Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 779: Quickly seize power

"Jesus Christ..."

"This! What is this!!"


"God... this is the real God!"

After seeing the colossal Horus, thousands of prisoners were enveloped in extreme negative emotions such as fear, confusion, and helplessness.

Among these prisoners, aside from the National Guard, which had little threat, the rest of the Secret Service and Aegis agents were all elite.

But... no matter how sophisticated the agent is, it cannot be separated from the category of human beings, and fear is justified.

When Thor appeared before, it also made many Aegis agents very taboo, because this Thor cannot be injured by human conventional weapons.

But it's just a taboo at best.

But Horus, who was also invulnerable, was able to suddenly become a giant nearly 170 meters high, which caused many people to collapse directly.

Some agents witnessed Astarte's brutal attack and the unbreathable pressure of the fleet in the sky, and they were so distracted that they knelt on their knees, and even worshipped Horus. ceremony.

One person took the lead, so many emotionally broken prisoners who were afraid to accept the reality, also knelt on the floor tiles of the square with a "puff", looking at Horus with their eyes blankly.

at the same time.

Standing on the square in front of the monument, Serena and Tina, the two artificial intelligences used their ‘live’ function to broadcast the scene of Horus’s colossus and the captive kneeling in real time.

Now, the entire network of the earth is covered by "S.H.I.E.L.D. is Hydra", "Umbrella’s fleet descends", "Angels with the Voice of Nature", "Thousands of Super Warriors", and "Ancient Greece" "God of War" and other popular occupations.

Because of Arthur's efforts over the past six months, many netizens are familiar with Umbrella, and did not panic because of Umbrella's sudden visit.

However, netizens are also showing two kinds of extremes.

On one end, he expressed excitement and joy for Umbrella’s strength, believing that with Umbrella’s assistance, he would be able to beat the opponent by an alien force like Zitari in the future.

Among them, nearly 100% of Manhattan Internet users even extreme support for Umbrella's violent beating of the U.S. government that was parasitized by Hydra.

After all, the incident of the US government dropping a nuclear bomb on Manhattan is a fact that can never be eliminated, and after Arthur secretly added to the flames...

The reputation of the US government, which is already disgusting, has become even worse, but many people dare not speak up.

And the appearance of Umbrella made these netizens breathe out, commonly known as cool!


At any time, in any age, in any universe, there will be the appearance of the ‘Madonna’.

These Notre Dame netizens believe that the US government parasitized by Hydra should be tried by the United Nations and should not be so violent and cruel to resolve the Hydra members.

This wave of netizens believes that Umbrella is too violent and may be more cruel than Hydra*****.

Within hours of Umbrella’s mixed fleet appeared in the public’s sight, a wave of ‘fishy storm’ has been set off on the Internet.

When the two groups of netizens on the Internet tore each other and the neutral netizens watched the excitement, William had already sent a large number of ground troops to carry out the occupation of Washington, DC.

Landmark buildings and locations such as the Pentagon, Congress, and the White House are the primary targets occupied by ground forces.

Followed by the naval, land, and air military bases inside and outside Washington, DC, as well as the location of the Marine Corps.

And William also asked John, Myron, Carl, and Colacs four Proto Spartans to lead a total of 8,000 Inhibitors and Dark Crows as the vanguard to complete the target as quickly as possible.

Thaum also led an elite veteran with a number of 40,000, and coordinated with these humanoid tanks, centered on Washington, DC, and began to radiate to the surrounding area to carry out occupation operations.

In addition, Gabriel of the Blood Ravens and Vadim also led their Blood Raven Astarte, and the elites of the Blood Ravens assisted the large-scale troops.

For example, the ghost agents led by Prussian directly carried out efficient and secretive arrest operations against U.S. generals who were trying to resist.

The headless American army lost the command of generals and school officers. After seeing the extremely brutal Astarte and elite troops again, they instantly gave up the mentality of resistance and chose to surrender.

The full name of the United States is the United States of America, a constitutional federal republic composed of fifty states and numerous overseas territories (colonies).

Diplomacy is a whole, but privately, it does not interfere with each other. Each state has its own laws, and regional discrimination will be more serious.

This also means that when American soldiers invade the territory of other countries, they will fight for salary and crushing strength, but when their homeland is invaded, they will not have much selfless dedication or the spirit of giving up.

Especially in the face of invincible enemies such as Astarte, elites, and ghost agents.

Of course, only the vast majority of the soldiers who choose to surrender immediately, the few local soldiers and officers in Washington, even if they know that they cannot be defeated, will choose to fight to the end.

However, the difference in the number of levels caused these brave soldiers to be completely useless and seriously injured.

This is because the opponent of these soldiers is Astarte, who was praised by William as "one person takes one town, ten people one city, one hundred people attack one star, and one thousand people occupy one line."

At the beginning, Yuri was able to'smoothly' annihilate 120 Astartes, but it was only after a million UNSC rebels and the indiscriminate bombing of absolute orbital control that he barely accomplished the feat.

But even with an absolute disadvantage, this company’s Astart still cost Yuri tens of thousands of deaths, which is equivalent to an average of three or four kills per Astart before his death. A hundred rebels.

You must know that the Tao Titanium armor at that time was not equipped with an energy shield at all, and UNSC's weapons and equipment were not rubbish.

With the current equipment and weapons of the U.S. military, it is impossible to cause damage to Astarte at all, unless a nuclear bomb is fired madly, and an Astarte stands with his back at the center of the explosion. It is possible that Astarte will Moreover, William does not bother to use political means to seize power in the Marvel universe. After all, human beings in this universe have not yet come out of the earth. The Federation simply cannot compare.

And William was not the kind of dehumanizing tyrant from beginning to end, so as long as he is not a member of Hydra, those American soldiers, police and militia who choose to resist will only be subjected to the ‘physical anesthesia’ of Umbrella’s ground forces.

They are all human beings, no matter which universe they are in, they are all human beings. Together with these people who are brave enough to resist, they are actually the most worthy of William's respect.

The mixed fleet arrived on December 31, 2012 in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

It then took only three days. On January 2, 2013, at 17:00 Washington time, the ground combat units of the mixed fleet completed the occupation of the entire North and South America.

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