Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 42: Agent is not a consumable

at the same time.

   Two UH-60M special transport helicopters with the red and white umbrella logo, ignoring the influence of bad weather, are flying to the east quickly.

   The Umbrella military base closest to Saskatchewan is the Athabasca Temporary Camp in Alberta.

   Since the incident on January 27, the small town of Athabasca was acquired by Umbrella, and the engineering team was responsible for the renovation and expansion.

   And the Remover Company led by Mikhail Wick School is stationed here.

   In response to Agent Sean Patrick’s request for support, it was executed by the first and second shifts of the Wrecker Company.

   Twelve wreckers are equipped with AAES individual combat system.

   The commander of this operation personally led the team for Mikhail Vick.

   In the cabin of UH-60M;

   Six UBCS including Victor are sitting in it.

   They remained silent.

   Either you are debugging your own AAES, or you are checking the firearms, and you are ready to clear any obstacles.

   Soon, the pilot sitting at the front end used the headset communication to signal: "Major, it is estimated that there will be thirty seconds before the target location."

"it is good."

   Upon hearing this, Victor stood up and opened the sliding door on the right.

   "Hoo--!" The snow rushed in instantly.

   looked down.

  The vision of the target location is getting clearer and clearer, and the altitude maintained by the helicopter is also rapidly decreasing.

   After reaching the sky above the front of the mine and dormitory building, two helicopters hovered.

   "Boys, give me a jump!"

   "Yes, Major!"

   Following Victor's order, a group of wreckers jumped out of the cabin without using ropes to descend.


   Twelve UBCS used mechanical skeletons to land steadily on the snow.


   "Major, we will circle the sky and search, I wish you a happy hunting, it's over."


  As the conversation ended, UH-60M rose again away from the ground.

   In the end, there were only two circular fronts on the empty field with teams as units to guard against the wreckers around.

   And Victor used Umbrella’s public channel to contact Sean and said:

  "Agent, this is the UBCS Wrecker Company, how is your situation?

Please reply. "

   "嗞...嗞..." The only thing available for communication is the electric current sound.

   Victor's heart sank, and it seemed that the expatriate agent was wiped out again.

   He no longer waited for a reply, and placed his hand to the open door of the dormitory building and ordered: "Class One, enter and clear.

   Class 2 stays in place and provides support at any time. "

"Roger that!"


   "Flap! Pop!" (Intermittent gunfire)

   "Wow!" (Howling of containment objects.)

   "Boom!" (Explosion of grenade.)

   Before the wreckers could act, there was a movement of fighting in the dormitory building.

   There was also a weak voice from a certain agent on the communication channel: " uh..."

   There are still people alive?

   Victor hurriedly ordered: "Replace the armor-piercing incendiary magazine, and the first group will follow me into the building!"

   "Yes! Major!"

   Victor and five wreckers quickly rushed into the lobby on the first floor of the dormitory building.

   I only saw bullet holes and blood stains everywhere, and two containment objects that seemed to be burned to death, and...

   The remains of an agent who has been dismembered into pieces.

   Because of the cold air blowing in from the entrance of the lobby, the burning stopped, and black smoke was emitted in many places.

   The support soldiers and the breakthrough hand stepped forward to check and report.

   Support Soldier: "Major, the dog tag of the death agent is Andy Cremont."

   "Flap! Pop!"

   The breakthrough hand made up several shots at the two containment objects that were no longer moving, and said:

   "Major, the two anomalies have no signs of life."

"it is good."

   Victor didn't let the first squad stay too much, so he continued to move forward.

   When passing by the room where the flames were still burning, it was confirmed that there was a pile of ashes belonging to the containment object.

   When they came to the turn of the stairs, they found two more corpses still burning.

   It can be vaguely seen that an agent chose to detonate the incendiary bomb and grenade, and died with the contents.

   The dog tag was severely damaged, and the identity of the agent could not be confirmed.

   Then the wreckers used the defensive performance of AASE, ignoring the fire and continued to advance upward.

   The platform behind the second-story stairs.

   Breakthrough: "There are surviving agents and containment objects!"

  , as the breakthrough hand of the pioneer, reminded loudly at the same time, and moved forward quickly to provide a position for the teammates behind him.

   The six wreckers formed a fan formation and aimed forward.

   A containment item is kneeling on the dying agent, gnawing on the few left arm of the agent.

   Although the agent was overwhelmed to the ground, he did not give up resistance.

   He instinctively held the dagger with his left hand, repeatedly stabbed the left waist of the containment object, and murmured: ""


   At this time, the containment object also noticed the presence of six wreckers.

   It quickly launches a surprise attack on the breakthrough hand in a manner similar to the jumping of a frog.

   "Papa!" He shot neatly.

  Six wreckers used armour-piercing incendiary bombs to shoot the contents of the object’s limbs and taught it what it means to be ‘stay well’.

   "Ao-嗷 -" The container wailed with pain and fear.

   Victor: "Machine gunner, rifleman!

   (pointing to containment) You two pack this garbage for me!

   Support soldiers, check that agent’s injury, and use bio-foam to stop his bleeding!

   The rest of the people check the whole building for me! "

   Everyone: "Yes!"

   Victor used the communication command to say: "Second shift searches the neighborhood to see if there are any abnormalities!

  The technical department and reinforcements may arrive later. UU reading will do a good job for me before then! "

   Everyone in Class Two: "Yes!"



   In the following time, the wreckers, with the cooperation of the support troops and technical departments that arrived one after another, completely sealed off the Blackwood Mountain area.

   After a large-scale search, it was found that there was a cave connected to the mine under the dormitory building.

   There are a large number of human bones in the cave.

   The technical department spliced ​​the broken bones and confirmed that they were eleven victims.

   The armed personnel also found the remains of four high school students nearby. It has been confirmed that there are only five containment objects in the Heimushan area.

  The only surviving agent is Adam Gale.

   Due to uncertainty about the way the containment changes human beings...

  Four bodies of containment objects,

   Four corpses of high school students,

   two corpses of agents,

   Agent Adam Gale,

   The surviving and ‘packed’ containment items were all escorted by the Wrecker Company to the No. 1 Containment Center.


  Researchers at the containment center were also unable to determine how it infected or transformed humans.

   Therefore, the person in charge of the containment center, Captain Alston Lance made an exception and asked No. 049 to help the analysis.

   It was finally confirmed that the surviving agent Adam Gale had no possibility of mutation.

   No. 1 Containment Center classifies this type of containment as Euclid and takes corresponding preventive measures.

   This is the first time since the establishment of the company that four Euclid containment objects were killed by agents alone.

   The three agents in the small town of De Chambrec have used their deeds to prove that the agents are not consumables, but the backbone of the company.


   Number 049 assists in the analysis of the content to be unlocked.