Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 379: Hozette Enterprise

Inside the penthouse suite.

Hicks and a group of elite Marines are all wearing winter clothes that are somewhat business-oriented, such as trousers and turtleneck sweaters.

The dome cities of all colonies have adopted the seasonal changes in the northern hemisphere of the earth. Therefore, the northern hemisphere in November is winter, and all the Marines also put on winter clothes.

The main purpose of the elite marines of this group of lieutenant-level officers came to Sirius IV to serve as backup for the local agents.

This is because when local agents investigated a company called ‘Hozette’, they found that this company was the actual controller of Sirius IV.

For the UNSC Army regiment deployed here, most of its officers, including the regimental commander, received bribes from Hozett's enterprise to varying degrees.

The Hozette company is similar in nature to Umbrella. It is an international arms company, but it also involves many aspects.

Of course, other fields are just for the ‘icing on the cake’ of Hozett’s enterprise, and the real money is the sale of arms.

It is said that 80% of UNSC's arms orders are taken by Umbrella, and 70% of the remaining 20 are occupied by this Hozette enterprise.

According to various data held by the Umbrella agent and artificial intelligence, Hozette's roots were Britain during the First World War, and he made his fortune in the Second World War, the Vietnam War and other wars.

At the same time, there are also data that show that Hozette also participated in the British ‘anthrax’ experiment during World War II, so it also has rich bio-military experience.

Simply put, Hozette is an arms dealer similar to Umbrella in all aspects, but the scale is several orders of magnitude worse.

But compared to other companies and enterprises, Hozette is still a behemoth.

According to the intelligence of the agents deployed on Sirius IV, the ambition of this Hozette enterprise is not small, so Umbrella has to pay attention to this ‘competitor’ who appears to be safe and sound.

Sirius IV agents discovered a large number of scientific researchers who belonged to Hozett Enterprise in early October 2019, and they rushed to the Dome City No. 7 of Sirius IV.

Moreover, a tin mine not far from City No. 7 was also blocked by those UNSCs who had been bribed to prohibit any unrelated persons from entering and leaving, which attracted the attention of the agents.

But because there was no direct evidence, and not in order to stun the snakes, William dispatched the elite marines on the Infinity to secretly deploy to Sirius IV.

After all, all the employee files on the Infinite number belong to the A-level within Umbrella, even the level that requires a special application to read.

Therefore, with the assistance of Selena, the artificial intelligence, the identities of lieutenant-level elites such as Hudson and Hicks have become the financial elites of ‘Spring Garden Street’.

(Since Manhattan was devastated by Elizabeth Green, the status of Wall Street has gradually been replaced by the ‘Spring Garden Street’ in Hafa City.)

In order to celebrate Christmas, this group of ‘financial elites’ came to Sirius IV for vacation in advance, and rented the penthouse suite of the most luxurious apartment in the city center of Dome One.

Every day he spends a lot of money on recreation, enters and exits various high-end nightclubs, and confuses the locals with his splendid style.

As for their weapons and equipment...

Hicks sitting on the sofa in the suite looked at Hudson who had just entered the room and asked, "How is it."

"Just met with the person in charge here." Hudson hung the trench coat on the hanger and said while changing his slippers:

"Tonight, a group of female agents will act as call girls and take us to their stronghold. Then we can act."

Just like the dialogue between Hicks and Hudson, those special agents lent their special equipment to the elite marines.

As a near land colony, and a colony with a population of tens of millions, Umbrella will of course focus on "taking care" of Sirius IV.

Therefore, the agents on Sirius IV are more "surplus." Every time the company updates equipment, the agents on Sirius IV can always receive new equipment as soon as possible.

"Yeah." Hicks nodded lightly and reminded the comrades who were bored in the house, doing sit-ups or push-ups and other training:

"Guys, tonight we will change the equipment of the agents and go with them to the blocked mining area to confirm whether this Hozett enterprise research project is an anomaly that the company is worried about."

The fourteen Marines stopped their actions and responded to Hicks: "Yes, Lieutenant Colonel."


Hudson sighed heavily and sat down beside Hicks, leaning up on the soft sofa and looking towards the ceiling.


Seeing that his best friend was a little sluggish, Hicks wondered: "What's the matter?"

"Tell me..." Hudson turned to look at Hicks, patted his hands and spit out:

"This time the boss gave us enough funds for action to let us pretend to be the financial elites. This is really... hey!!!"

"Is there any problem?" Hicks asked even more puzzled.

"Why is it okay?" Hudson suddenly sat upright, looked around all his comrades with discontent, and said with extreme dissatisfaction:

"Why can you all spend the company's money to find those young and beautiful models for the night?? Huh??

Do you know how I spent the past few days? what? In the evening, I watched you go to various hotels with your arms around the I will return to this broken suite alone.

I think that I can’t spend the company’s money casually after tonight, Mad, I’m so stupefied! "


"I said, it's your request to go back to the room."

"Yes, that's right, what else did you say,'I have a family~'."

"Yes, yes! "Don't go with you guys, don't you say these things yourself?"

After hearing Hudson's complaint, a group of people burst into laughter.

"Puff..." Hicks, who has always been steady, couldn't help but chuckle. He raised his left arm and put it on Hudson's shoulder, pretending to say in an earnest tone:

"Man, it's fine if you tell us what you said, if you let Gina know..."


Hearing Hicks say Gina, Hudson's face turned white with a ‘huh’.

Suddenly shook his head again and again: "Forget it, I have a family, and I can't let Gina and the children down."


Seeing Hudson's deflated appearance, a group of comrades in arms laughed mercilessly.

Ten years ago, when the ‘beacon’ incident ended, Gina and Hudson married and had children.

Also, because Hudson was transferred to the Zero Fleet, the salary and benefits were very impressive, and the husband and wife received a huge bonus for helping to contain a Keter-class anomaly.

So Gina became a housewife and took care of the children wholeheartedly.


After all, Gina is a Russian-born girl, and her temper is more violent, so Hudson has become a well-known ‘strict wife’ in the Marine Corps.