Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 345: ‘Spartan Effect’

Japan time: June 3, 2019.

   wee hours.

   Location: Fuji City on the east coast of Japan.

   Fuji City’s streets and buildings are all in a typical Japanese style, cramped and small. You can save as much space as you can.

   However, the citizens living in Fuji City did not rest at home because of the early hours of the morning. Instead, under the signal of UNSC soldiers, they were taking refuge away from the city in an orderly manner.

   The vast majority of citizens are terrified and confused.

   Because in less than a day, citizens, including all human beings, have to accept an unacceptable reality.

   That is, human beings have been attacked with heavy casualties.

   And it was not a hostile country or an alien who launched the attack, but a giant creature that I couldn't even think of.

   Fuji City escaped the first wave of attacks by chance, but now...

   According to the UNSC broadcast reminder, at least a dozen giant beasts are attacking in the direction of Fuji City.

   The reason why citizens can maintain their rationality and not collapse is that one after another warships in the sea and sky are waiting in full battle.

   Even the smallest frigate is bigger than the behemoth in the news report, so that people in the evacuation can feel at ease.

   Human beings are not "unarmed".


   In Fuji City, an intersection closer to the coast.

   belonging to Umbrella’s engineering team, is building a fixed-point large-caliber plasma cannon here.

  At the same time, there are also a large number of Marines, heavy armor equipped with CMC power armor, and a few hidden agents who actively reveal their identities.

   Two smashing tanks stopped in place and converted from double barrels to cannon mode, which cooperated with the plasma cannon to increase the firepower strike capability here.

   UNSC and Umbrella face the disadvantages of giant beasts, and one of the biggest advantages of giant beasts is that they can move under the sea.

  The battleship generally uses pulse scanning, which is the best ‘radar’ in the atmosphere and in the universe, but it loses its function in the water.

   If you want to discover the behemoth, you can only use some traditional detection methods.

   For example, sonar buoys, infrared detection and other means, which also lead to the problem of detection distance.

   When the giant beasts are about to approach, humans will be able to find them.

   In addition to the insect-type behemoths, almost every one has a large number of ‘parasites’ in the body, so ground troops are also necessary.

   Like this kind of stronghold, Umbrella still has a few more in Fuji City, among which there are positions built by UNSC.

  A Marine in this stronghold looked at the citizens who were going away behind the street. Among them were many unmanned children.

   The children don’t know what’s going on. They are also very interested in the soldiers, tanks, and artillery stationed here. They may even think that the evacuation is a game.

   "Hey." The Marine sighed a little helplessly, and said with emotion to the corporal on the side:

   "Corporal, I heard that this anomaly caused 30 million deaths? Really?"

   "Not sure." The corporal just shook his head lightly, and then looked over the sea and said, "But I think there will only be more deaths, not less."

   "I don't know how many children will be homeless..." The Marine Corps still sighed sadly.

   "The dead can't come back to life. What we have to consider now is to protect the living. Don't forget that while the fleet and the divine body deal with those big guys, there will be bugs," the corporal reminded.

   "Yes." The Marine Corps regained energy.


   Just when the two of them had just finished their small talk, a frigate over the sea suddenly fired an electromagnetic cannon projectile toward them.

   The projectile instantly flashed a dazzling blue light in the night sky and hit a huge target several kilometers away.

   The light from the ballistic trajectory and the fire from the explosion made these two people vaguely see the scene several kilometers away.

   I saw a few behemoths of various shapes emerging from the sea, and lined up towards Fuji City.


   Then, the battleship equipped with electromagnetic accelerated guns began to fire salvos at all targets.

   This time, it illuminates the distant scene even more.

   is not just a few, but more than a dozen giant beasts kept hundreds of meters apart, all rushing toward the shore like a mountain.

  Before the ground forces can respond, each warship has also released a large number of F-X, Viking fighters, vulture attack boats, and various MS-based carrier aircraft.

   "Attention all units!" Then, the major in charge of this area commanded from the communication:

   "The whole of Japan has been attacked! All the heavy firepower assists the warship to deal with the giant beasts, and all soldiers pay attention to the parasites!"

   "Om~——!" (x N)

As soon as Major   's voice fell, there was a sound similar to a shell about to land in the night sky.

   The two looked up, and through the night vision function of the individual equipment, they saw tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of parasites attacking here.


   I saw these parasites ejected into the sky, and when they were about to pass the battleship, they were locked by the battleship's near-defense guns.

   Crisp, sweet cannon sounds resounded over this area.

   But there are many parasites. Even if the barrage near the guns is dense, there will still be fish that slip through the net. Among them, the parasites smash into the stronghold where the two are stationed.

   "Papa! Papa!" Everyone present fired.

   "Boom! Boom!"

   slammed tanks and plasma cannons, and began to bombard the giant beasts a few kilometers away, in order to hit the behemoth as much as possible.

   "Papa, papa!"


   After the Marine Corps shot a parasite, he looked at the fierce battle at sea and couldn't help but shout to the corporal standing behind:

   "The major just said that the entire territory of Japan has been Then doesn't this mean that we only have these people and warships to resist the behemoth?!"

   "Papa!" The corporal also resolved a parasite, and replied loudly, "Almost! So no matter what!"

   "Where is the divine body?! Without the divine body... words..."

  The reason why the Marines failed to yell at his question was because a sacred body had already appeared in the sky above Fuji City.

   And on the public channel communication, there was a unique voice from Myron, saying: "Guys, I am A-003 Myron from the first phase of Spartan. I'm here to help you defend Fuji City."



   "Yes! It must be held here!"

   "Hahaha! It's actually Myron! We are saved!"

   "Okay! Just shut me up, there are bugs waiting for me to kill, don't cause the death of civilians and comrades just because of carelessness and mistakes!"


   It was confirmed that this divine body was piloted by Myron, and most of the soldiers present cheered.

   Although Melon belongs to a ‘sham’ in the circle of Spartan Phase I, Melon is a real master of the Titan King.

   More importantly, he is the first phase of Spartan. It is the elite of the company and a strong proof that humans can resist gods and demons.

   So the morale that was originally a little sluggish, suddenly became high.