Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 341: Turned into a Chinese snack

In Thor's cockpit soon after.

   Andre, who was sitting in the driving position, did not change his special clothes because of the tight time. He still wore the uniform of the army.

   Thor's cockpit is not surrounded by a panoramic screen, but is equipped with a few specially-made cockpit windows, allowing Andre to see the scene outside the mecha with the naked eye.

   Of course, there are also several holographic screens in the cockpit, allowing Andre to know what's around the Thor Mecha.

   I saw that Andre was very proficient in turning on various devices, and within a few seconds, Thor was ready to attack.

   After all, this Thor is specially manufactured in accordance with Andre's requirements, and this veteran has been waiting for the opportunity to let Thor attack for more than ten years.

   "General." At this time, the communications officer still in the command center reported to Andrehui:

   "The goal is two minutes from reaching the city, and the moment the Spartan Blue team arrives there are eight minutes!"

"okay, I get it."

   Andre just replied in a deep voice, and then put his hands on the joystick, controlling this Umbrella’s only Thor.

   Outside the cockpit.

   Judging from the busy ground crews in the base, the huge and heavy body of Thor Mecha, after turning on the anti-gravity function, emits an emerald green light slowly rising.

   After Thor reached a certain height, the six Viking fighters that had just been loaded with a new round of ammunition also rose into the air at the base’s airport and acted as Thor’s escorts.

   Then the thruster on Thor's back opened wide, and quickly rushed towards the direction of Hafa City at a speed no less than [ ] Pelican.

   Since the Troy base is on the outskirts of the city of Hafa, in less than two minutes, the Thor and six Viking fighters driven by Andre skipped over the city of Hafa,

   Andre, who was sitting in the cockpit, also saw the current situation of Hafa city up close through the assistance of the Thor monitor.

   I saw a large modern city full of futuristic science and technology, but there are billowing smoke from the war.

   In the streets of the city, there are a large number of security forces affiliated with Umbrella, as well as the local police in Hafa, and hidden agents who are helping each other to eliminate the parasites.

   The support troops from Troy and a large number of heavy armored vehicles on the ground put the fighting in Hafa on one side.

   However, Raytheon’s monitors also captured the bodies of civilians, or citizens who were being rescued on the spot by medical staff, as well as a large number of injured security guards and police.

   Even if the troops can kill the parasites in an overwhelming situation, the bugs have already caused a large number of civilian casualties.

   This should also be the heaviest day that Haffa has encountered since the Haffa explosion in 1917.

   The culprit that caused this situation also appeared in Andre's vision.

   I saw the air power belonging to the Troy base rushing all kinds of weapons and ammunition against the big bug-like behemoth.

   "Boom! Boom!" A dull explosion resounded across the sea.

   But for the behemoth whose chest cavity has gradually healed, it is basically tickling.

   It seems that unless it is a ship-borne electromagnetic acceleration gun level weapon, it is difficult to damage or kill it.

   The waves caused by this prehistoric behemoth running on the sea have spread to the fighting troops in the city of Hafa, and it is only a line away from the city of Hafa.

   "Boy, your grandpa is here!"

   At this moment, Andre in the cockpit roared and landed directly in front of the behemoth while driving the Thor Mecha.

   "Hush! Hush!"

   Immediately afterwards, the large-caliber Gauss cannons hung on the mechanical arms on both sides of Thor, aimed at the behemoth close at hand and began to output suddenly.

   "Puff! Puff!"

   The large-caliber spike bullet was indeed much more effective than the Gauss cannon of MS mechas and fighters, and it immediately shot through the skin of this behemoth.


   The giant beast uttered an insect-like howl of pain, and due to the appearance of Thor, it finally stopped the giant beast from continuing to move towards the city of Hafa.

   However, the two huge, reddish compound eyes of the giant beast are staring at the Thor in front of it.

   In other words, it is staring at Andre sitting in the cockpit through the cockpit on the top of Thor.

   Although the Thor Mecha is not as tall as the Divine Body, but the physique is more rough and the Divine Body, it can be regarded as an absolute behemoth in the Mecha.

   can face four giant beasts with the size of the gods, Thor appears to be much smaller, just like Dashi Johnson facing a teenager who is only thirteen or four years old.

   "Suka, I knew I would ask for some cigars from that old Mike."

   But Andre wasn't scared at all, and he even regretted not smoking a cigar.

   If you smoke a cigar at this time, and spit out a smoke ring at the giant beast with your head up, that will definitely bring out the attitude of contempt.


   The giant beast suddenly lifted its left forelimb and pierced the Thor Mecha with a huge bone spur.


   The bone spurs didn't pierce Thor as expected by the giant beast, but plunged into the mud under the sea, splashing huge water splashes, and even made Hafa City feel the shaking of the earth.

   Just look at the experienced Andre, who dodges before the behemoth launches an attack.

   And the veteran used the anti-gravity function and the back thruster to actually allow the seemingly bulky Thor to attack the behemoth with efficient maneuverability.

   In addition to the two Gauss cannons under the robotic arm, Thor is equipped with two four-hole missile launching bays and a high-energy particle beam saber at the front of the robotic arm.


   I saw Andre maneuvering Thor to quickly bypass the left side of the giant beast, and immediately fired four missiles on his left shoulder.

   "Boom!" (x4)

   The shock wave generated by the missile explosion even produced a small tsunami centered on behemoths.

   "嘡! 嘡!"

   Although such a violent explosion failed to effectively damage the behemoth, it also made it unstable, and its huge body seemed to fall to the right.


   "Boom!" (x4)

   Andre also noticed this situation, and immediately launched four missiles on his right shoulder, taking advantage of the victory.

   "Roar——噗-! Boo-!"

   The giant beast groaned like a scream, and finally fell heavily to the sea, and splashed huge water, which is equivalent to a small-scale tsunami to Hafa City.

   "Hush! Hush! Hush!"

   But Andrei didn't need to remind him, he would follow the principle of ‘take your life while you’re sick’, and start shooting fiercely at the giant beast exposed in the abdomen.

   "Puff! Puff!"

   The Thor Gauss Cannon, which is only weaker than the ship-borne electromagnetic gun, immediately caused the giant beast’s abdomen to'explode flowers', and the dark green blood flowed out, staining the surrounding sea water.

   It's just that the behemoth with a certain degree of self-healing ability is still struggling, and Andre also simply stopped firing the Gauss cannon.

   "Om~!!!" (x2)

   The veteran directly turned on the lightsaber on the front of the robotic arm and quickly increased the power of Thor's nuclear fusion reactor, extending the length of the lightsaber to about 100 meters.


   "Puff! Puff!"

   staged a scene of ‘fried grasshopper’.