Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 698: Elites entangled in formalism


They are called elites because they are really elites.

Young elites who have just grown up, with their individual fighting skills and physical fitness, can be 1v5+ as the **** paratroopers and UBCS at the pinnacle of ordinary humans.

Of course, the above 1v5+ situation must be hand-to-hand combat without armor, weapons and mechanical bones.

Looking at this physical fitness alone, every elite is a super soldier for mankind, so with the addition of elites, the military aspect of mankind has been further enhanced.

In addition, human beings have the assistance of Umbrella, a super-giant enterprise. In just two months, human beings have digested, absorbed and mastered 30% of Star Alliance technology.

According to this situation, the equipment of the various arms of mankind has undergone a comprehensive update, and with the assistance of a large number of elites, in theory, it is not afraid of large-scale anomalies.

It can be said that the strength of the human elite alliance can completely be called the overlord of the galaxy.

It's just that the time it takes to occupy the entire galaxy and eliminate the remnants of the Star Alliance, according to the estimation of Serena and other artificial intelligence, it will take at least 80 to 100 years.

There is also a great possibility that some radical ghost face beasts, Guru people and wolves will become interstellar pirates, or interstellar terrorists to endanger the law and order of the entire galaxy.

But at that time, these are just jumping clowns, and they are not enough to shake the political system composed of humans and elites.

But there is still a thorny issue that needs to be solved by William.

That is the ‘government’ just mentioned.

Before the incorporation of elites, wolves, and Guru races, the ‘government’ in the human world was UEG.

UEG, also known as UnitedEarthGovernment, is the United Earth Government.

UNSC, UnitedSpaceCommand, and the United Nations Space Command were established before UEG.

The specific time of the establishment of UEG was a polity derived from William chaired the meeting in the satellite colony and allowed the countries headed by India to merge into the UNSC military system.

UEG is responsible for people's livelihood, such as immigration, taxation, people's livelihood and economic development, just like the ideal United Nations.

However, the leadership of UEG is still composed of five countries, China, the United States, the United Kingdom, France, and Russia.

All matters on the surface are handled by UEG, while secretly, Umbrella is in control of real power, allocating military expenditures and taxes, and so on.

Although there is a parliamentary group composed of leaders of many countries, in fact, William alone has the final say.

But with the addition of elites and other races, it seems that a government system like UEG no longer applies.

Therefore, William, who was originally planning to go to Kenya in person on February 1 to assist Halsey in digging out the remains of Mombasa, had to stay in Hafa for the time being to discuss this matter with Andre and Saum.


February 1.

Halfa o'clock: 19:25.

Location: Umbrella Building in the center of Hafa City.

Inside William's office on the top floor.

Just look at William, dressed in a hand-made suit, sitting on a rotating office chair behind his desk, and he is now facing the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, William could clearly see the entire landscape of the city of Hafa.

This super building, designed by Wang Zhaofeng himself and completed in 2022, has a height of 1117.17 meters, far exceeding the tallest Burj Khalifa in Dubai.

Therefore, the office at a kilometer away is naturally able to overlook the entire view of Hafa, and at night, it is an excellent place to enjoy the night view of Hafa.

at this time…

"Saom, your people are responsible for the war, wouldn't it be good for us humans to be responsible for politics and people's livelihood?"

"Oh! No! That's how the prophets did it in the first place.

Although I believe that you humans will not betray you, many of my people are already afraid, so they will never agree to this plan! "

At this time, behind William, in the center of the office, two loud voices of discussion came from Andre and Saom.

The center of the office.

There is a group of sofas in the shape of "concave", and Andre is sitting on the left side of the character "concave", and Saum is sitting on the right. Two generals of different races are spraying "spraying stars" on each other.

Andre, dressed in the general's uniform, leaned on the sofa cushion after hearing Saou’s rebuttal and said:

"If it doesn't work, you have to do it, Saom, since you have admitted that William is the boss, that's one of us Umbrella.

You are now the temporary leader of the Sangheli clan, and it is up to you to appease your clan. "

"No." Saoum still refused.

And this elite general who put on Umbrella's customized uniform for him eased his temper and said in a deep voice:

"I think our Sangheli people still need to send MPs to join your UE...G council to fight for more benefits for our Sangheli.

As for other weak races, joining the council with their IQ is of no use, but I think it is better to let them join symbolically, which can calm their emotions. "


Sitting in the office chair, William was taken aback. He didn't expect that the seemingly fierce and brainless Sa Ohm would actually be able to say a plan to soothe his emotions.

"I, why don't you understand? Both UEG and UNSC are controlled by Umbrella.

You are a member of Umbrella again. How could William as the boss treat your Sangheli badly?

It's just a form, can it be used? "Andre still shook his head and said.

"We Sanheli value formalism the most." Saohm still didn't let go.

"All right."

At this time, William turned his office chair and turned back to the two generals on the sofa. He stopped their quarrel and said quietly:

"General Saom, General Ostrovsky is my adoptive father, and what he said is actually a bit more grumpy. I hope you don't care."

"Of course." Saohm said without any grievances: "But boss, I know that our people are the most formalistic race.

Therefore, arranging members to join your UEG council is a necessary process. As long as we give Sangheli enough face, we can appease the emotions of our Hehe, this is naturally no problem. "William waved his hand with a smile, and immediately agreed with Sa Ohm's proposal.

But soon, William said in a deep voice:

"At the moment, what I care most about is not this, but the leadership in the army. After all, your Sangheli were once the leadership of the Star Alliance.

and so…

It should be difficult to accept human command. "

"Hum..." After hearing William's words, Saom also nodded his head with a serious face and said:

"That's right.

If it is those tall Astarte fighters, or what you call Spartan fighters, my people will not be commanded.

As for the ordinary warriors of your human race, most of our people remain in awe and gladly accept joint operations, but it is difficult to accept being commanded by ordinary humans.

The main reason is that our people are too arrogant, hey..."