body actually grew a thin film at a speed visible to the naked eye, and new physical tissues began to grow inside.

It seems...

This giant beast has a certain degree of healing ability like Gidola who appeared in the Antarctic Battle, but the speed of self-healing of this giant is slower than Gidola.

It seems that because of the electromagnetic cannon's attack, this behemoth is no longer so confident, and suddenly speeds up and sprints towards the city of Hafa.

Upon seeing this.

"Brett!" Andre shouted angrily.

"General! It takes five minutes for the electromagnetic acceleration gun to charge, but the target's current speed is expected to reach the coast of the city of Hafa within five minutes. The aftermath of the electromagnetic acceleration gun is likely to cause accidental injury.

General! what should we do? "

"..." Listening to the staff report, Andre's face became extremely solemn.

But the veteran only thought for a few seconds, then turned around and walked to the command room, and whispered to everyone:

"Help me prepare the Thor mecha, let me drive Thor to block the flea, and buy a few minutes for the city of Hafa.

Don't tell me anything ‘No general’, the Thor Mecha only binds my biometric information, and only I can drive it. "