Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 492: "Starship Team"

"Containment control starts with the umbrella ( to find the latest chapter!



Just look at Colacs, who turned on the power armor spray function, skipping from the heads of Horson and other agents and security guards, and fell directly into the warrior's worm pile.

"Om~!" (The sound of rapid charging of energy claws.)

"Puff puff~!" (The sound of the insect's limbs being ‘smooth’ cut.)

The energy claw worn by Corax with his left hand, ignoring the exoskeleton of the Araqi bug, immediately cut off the feet of a soldier, and then...


The Bakuya submachine gun held in his right hand shot the bug directly in the head.

With a sound of "pop~", the blaster shot into the insect's head.

Then, with a "boom--!", a large amount of green blood and body tissues were spattered, and the worm was already dead and could not die anymore.

Immediately afterwards, Corax used the reaction speed and power of the original body level, even if one person fights these bugs, it is easy to do.

Just as Hossen and others were dumbfounded, their mouths opened wide, and they were shocked by the sturdy combat power of Corax...

"Huh~!" (x8)

The eight dark crows Astarte, who also wore jet devices, also skipped the heads of Horson and others, and they ‘landed’ each of them at a bug.

"Papa~!" (x8)

The eight dark crows used the impact of the jet, as well as the weight of themselves and the Tao Titanium armor, to trample the eight insects in a daze.

After receiving the help of eight ‘children’, Colacs wiped out the Arachine bug in the central block of cholera in just a few tens of seconds.

As for the creator of the water wall, it was a member of the Damocles contingent, the water elves.

I saw a cloud of clear water emerging from a manhole cover in front of the vortex channel, quickly condensing into the female shape commonly used by water elves.

And her expression was full of disgust, and she looked at Colacs and pointed at the manhole cover behind her with her right finger, as if she disliked the environment of the sewer.

In fact, the water elves, Corax and the eight Dark Crows boarded the Pelican in the hangar of the Infinity when the Zero Fleet began its transition.

The moment the Pelican exited the transition channel, the Pelican left the Infinity hangar and quickly flew to Titan's No. 7 dome city, and rushed to support Hosson and others.


"...My God..." An agent dressed in a plaid shirt, dressed as an engineer, looked at Corax, who was nearly three meters away, and couldn't help but sigh to Hosen:

"This is the original Spartan? It's really a one-man army..."

"Hmm..." Hosen nodded with deep agreement.

Then Horson walked slowly to Colacs' side, raised his head and asked Colacs: "Sir, what is the order of Serena or the boss...?"

Hearing this, Corax turned around, looked down at the senior agent, and whispered:

"Agent, you temporarily command the security team to block the central block and square to ensure that civilians will not enter here by mistake."


Horson, who was instructed, saluted Corax, and turned around to lead the agents, directing the security that arrived one after another.

Subsequently, quarantine areas were established in the central blocks and squares to ensure that ordinary people, especially journalists who like ‘big news’, would not break into the quarantine area and kill their lives.


After half an hour.

The engineering team belonging to the Zero Fleet upgraded the simple isolation area previously built by the security guards, so that ordinary citizens could not know the internal situation at all.

At the same time, the engineering team also established an exclusive AT energy shield at the entrance of the vortex channel to replace the water elves to block the invasion of the Araqi Zerg.

Then there were the three Prototype Spartans, John, Myron, and Carl, leading the Inhibitor and the Dark Raven Army into the isolation zone on standby.

The Marine Corps, Hell Paratroopers, and ghost agents belonging to the Zero Fleet also entered the quarantine area on standby.

Finally, William led a group of high-level personnel into the Dome City on the exclusive Pelican and into a temporary command center in the isolation zone.


Inside the command center.

It was transformed from the central hall of a shopping mall. Equipment boxes, wires, and a large number of monitors and computers were piled up everywhere.

Several technicians are sitting in front of the computer, controlling the equipment to inspect the vortex channel, and various data are also displayed on the screen.

In the center of the command center, there is a center console similar to a battleship bridge.

Serena, who is equipped with a prosthetic body and dressed in a female military uniform, is already standing by the center console.

At this time, William asked the officers who followed him to disband, and he walked slowly to the opposite side of Serena and asked:

"How's it going."

"Boss." Serena waved her hand and used the holographic imaging of the center console to report to William Hui:

"A few minutes ago, we sent an unmanned rover and drone to the other end of the tunnel, and then we sent back this picture."

With that said, the video imaged on the center console was a desolate and desert area, and the endless Araqi Zerg warriors.

Soon, the video of the unmanned vehicle lost its model, and it was obviously discovered and destroyed by soldiers.

The drone also encountered a large number of green bodies and flying insects attacked and crashed.

"Boss..." Serena at this moment said with a puzzled expression: "What makes me feel strange is...

Why is this anomalous creature very similar to the Zerg in the "Star Wars" movie? I can’t figure out why..."

"Haha." After hearing Serena's question, William just chuckled and asked, "Remember the original Kepler 22-b?"

"Kepler?" Serena was taken aback.

But within a few seconds, Serena, who is an artificial intelligence, suddenly realized: "Boss, can it be said that the parallel world really exists?"

"Almost." William shrugged indifferently, and deceived his secretary:

"Didn't the doctor also say that those passages can go to planets in other galaxies, they can also go to planets in extragalactic galaxies, and even go to other universes, worlds, and even different spaces.

Parallel universes... all trivial things.

Countless parallel universes represent countless possibilities, so the possibility of having a universe similar to or the same as "Star Wars" is not impossible.

It's just that the probability is so low that it's impossible.


We are ‘lucky’ to encounter this impossible. "

In fact, at the moment when this vortex tunnel was formed, William learned through the system's report that the other end of the channel was the world of "Starship Team".

William never expected that there would be a series of "Star River" in this world, but the abnormal phenomenon of "Star River" could still appear.

Even more than ten years ago, William asked Cameron to shoot "Starship Team 2", and this series has continued since then, and it appeared in "Starship Team 5" the year before last.

During the period, there were countless peripherals, manga, anime and TV series, so "Star Wars" is no stranger to most people.

William's rhetoric was also thought of for two minutes before he came up with it.