Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 711: Always 4th-class beasts?

After Hicks and Hudson and other Marine officers left, only William, Halsey and Serena were left beside the center console.

"Boss." Serena, who was standing behind William, asked expectantly: "Aren't we going out?"

"Not for now." William looked at the holographic screen above the center console, whispering with his hands behind his back:

"When John and the others are sure that the surface is safe, the engineering team will say after they have established a ground base, and Serena, don't forget to put Kesha on standby, we need her to purify the flood."



Shortly after.

Inside the hangar of the Star Destroyer flagship.

Units with energy shields, all from their respective equipment and equipment warehouses, with the assistance of technicians, put on individual equipment or power armor, and came to this huge hangar collection.

"Boom! Boom!"

At this time, the four hundred imperial soldiers and dark crow Astarte in the power armor of the Terminator, swayed and walked heavy steps to the side of the hangar.

Leading these four hundred Terminators, it is the four Prototype Spartans headed by John.

Came to the designated location.


A group of super warriors, including the original body, opened the energy shield of their power armor, and light yellow and emerald light gleamed on this deck.


For a moment, 404 super soldiers disappeared in the hangar and instantly teleported to the surface of the Ark.


Seeing the super soldiers teleporting away in an instant, standing aside, Hudson, who was in the uniform of the landing team's colonel, couldn't help sighing heavily.

Hicks, who was also in the uniform of the school officer, said with a sad expression:

"Man, the current battles are all interstellar naval battles, so how can our Marines be...

The gang jump is the chief sergeant and the group of super soldiers robbing the airborne troops in the landing zone, or the group of desperate paratroopers and wild tooth sharks.

It’s not even our turn to contain anomalous phenomena. It’s okay to get a Safe-level anomaly, hey...sucked, it's okay to mix with the fourth-class beasts before..."

"Huh?" Hicks, who was already full of medals and had just stepped into the ranks of major generals, couldn't help but asked with all doubts after hearing Hudson's somewhat nonsensical emotions:

"Man, do you want to go back to the time when the Marine Corps was before? I heard you right. At that time, we used the worst preparations, but were the first to enter the battlefield."

"You heard that right!" Hudson looked at the wild tooth sharks, ghost agents, and even the elites in blue, purple, and red armor, his eyes shining a little and said:

"Look at it, isn't our Marine still the worst equipment? The worst is the worst, right? The sense of existence has decreased. You feel aggrieved..."

"Okay." Hicks shook his head helplessly and said:

"Have you not been notified? The doctor has already cracked the Star Covenant's energy shield technology. It will not take more than ten years to let us shipborne marines have individual shields. You are still complaining here. "

Hudson instantly turned his face and asked: "Really?"

"Really, you guy never pays attention to company emails." Hicks said helplessly.

"Hahaha, great! That's great! Hundreds of thousands of Marines with shields, tusk, are no longer the fourth class at last!! Haha!"


Deck area not far away.

"Captain, the Marine Corps officers are crazy, crying for a while and laughing for a while."

Just look at a ghost agent wearing an enhanced biochemical armor, looking at Hicks and Hudson, and questioning Pruss in a strange way.

"Ho." Pruss, dressed in the pale white commander-type biochemical armor, glanced at the two goods as coldly as before, and continued to walk towards the Pelican.

Said: "Maybe it is because the company wants to upgrade the Marine Corps' individual equipment, so they are happy to be like that, but I really wait until the Marine Corps has updated the equipment...presumably it should be out of date.

Okay, don't talk about other troops, and prepare to board the plane. "

"Yes, Colonel."


The surface of the ark.

It is located on the grassland 400 kilometers north of the center.

Here grows green grass just over the ankle height, and there are drops of water condensed by the fog on the grass blades. With the artificial sun above the center of the ark and the blue sky, the scenery here is pleasant.


The breeze makes the green grass sway, and it makes you want to fall asleep on the lawn involuntarily.

It seems that this place has not been contaminated by the spores of the Flood Demon.

"Huh~——!" (x404)

At this moment, the Primarch and Terminator forces led by John successfully teleported to the surface of this area.

It should be that most of them are on the surface.


"Hey, Carl! Help me, I can't get out!"

Because Melon successfully teleported to the surface, only a head was exposed on the surface. Fortunately, the energy shield was opened, otherwise Melon might be directly embedded in the surface.

"Hey... why do you always have problems? What do you say..." Carl said with a deep embarrassment, and said:

"Jump out by myself, I am too lazy to help you."

"Eh! Eh? Don't leave... Sister! My sister!"

Carl ignored Mellen’s crimes, and was still a shield with a light yellow light, stepped to the side of John who was observing the surroundings, and asked:

"How about it, is it clean here?"

"..." John didn't answer, he still looked around, as if he was scanning the power armor again.

A few seconds later.

Cortana replied to Karl in place of John: "Based on my scan, I can be sure that this area is not contaminated by the Flood."

"Then Serena can be notified so that she can send a follow-up unit to land."

At this time, Corax, wearing a light black Primal Power Armor, walked behind John and Carl and said the above sentence.

"Boom——~!" At the same time, Mellen was too lazy to play around and jumped out of the soil directly.

"Yeah." John looked at the artificial sun above the center of the ark, nodded lightly, and ordered the three Primarchs:

"Although there is no Flood, it is only temporary. I need to set up a defensive post in these four weeks to ensure that the place is still clean before the follow-up troops arrive.

"Yes." (x3)

The three Primarchs who received the order led their subordinates to disperse, preparing to establish defensive posts.

Immediately afterwards.

John whispered to Cortana: "Xiaona, inform the boss that they can send the engineering team and follow-up troops, but for the sake of safety, the application angel Keisha also came to the surface."

"Yes, Chief Sergeant."


After confirming the safety and cleanliness of the surface area, follow-up troops and engineering teams also came to the surface and began to establish a surface base for transit with the Star Destroyer.

Twenty hours later.

The surface base was constructed with the use of special effects by the engineering team, and a high-power AT energy shield was also installed to replace Keisha's biological barrier.