Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 397: 1 cut smoothly?

"Containment control starts with the umbrella (

Inside the passage of underground facilities.

"Boss, I only detected a lot of dynamics under the central control room, but our surroundings are still strangely quiet."

"Okay." After hearing Serena's report, William, who was walking in the middle of the team, reminded another Spartan:

"Everyone is more vigilant. According to the results of the pulse scan, there is a huge space directly below the center console, which should be the main place for Hozett to study aliens."


The Spartans all softly promised, and clasped their custom-made guns, and continued to reach out according to the planned route.

With the deepening, the environment of the passage has become more humid and hot.

If they are not wearing fully enclosed power armor or individual equipment, soldiers entering this environment will be more or less affected and may become irritable.

And the biological tissue attached to the ground and walls of the passage has also changed from the thin layer in front of the elevator to a thickness that can affect normal walking.

The biological tissues on the walls and the top layer also began to appear in ‘round pits’ of varying sizes, and the pits seemed to be filled with small bony ‘tissues’.


But William knew that the ‘organizations’ in the round pit were aliens in ambush, and they remained motionless to confuse others.

Until the intruders skipped directly above them, they would act suddenly and hit the intruders by surprise.

However, William is a person who looks bad at "Alien 2". Of course he knew the little trick of Alien, and immediately ordered everyone:

"Everyone stopped and prepared to fight."

The Spartans who were instructed stopped and watched the surroundings, while John asked in the helmet communication:

"Boss, what's the goal?"

I saw that William did not answer John's question, but pointed the Gauss rifle in his hand at a lurking alien in front of the crowd.



The time-delayed spiked bullets fired into the alien body almost synchronously after exiting the chamber, and exploded directly due to the corrosion of strong acid.

The alien did not even scream before death, and it became a piece of debris that could corrode the ground and walls.


The blood was sprayed in the direction of William and the others, but before the blood could corrode their armor, it was easily offset by the energy shield.


After seeing that his ambush was not effective for this group of human beings, Alien also gave up the lurking state one after another, crawling out of those round pits, and yelling at them towards William.

As if in a demonstration, or as a reminder to the other aliens, a group of intruders were ushered in the lair.

Seeing this, before William gave the order, Serena marked them all and showed them on everyone's helmet screen with a red cursor.

"Da! Da!"

"Hey! Hey!"

The Spartans, who clearly knew the location of the aliens, also used their superhuman reaction speed and accuracy, and used the custom-made Gauss and blaster guns in their hands to launch crazy bursts of these aliens.

"Puff! Puff!"

The alien ambushing in this passage will end up either being smashed by the range sieve of the blaster and spike bullet, or by the warhead with the delayed blasting function.

In less than half a minute, all the aliens ambushing in this passage were wiped out by William's nine men.

However, the aliens did not achieve this ‘achievement’ that was close to them, and they were forced to rest forever.


"Boss." Along with the vaguely alien roar, Serena also reminded William in due course:

"I have detected more dynamic targets, and they are coming quickly in the direction where we are. I suggest arriving at the control room as soon as possible."

"Okay." William also lightly nodded, put his hand to the end of the passage, and said loudly to everyone:

"A quick assault, no matter what obstacles are encountered in the middle, they will be crushed by me mercilessly!"


Next, William, who is the most outstanding in speed, took the lead, and the eight Spartans followed behind him, shooting all the aliens who wanted to get close.

The biological tissues that can hinder people's advancement can only be crushed before they encounter the power armor that weighs nearly half a ton, and the superhumans wearing the power armor.

But the alien guard that William was worried about did not appear.

‘Could it be that this alien lair failed to evolve the Guardian unit? Shouldn’t...’

There was no trace of the alien guard, which made William even more vigilant.

However, until they had overcome all obstacles and reached their destination this time, after the central control room of the laboratory, they still did not see the giant guards.


‘Whatever they think. ’

But William didn't bother to care about those. After all, with the strength of the Spartans and the defensiveness of the power armor, even if they encountered a sudden attack by the guards, they still had the ability to solve them.

Besides, the size of the guards can't make any sudden attacks.

Corridor passage outside the central control room.

William stood in front of the split gate of the central control room, and the biological tissue growing on the gate, turned his back to Myron and ordered:

"Myron, open this gate for me."


Myron, standing beside, handed the rotating Gauss gun to John, moved his neck and joints of his hands, and occupied the seemingly indestructible gate.

[Spartan Myron's stunt is detected,'Juli' is turned on, and the ton force limit is unknown. 】

"Crack!" A sound.

Mellen directly slammed his right fist, stunned to widen the gap between the gates a little, and then Mellen clamped his hands into the gap.

"Drive me!"

"Crack-! Crack!"

Myron yelled in the helmet communication, and forcibly expanded the gap between the gates quickly. In just a few seconds, it opened up enough space for two people to enter together.

Myron retreated back.

Corax led the Shadow Squad to rush in first to check the situation in the central control room.

"Safety." Corax reported quietly.


William also led the rest of the blue team into this central control room.

I saw this central control room, which was similar to most underground central control rooms in Umbrella, with a large number of operating terminals and giant display screens.

Moreover, it does not seem to have received the invasion of those biological tissues, and it also has the power supply of a backup generator, which looks neat and bright.

Seeing that this place is intact, William behind the helmet screen, his face relieved a lot.

And took out the Serena chip inserted in the helmet, walked slowly to the main control terminal, and whispered to Serena: "Okay, let's start your work."

At this time, Serena presented her holographic image on the chip, raised her head and nodded to William, and then her image ‘walked’ into the operation terminal and began to copy all the data of Hozett’s enterprise.

"Boss!" Suddenly, Carl shouted to William: "You should come and take a look at this!"