Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 352: ‘Push the pot’

After all, the number of people affected by the giant beast race this time is hundreds of millions, and those who know the existence of giant beasts also account for more than 50% of the global population.

   And this is also the highest death toll among ordinary people since Umbrella was founded.

   Forty million people.

   This directly broke the record of deaths caused by Anubis.

   But the impact of Anubis is confined to Egypt, and Egypt has a population of around 100 million, which is still within the control of Umbrella and the UNSC.

   But this time, no matter how you make up excuses, no matter how you delete videos, pictures, posts, and information on the Internet, you can’t just go over there.

   William in the conference room sits in the main seat, and Mike and Andre, the two veterans, sit first on the left and right.

   And Serena was standing behind William, using the holographic projection device in the conference room, to show everyone the news video of Yuri Keiko just now, as well as various heated discussions on the Internet.

   The main point of discussion among netizens is why when giant creatures appear and attack humans, Umbrella has giant mechas that rival the giant beasts.

   Then there were a handful of civilians who had escaped amnestics. At this time, they also mentioned the zombies in Manhattan and the Middle East, and there had been a large number of ‘hell messengers’ in Egypt, and other topics related to anomalies.

   This kind of intense discussion eventually turned into a two-group intense camp.

   One is to question Umbrella and the UNSC military and government, there must be some kind of dirty collusion, deliberately concealing the truth from the world, and studying these dangerous creatures from it, leading to crisis situations every time.

   The second is that the reason why the government and Umbrella conceal the truth is to ensure the stability of ordinary society. After all, once they know that there are zombies, vampires, and monsters in this world, everyone will be frightened.

   Of course, there will be such fierce disputes in the news media and the Internet. After all, the reason is that the UNSC military and government, and Umbrella have not come forward to explain the cause of the monster race attack until now.

   It is the deliberate avoidance of answers that has led to people's quarrels.

   Human curiosity is the most serious existence in all species. The less truth is not obtained, the more desperately to dig and explore, but...

  Moreover, when the truth goes against something humans have imagined, humans will choose to reject and deny it.

  The first wave of people believes that the government and Umbrella must have dirty activities, then the truth must be what they imagined, otherwise it is false.

   So if the existence of anomalous phenomena is really announced, then this wave of people will definitely say false, perfunctory, impossible and so on all negative words.

   Everyone in the conference room, of course, knows the existence of this phenomenon, which is why they have to meet to discuss whether they really want to disclose the truth.

   If it is public, then how can it be explained so that it can be accepted by the public, or how to meet the needs of the vast majority of people.

   "Mr. Russell." At this moment, a Japanese Foreign Minister sitting very back said to William very respectfully:

   "Our Japanese opinion is that we hope to disclose the fact that anomalous phenomena exist. The Japanese people have suffered the most in this disaster, and they have the right to obtain the truth."

   "Hehe." William just smiled at the foreign minister, without saying yes or no.

   "Don't talk about the right to know at this time, it's totally useless."

   Mike, who was still smoking a cigar without waiting for William to speak, bluntly rejected the Japanese view.

   "That's right." Andre was also by the side, echoing this damaging friend for decades:

  "How much is public? You have to know that some anomalous phenomena depend on human beings to be aware of their existence to multiply and strengthen themselves.

  If the truth is revealed and this anomaly turns into a major disaster, then who will be held responsible? "


   The Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs suddenly became a little confused, and had to shrink his head silently, and stopped saying anything.

   "Everyone." Serena, who was standing behind William at this time, said to the officials in a non-emotional tone:

   "According to our company's calculations, once the fact that all abnormal phenomena exist is announced, there is a 70% probability that human society will fall into a period of chaos that lasts for up to 20 years."

   "Twenty years..." After the former U.S. Secretary of Defense learned of the result, his old face frowned, and he looked at the crowd and said solemnly:

"There is already a trend of riots in society. If it is true according to Mr. Russell’s secretary, then social shutdown is inevitable, and we humans will also lose the golden period of 20 years of rising, and even regress decades of technology. ."


   "The harm of being public is greater than the benefit..."

   "Anomalies, it is better to use a few that you know."

   The vast majority of officials and generals also agree not to disclose the truth.

   "But..." A French official raised his left hand and told everyone about his confusion. It was also the point that everyone struggled the most:

   "How should we go through this incident? We can't brainwash eight billion people at once..."

   Hearing what the French official said, a group of people also remained silent.

   Indeed, no matter how it is done, it is impossible to amnestics all human beings.


   At this time, William, who had been laughing without speaking, suddenly said to everyone:

   "It is indeed unrealistic to modify the memories of eight billion, but we can create a topic to attract everyone's attention."

   "A topic?"

   "What topic?"

   Everyone is more confused.

   William just waved his left hand lightly, and Serena, who was standing behind him, also nodded, and manipulated the holographic device to play a new video for everyone.

   I saw that the content of this video is nothing else, it is the battlefield video of the Umbrella fleet when it was at war with the Reaper civilization many years ago.

   After seeing this video, the former U.S. Secretary of Defense seemed to understand something and raised his right hand to ask William:

   "Mr. Russell, do you want to publish a truth to satisfy the curiosity of the public while covering up the truth of the abnormal phenomenon?"

   "Almost." William explained with a smile on his face:

   "Years ago, Umbrella already had fifteen divine bodies in the battle against the Reaper civilization, in order to block the mouths of those who said they used the behemoth to research technology.

   What's more... We can also push this behemoth attack to the invasion of alien forces. This kind of lies does not cost much to fabricate, and the people are very...or extremely willing to accept it.

   And we can add to the flames, saying that human beings are not alone in the galaxy in the universe, and there are even a large number of hostile alien races.

   Compared with the anomalous phenomena that exist on the earth itself, humans are more able to accept the existence of aliens. "