Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 555: To the world of "Terminator"

   Before crossing the passage.

   Five Gene Primarchs including John and Carl, Hicks and Hudson equipped with elite Marines' individual equipment, as well as officers from various units gathered here to wait for orders.

  William, equipped with a special power armor, walked slowly a few meters in front of the passage, looked around at everyone present, and then used communication to raise his voice:

   "Everyone, at the other end of the passage, it is also the earth in the solar system, and it is also the summer of 2026.

   But the difference is that humans there have not been able to enter the era of interstellar migration like us, and the population is not close to tens of billions like ours, but is about to become extinct.

   It is an artificial intelligence named ‘Skynet’ that caused such a miserable situation at the other end of the channel. "

   The voice just fell.

   As the most talkative and nasty Myron, he left and raised his right hand, which was much larger than ordinary humans, and asked William:

   "Is it an artificial intelligence like Cortana or Evelene?"

   "No." Before William could answer, Serena took the conversation and said:

  "Skynet is a military strategic defensive artificial intelligence, unlike our intelligent artificial intelligence that uses the neural network of the human brain.

   In other words, it will not have the same personality, temperament or even joy, anger, sorrow, and joy like we do. It will only choose the most correct thing and continue to evolve itself at all times.

   At present, Skynet has a mass-produced T-800 Terminator constructed of tantalum metal, equipped with a Westinghouse M-25 phased plasma plasma rifle. "

   "Terminator?" After hearing this title, the taciturn John whispered:

   "Any robot dedicated to ending everything, or ending humans?"

   "Yes." Serena did not deny, and at the same time quickly edited the video of the UBCS and T-800 battle and shared it on everyone's helmet screen.

   and explained: "The frame of the T-800 Terminator is made of tantalum metal. Although it is not as defensive as titanium, it can effectively resist high-temperature attacks, that is, plasma bomb attacks.

   From this analysis, the remaining humans at the other end of the passage also master the technology of plasma firearms as we do. Otherwise, from a defensive point of view, titanium is the best choice.

   Moreover, the power of the Westinghouse M-25 phase-controlled plasma rifle is much greater than the V-type plasma rifle of our Umbrella Arsenal, at least about four times greater.

  According to calculations, the Westinghouse M-25 only needs ten shots to smash the AT energy shields of AAESⅢ or most individual soldiers.


   Major General Hicks, your elite marines cannot venture through the passage, they just need to stay here to assist the engineering team in the construction. "

   "Received." Hicks nodded in response.

   "What about the mad tooth shark unit?" Hudson asked.

   "The mad tooth shark troop will stay here for the time being. After confirming the status of the other end of the passage, the mad tooth shark troop will be dispatched again depending on the situation." Serena replied.

   "Okay, got it." Hudson said.

   "Almost forgot..." At this moment, William said to himself suddenly and interjected:

   "Selena, let Kesha, who is on standby on the Infinity, rush over immediately with a teddy bear. She also needs her help in this battle."

   "Yes, boss, then... do I need to summon other members of the Damocles contingent?" Serena asked.

   "No, Green, Nine-Tailed White Fox, and Water Elf are useless against inanimate machines. Let them stay on Infinity." William said.

   In the face of machines like Terminator and Skynet, Green’s various viruses and the water elves’ "water" are useless at all. As for the nine-tailed white fox...

   In fact, this monster looks like a demon fox from anime. In addition to its more coquettish appearance, it also has some appearances and the ability to change clothes. It is always ‘eating money’.

   is not delicious and lazy every day on Infinity, or on the way to the cafeteria and on the way back to the sleeping cabin.

   "Yes, boss."

   After hearing William's order, Serena notified Kesha, who was on standby on the Infinity, and asked her to rush to the scene immediately with the teddy bear.

   Afterwards, Serena told everyone again:

  "Next, I will invite the three Spartan Spartans, Chief Sergeant, Myron, and Carl, to lead one thousand and two hundred forbidden troops, and follow me and my boss through the crossing passage to confirm the situation at the other end.

   Two Primarchs, Robert and Corax, please stay here. "

   "Yes." (x5)

   The five Primarchs who received instructions also responded one after another.


   Just then, Keisha's call came from the sky.

   All the people present all looked towards the sky after hearing the sound.

   I saw Kesha wearing a gorgeous power armor and stretching her wings behind her, flying towards the ground holding a teddy bear.

   And Keisha deliberately didn't wear a helmet, and she scattered her silver hair that had grown back to her waist. With the sunlight and her own sacred light, it really gave people a feeling of'angel down to earth'.

   "嘁..." Serena also saw Kesha flying from the ground through William's helmet, and she also showed a very uncomfortable face.

   After all, Kesha is Serena's rival in love.

   Soon, Keisha fell by William's side, An Nai wanted to embrace William, and reported to William Hui:

   "The angels and teddy bears of the Damocles contingent, waiting for further instructions from the boss."

   As soon as the voice fell, the teddy bear in Kesha's arms seemed to understand, and he made a non-standard military salute to William.

   "Hehe." William, who saw this teddy bear for the first time, was also amused by its cuteness.

   Then he turned and walked towards the passage, and whispered in the communication: "Well, all the people named by Serena just now keep up. We are ready to cross the passage."


   With a series of replies on the communication, Myron, and Carl, holding their special weapons, followed William closely behind, and entered the channel emitting a blue light.

   Seeing William walk in, Kesha also hugged the teddy bear and trot into the passage.

   Then lined up to enter the passage one by one. It was a thousand ordinary forbidden troops equipped with pottery steel armor, all kinds of blasting guns, electrofusion cannons, and plasma cannons.

   The other two hundred are painted with the use of the Forbidden Army and helmets, but they are more crude and crazy Terminators.

   These Terminators look a little ‘funny’ when they usually walk, and they flicker.

  And the weapons are also the blasting guns embedded in the armor of both arms, as well as various energy-type melee weapons, such as energy claws, energy swords or beam particle swords.

  Moreover, some noncommissioned officers of the Terminator also like to use chainsaw swords, which are inefficient but more violent melee weapons.

   As for the reason for queuing in sequence...

It’s because the diameter of the passage is only four meters. Ordinary heavily armed Marines just barely pass two people at once, not to mention the Astartes, who are all giants, so naturally they can only line up to enter the passage. another world.



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