Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 467: Alien Army

"God body?"

Upon hearing this, William directly denied, "Impossible, the **** body uses Achilles blood as its material, and the existence of Achilles was confidential until half a month ago. m.127.

In addition, our sacred bodies are also in the endless battleship, and all the employees who boarded the ship signed a confidentiality agreement, eliminating the possibility of inner ghosts.

The main thing is...

The skin of the divine body cannot be pierced through conventional methods. It can only be pierced by high-energy hot melt rays, large-caliber Gauss cannons, or electromagnetic cannons. "

"I know." Halsey just waved his hand lightly and continued to analyze, "Rebecca and I just cracked the mad orc's genetic potion.

Rebecca may not have noticed, but I found that this potion that can turn ordinary people into mad orcs is actually a kind of "half-percent". "

William was puzzled, "Half of it?"

"Yes." Halsey said solemnly

"This kind of medicine that modifies the genetic level actually increases the density and strength of the bones, skin, heart, and muscles of the human body, and eventually develops in the direction of a'giant.'

And the mad orcs we have seen are only about twice the size and size of ordinary adult males, a little bit taller than John and Myron.

What about fighting power...

It is extremely threatening to the conventional army, but to the Spartans and Astartes, it is just an ‘enemy of one’.

This mad orc's potion must have adopted alien genetic technology and can absolutely obey the will of the'Queen', that is, Yuri Marin.

Even if we haven't experimented with d-class personnel, I guess if d-class personnel are injected and turned into a mad orc, it will still obey Yuri's command.

If Yuri has perfected the mad orc's potion and possesses Astarte's surgical technology, he will be able to create giants that are tens of meters or even a hundred meters high. "

"No problem." William said indifferently.

"Umbrella doesn't need this kind of technology either.'The value of the face is the strength of the battle.' The Mad Orc has a good battle strength, but the face value is far worse.

We, Umbrella, have keter-level containment items like Elizabeth Green, and the alien army is much more effective than the mad orcs.

Follow us to the Infinite-class battleship in the Hozette 4 galaxy, and they are preparing a large number of clones infected by the black light virus. When we arrive at Hozette 4d, I think we have at least hundreds of thousands of aliens.

If Yuri really has a God-like mecha, don't worry, after all, Yuri's use of large companies like Hozette to accumulate funds can't compare to our Umbrella.

Therefore, Yuri will not have a lot of mechas that resemble gods. What he is most proud of is actually the ability to manipulate minds, which can be used in front of our confidentiality agreement.

Moreover, the current unsc has signed a non-disclosure agreement, what capital does Yuri have? "

"Haha." After hearing William's words, Halsey no longer looked sad and said, "Well, indeed."

Immediately afterwards, she looked up at William's profile again and said

"Hey, Umbrella was still restricted by unsc on the bright side before, and now all unsc belongs to you...

It always makes me feel that Yuri Marin failed to complete the ideal of dictatorship, but indirectly let you complete it? "

"Ha ha..." William could only smile wryly, "No way, life is more important than freedom."

"Alright." William waved his hand again, stood up and walked towards the office door, said

"Speaking of Alien, I am going to see the doctor 049) how is the preparation work, you continue to research Yuri's biology and genetic technology with Rebecca."

Halsey also softly promised, "Well, good."

Shortly after.

Next to the endless experimental area.

This was originally an area where D-level personnel were held, but the engineering team led by Wang Zhaofeng more than ten days ago transformed it into a place for incubating aliens.

The process of coming from the corridor to this area, like the biological experiment area, requires steps such as security checks, disinfection, and ultraviolet disinfection.

Moreover, the deck and bulkhead of the entire area are also sprayed with the strong acid-resistant paint developed by Halsey to avoid any possible accidents.

After going through a series of security checks and disinfection steps, and wearing a special and reinforced ‘mask’, William came to this incubation area, which was larger than the entire experimental area.

Just look at this place is divided into four layers, each deck has a large number of human-sized training chambers, which are arranged compactly and neatly.

A large number of technicians wearing the same ‘mask’ as William walked back and forth on each deck to check the conditions in the cultivation chamber.


It is also guarded by fully armed combat personnel, and it is not a marine corps in a test area, but an elite marine corps such as **** paratroopers.

William walked slowly to the first deck, came to the outermost training room, and looked around.

I saw a naked man wearing only underwear in the training room, and this man's face was also wrapped in a dark red face-holding bug with its exoskeleton.

This male is Halsey and 049. In the Pluto research facility a few years ago, from the strong D-class personnel, the D-class personnel who can withstand the black light virus erosion were selected.

Subsequently, the D-class personnel was very honored to be free. The company cleared his memory and arranged an identity.

Return to society.

What the D-class personnel didn't know was that Umbrella used his blood to create a large number of clones.

And in preparation for the next expedition, Umbrella has cloned hundreds of thousands of clones to incubate the "Xiongfeng" alien.

As for the dark red exoskeleton, the face worm is a special face worm cultivated using the blood of Elizabeth Green.

Although these worms are under the control of Elizabeth Green, in order to avoid accidents, special masks worn by William and the technicians are also manufactured to resist the worms for ‘pregnancy’.

"Oh, sir, how come you have Yaxing come to our doctor's work place?"

While William was watching the situation in the training warehouse, 049, wearing a white coat, was accompanied by two **** paratroopers to William's side.

Hear the words.

"It's okay." William didn't look at the training warehouse either, and smiled lightly at 049. "Just come over and see how the alien army is being trained."

"Haha." 049 came to William's side, glanced at the training warehouse and smiled with its unique voice

"Don't worry, sir, these majestic peaks will be able to hatch in a few hours, and then they will be given enough nourishment to become an army in less than a day."

"Well, that's good." William nodded lightly.

Then he continued to walk towards the depths of the first deck, looking at these training chambers, and exhorting 049 who was following behind him.

"Doctor, please inform Green. After Xiongfeng and other aliens hatch, she must take care of her'children'. I don't want to wait for the 4d to arrive at Hozette. The alien insect plague happened first."

"Don't worry, sir."

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