Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 401: Targeted action

"Containment control starts with the umbrella (

Time: November 12, 2019, 07:14.

Location: Troy Base on the outskirts of Hafa City.

Inside the command center.


Andre, dressed in a general's uniform, was standing behind a group of staff, blew the paper cup held in his left hand with sleepy eyes, and then took a sip of coffee in the paper cup with a frown.


The wrinkles on Andre's face were all squeezed together, as if it was extremely difficult to swallow the coffee, but in order to refresh his mind, the veteran still drank the coffee in his belly.

Slowly, Andre raised his hand and handed the coffee cup to the secretary of the female officer standing beside him, and said angrily:

"Don't give me American coffee anymore, I feel sick when I think about it."

"Yes, General."

The female officer quickly took the coffee and left the command center, preparing to pour out the American coffee.


Then Andre closed his eyes and gasped heavily, then opened his eyes again and asked the staff in front of him: "Okay, let's play the information sent back by the boss."


Following the instructions given by Andre, the staff sitting in their respective seats controlled the keyboard and mouse to receive the ‘data’ returned by the Infinity.

Open the profile.

All kinds of evidence videos about Hozett’s private research on aliens, which led to the deaths of millions of Sirius Four, were played on the screens in the command center.

At last.

One of the large screens hanging above the command center displayed a video of the ‘confessions’ of the head of the Sirius IV UNSC garrison.

The perspective is the monitoring of an interrogation room.

I saw the UNSC head of the UNSC with the rank of lieutenant colonel. He was mosaiced on two faces. When asked by the personnel in suits, he knew...

After the lieutenant colonel took over as the head of the Sirius IV UNSC garrison, he accepted the benefits of Hozette Enterprise and ignored some of the illegal experiments conducted by Hozette Enterprise.

According to the lieutenant colonel's account, Hozette Enterprise often kidnap citizens without any relatives and conduct human experiments on these citizens.

Moreover, the alien technology spacecraft, as well as the "face-holding bugs" and "alien" found in the spacecraft, were later discovered by the lieutenant colonel by using his position to control quantum communications to secretly suppress all kinds of related information and prevent UNSC from letting UNSC. Headquarters and Umbrella learned of the actual situation of Sirius IV.

As for the alien invasion, it is not a sudden outbreak.

Two days before the complete fall of City No. 7, the Hozette executive who was in the underground laboratory no longer contacted the lieutenant colonel.

Presumably, in these two days, Alien has occupied the entire underground laboratory and secretly attacked the growth of the citizens' breeding nest.


"Huh." After watching this confession video, Andre couldn't help but raised his eyebrows, shook his head, and sighed in a low voice:

"It's really like that brat (William) thought, once you get far away from the earth, no matter how close the colony is, there will be a reverse trend."

"General." At this moment, the female officer who was still coffee just now stood beside Andre again and asked:

"The boss hopes that you, the general, will be fully responsible for all actions aimed at bringing down Hozett's business, so what should I do next?"

"Haha." Andre crossed his arms in front of his chest and smiled softly:

"What should I do? Of course, I contacted the UNSC unlisted (officials) first, and said that because their lieutenant colonel Sukar (Shabi) caused the Fourth Sirius tragedy, we Umbrella did not believe that their UNSC would Handle this incident so that they don’t intervene in our retaliation against Hozette."


As a female officer who has followed Andre for a long time, she has long been accustomed to the terms ‘Suka’ and ‘Not List’, so I can guess what Andre means.

Later, she reported: "The two colonels, General, Hank and Kent, also learned about the Hozette Enterprise, and hope that their students will solve the high-ranking officials of the Hozette Enterprise."


Hearing the report from the female officer, Andre frowned slightly, and did not immediately agree to the matter.

Because according to various data collected by Tina (the artificial intelligence of the containment fleet), the Hozette Company has purchased a large number of islands in the Malay Archipelago since the last century, and built it into its headquarters and the residence of its executives. And a place to train private troops.

The information also mentions that Hozette is also an arms dealer with all kinds of cutting-edge weapons. There are nearly 10,000 professional private armies employed and trained on the earth.

Especially the Hozette Enterprise, which also controls high-end biotechnology. Even the ‘Ray Star’ church has transforming soldiers, let alone an arms dealer second only to Umbrella.

This is not the case of the ‘beacon’ incident. Alpha team led by Hank alone could solve the problem. The existence of the chief mining company can be compared.

Nor is it that Sirius is on the four, the only hundreds of private soldiers of Hozett.

After thinking for a moment, Andre asked the female officer in a low voice: "The society doesn't know about this for now, right."

"Yes," the female officer replied.

"Very good." Andre looked at the staff in front of him and gave instructions:

"Send the video of the lieutenant colonel's confession to the UNSC and warn them not to interfere in all our attacks against Hozett, or upload the video to the Internet and notify Tina. She quickly disseminated the video of Hozett’s private research on aliens, the tragedy of the Dome City on Sirius IV and No. 5, and the video of our Umbrella’s timely response to the alien swarms.

Let public opinion fall to Umbrella’s side, so that there is a legitimate reason to destroy an international giant. "

"Yes, General."

After getting instructions from Andre, the staff began to implement them one after another.

"Oh, yes." Andre seemed to remember something suddenly, and added to the staff:

"Tell Tina again and make more emoticons of aliens and Hozette. I heard from Shiana that emoticons sometimes spread several times faster than videos."



After giving a series of instructions, Andre turned to look at the female officer and said quietly:

"Since Hank and Kent want to train their students, let them execute the military operation to arrest Hozette's executives.

However, you also need to inform Captain Carter to lead the first ship to Minos to transport students and put them into battle.

If there is an emergency, let Lieutenant General O'Donaghue personally lead the troops to land operations. Remember, let Lieutenant General lead the troops personally. Did you hear? "

"Um..." The female officer didn't know how to respond.

"Hahaha!" Fortunately, Andre didn't want to tease her anymore, and immediately smiled boldly:

"Well, it's not necessary in person, just let the Lieutenant General be ready to support the students at all times."

"Huh..." Seeing that Andre stopped joking, the female officer finally breathed a sigh of relief, remembering what Andre just said, and respectfully said:

"Yes, General."

"Very good, go and prepare."
